Chapter 37: Brutal

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Adrienne's POV:

I opened my eyes and watch as the ground below my head moves. Each step move agonising as I think of what he'll do to me next. Yes I know what you're thinking...'move, get out of there' but my hands are tied tight with the fabric of his shirt, my legs too and I'm just too exhausted at this point.

What was more disappointing was that I was almost free from this shit. But I couldn't even fight for myself when I was given the chance. I was in too much of a 'shock' as I keep telling myself. I mean does it make sense? The mind can tell the body to do something but because of one stupid feeling it disregards the instruction, just like that? I notice his walking pace slows down and I try to move my head past his body to see what it is he's looking at or walking towards.

I see another motel. He throws me off his shoulders and into the dry dirt on the side of the road. It's not contributing to the healing of any of my wounds. It actually hurt like shit. He crouched down to reach my eye level.

"I'm going to untie you for a few minutes, and you have to behave otherwise the pain you're feeling is going to be 10 times I make myself clear?" He asks in a sweet tone, as if what he said wasn't life threatening.We walked into the reception and his hand was basically soldering into my skin. I still can't find a reason why he would do this.

"Hi can we please get a room, under Castello." He says to the receptionist. Why is he putting it under my name like what in the hell.

"Sure, room 13" she says handing him the keys, rudely not even making eye contact.

He yanks me by the arm and down the hall, as soon as we're out of her sight. He unlocks the door and practically pushes me inside. He closes the curtains, blocking the light and anyone who could possibly see me. The pain in my leg worsens as I lean against the wall, unable to stand upright.

"Stop being a fucking drama queen" he says looking at me. I don't bother saying a word or who knows what he'd do next.

"Come here, let me help" he says patting a spot on the bed next to him, hinting for me to sit next to him. I look at the spot and hesitate. All my trust has been shattered by one person in one day.

"I'm going to put a bit of antiseptic and wrap it up. I'm not gonna make it worse, after all you need to be able to walk down the aisle at our wedding." He says smiling at me as if life was perfectly normal.

"Why would I marry you?" I snap at him as I walk to sit next to him and mimic his smile.

"Well because, I told you to. And it's not like you have a choice anyway. I always get what I want." He said opening the antiseptic and spilling it purposefully onto my wound that was now very bloody and making the surrounding skin purple. He stuffs fabric into my mouth as I attempt to scream because of the amount of pain. I squeeze my leg and fall onto my side.

He plugged the TV in and put on the news channel. There was all the blabbing about small crime robberies, politics and then there was a picture of me that appeared on the screen.

"Adrienne Castello went missing two days ago, at 03:38 from St. Antoine's hospital. She has long dark brown hair, hazel/brown eyes, she is an average height of 5,4 feet. Please do report back if you know anything about Ms. Castello's whereabouts" the reporter said before switching over to sport and weather. At least I know someone is looking for me. I lay on the bed with tears staining the bedding. I watch him with so much anger, feeling sick to my stomach, so much hurt and pain.

***Knock on door***

Gabriel walks to answer the door. 

"Hey, how is she?" A female voice asks as a kiss sound is made.

She walks into my view and immediately my head spirals even more. You don't want to know who it is. It's Jess. Fucking Jess Castello. How much worse does this fucking get?!Fucking insane people.

"You have a Castello that you seem to love, why not just marry her instead of putting me through all this psychotic bullshit. I don't care, I'll shut up about it all...just let me go, please" I said practically begging for my freedom.

"We can't do that because you had to be such a fucking princess and run back home. Dad handed over everything to you, it's inaccessible to me. All my assets are seized, accounts are frozen because suddenly they need your approval for everything. Also if we let you go, then there's literally nowhere we can go in peace without one of your allies doing something." Jess said leaning down to meet my eyes as I was sitting on the bed.

"This is why you will give us what we want" she said patting me on the head like some good little puppy. 

"What if I don't give you what you want, what are you going to do?" I ask in anger and confusion. Gabe walks up to me and grabs me by my neck. He leans his weight into his arms, starting to choke me against the bed. I try to resist against him. He smiles as I try pushing him off of me or lifting his hands and eventually I look into his dark eyes. My eyes begin to blur and close. Just then he releases his grip and the air flushes through my lungs like water in a desert.

"You don't have a choice. You die either way, so you either save yourself a few more days of life, give us what we want and then die or we kill you now and take everything." He says as he removes his clothes to change into the clothing Jess brought.

"You're fucking insane!" I say finally gathering up words.

"Why don't you just kill me now and then take everything?" I ask out of curiosity.

"That's mostly my fault. See, Gabe just wants to take over your mafia. He would've married into your family and you would've been safe and sound living happily ever after. But you had to be difficult and run after "Chasey" Chase because you like to get everything you want. Gabe wanted to see you happy, but me?...I want you to suffer because your brother...your family in actual fact took everything from me." Jess said dragging me to the bathroom, tying me up with ropes to the steel pipes underneath the sink.
She watched as tears rolled down my face.

"Oh and thank you so much for doing some of my dirty work for me. Chase took care of your father, you took care of your mother...oh and poor Valdez...he was so tough and such a fighter. I would tell you what his last words were but you'll find out in a couple days. Nighty night honey! Sweet dreams." She said putting off the light and pulling the door.

"You're a fucking brutal bitch" I roar at her wanting to bite her head off.

"Well, what can I say... it's brutal out here." She said as she closed and locked the door

I sat on the floor playing Olivia Rodrigo's 'Brutal' in my head as I thought of everything I can possibly do to tear them both apart. And for the first time in a few days, I smiled.

~Hey readers!!!
Yayyy Chapter 37. Let me know what you think. PLEASE. I need feedback.
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Lots of love❤

️Ps. The song that she's playing in her head is the one on top.✨

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