Chapter 35: Babygirl

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Chase's POV:

The moment I walked into that hospital, I just felt my heart rate rise. I got the call yesterday that Adrienne gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. But she was apparently discharged.

"Hey Chase!" Mickey said running in from the information desk.

"What?!" I asked slightly startled. He looked flustered and like he had something to tell me.

"Excuse me, can I help you gentlemen?" A nurse asked holding a clipboard.

"Uh yes, I'm here for Adrienne, or our baby. Uh I got a phone call this morning." I said watching as she scanned the papers.

"Yes, Mr... Gentile?" She asked.

"Yes" I answered.

"Please follow me" she said walking to a room. We walked into the room, and there she was, in a transparent box with pipes through her nose and mouth. She looks just like us, just like Adrienne.

"So, we can't reach her biological mother. We didn't authorise a discharge, so she technically abandoned the child here and disappeared." The nurse said as she adjusted the machine settings.

"It doesn't sound like her to do that, she would never abandon our child." I said refusing to believe her lies.

"Alright, well the child needs body warmth and physical affection because she's not responding to the methods we're using and we are not permitted to fill the position of nurturing her. That's why you're here. " She said looking me up and down as she smirked.

"Please take off your shirt" she instructed.

"Excuse me?" I snapped at her, angered at her words.

"Your child needs body warmth, so you need to sit and hold her against your chest that's why your shirt needs to be off. We'll cover you with a sheet once you're holding her but she needs skin on skin contact." She explained within a breath.

"So...TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT" She said again this time more aggressive.

I turned to Mickey who was looking at me with an...'are you gonna do it?' face. I took of my suit blazer and unbuttoned my shirt and slid it off of my body. The nurse was practically drooling over me. And I was now highly irritated. She just stood there trying to look at me without me noticing. (Epic fail if you ask me). She opened the box and picked the baby up and then she laid her on my chest in a comfortable position. She then gestured to the chair behind me and I sat down holding my baby girl.

I told myself and made a promise to Adrienne that I would never love another. But looking at my baby girl. I know I've broken that promise or extended it, because I just fell in love with her. Her small breaths and tiny movements on my chest just melted my heart. It just made me think of Adrienne and how she's supposed to be here with me. All of us together.

"Mickey" I spoke quietly.

"Yesss" he answered walking into the room towards me.

"I need you to look at all security footage from yesterday. Find out exactly what happened to Adrienne. And get me information, see if I can take her home with me." I said gesturing to the baby.

I sat there for a good few hours. I didn't even feel the slightest bit uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep, because when I woke up it was night time. I laid my baby girl back in her cradle and walked into the room next to hers. I sat back into the chair. I took out my flask from the pocket of my suit blazer. And sipped from it as I leaned back, into the chair.

"I found the video footage, but you're not going to like it..." Mickey said handing me his laptop

I lifted the laptop screen a little more and clicked play on the video displayed on the screen. The video unpaused and it was taken in Adrienne's hospital room after she gave birth, I can't believe I wasn't there, I'm such a fucking idiot but then again why wasn't I an emergency contact? She should have told them. And also the baby is premature because she was only due next month.

I watch the video further to see a woman about 5,6 feet tall, in scrubs walk in as she was sleeping. She made sure to make sure no part of her face was exposed to the camera, she injected Andy with a mild sedative 30 minutes before lifting her into a wheelchair. Someone must have walked in, that's why she took 30 minutes long. After wheeling her out of the room. The video shifted to the the second camera which was heading to an elevator. And then the video ended.

"Is this all that we have?" I stood up, aggressively throwing the laptop on the floor.

"Well, the cameras from the elevator and the underground parking were cut off. And by the way that was my laptop." Mickey said, now irritated stepping back, gesturing to his laptop.

"Okay, is there any evidence of anything?" I asked as I started to pace through the room.

"Not really. It was all cleaned up pretty well." Mickey said hopelessly.

"Great!" I exclaim sarcastically of course.

"Oh wait, there are tyre marks in the parking lot." Mickey said hoping I'd think of something.

"Maybe we can try and make out what went down. Try and figure out which way she went and maybe narrow down the search area by a little bit." I suggested, walking out of the room.
Mickey followed behind me.

"Hey Taj! Keep a close watch on my baby girl" I said hinting at the room next to where we were standing.

"Yes sir, of course." He replied and walked into the room and stood watch next to the machine.

Mickey and I walked to the stairs. We climbed the stairs all the way down to the underground parking lot. I walked through and it was quite empty. I walked around and noticed oil spills near the entrance, dark tyre marks coming from a parking space. Then I noticed the marks darkened around the bends and towards the exit it faded out. I walk through the movements in my head as I start to piece together the bits of information.

So they wheel her out and are ready with a car. She wakes up and runs towards a few of the cars parked. She finds a car, gets in and plans a hasty and sudden exit. She skids around the parking lot as she makes her way to the exit and turns left. Mickey walks towards me.

"I just got a call from the tech department. There was apparently a car stolen from here yesterday. It was under wraps. I guess they paid the owner off or killed him." Mickey said.
I looked to the ground, the tar and just stared for a while. Thinking of everything they could be doing to her. All the torture. But I promise, I'm going to make each and every one of them suffer to their very last breath.

I now focus my eyes onto the tar and notice a single drop of blood.
"Get the forensics department here as soon as possible. Have them analyse the data and this blood sample. I want feedback by tomorrow." I instructed as I walked back to the stairs then I noticed someone peak from the stairs. We made eye contact and she started running. I bolted after her and up the stairs. I was catching up to her but when I got to the ground level she just disappeared into thin air. I walked through the hospital but she was gone. I walked back to the room to see that Taj was still in the same position as when I left and my baby girl is still safe.

~Hey there readers!!! Hope you're all doing well. Thank you for your continued support. It means a lot to me and please I'd love some feedback so don't hesitate to comment. And also vote and follow if you haven't already.

Love you madly❤️

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