Chapter 34: Runaway

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Adrienne's POV:

Why am I moving? I open my eyes to see I'm being wheeled out of the hospital.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I start to scream and panic.

"Shut up" the masked man says knocking me on the head.

"Where's my baby?! Let me go!" I scream, shaking the wheelchair.

"I said shut up!" The masked man says again hitting me harder this time. He looks different. He's taller, with broader shoulders and this time he's wearing a full black suit with leather gloves, his voice sounds different aswell.

We continue towards the exit but not the main exit. We wheel towards the elevator and the masked man presses the underground parking button. It's still very dark which tells me it's quite early morning hours. Fucking smart ass, how the fuck am I going to ever be free from this.

Before I can even think of an idea to escape the doors open and there's a black Sudan waiting. I kick up against the car tyre and run in the direction of other cars. I crouch down as I keep moving to a possible exit point.

"Find her! NOW!" The masked man roars with frustration as he loads and cocks his gun.

I check each door quietly to see if God is in my favour today. I finally find a door that's unlocked and slowly crawl into the car I pull the door gently trying not to make a noise and I crouch down as I pull out the wires to hot-wire the car. The car starts and by then I'm sure they all heard it. I put down the handbrake and punched it. With full speed I drove towards the exit like a woman on cocaine. I hit anything in my way, including the men that try to stop me.

I drive normally when I exit so that it doesn't look like I stole a car or like I'm an escaped patient. I don't even have money or anything on me. I could try and get a hold of Gabe or Mickey to help me.

I drive far enough from the hospital to stop. I pull over at a gas station and walk inside wearing scrubs and no shoes. I didn't even realise what I looked like.

"Hey, what day is it today?" I walk to the cashier behind the desk eating some jerky.

"It's Thursday sweetie" she says looking at me weirdly.

"Oh okay, thank you" I say as I turn and walk around as if I have money to buy something. I'm still thinking on what to do.There was a sudden pain from down there.

I suppose it's still pain from the fact that I gave birth a few hours ago. I really hope my babygirl is safe and that she's okay. I walk to the cashier again.

"Can I use your phone quickly? It's urgent..." I ask her and she slowly reaches for it and hands it to me.

"Oh, just be quick" she adds as I step outside.I look down at the phone and think of who to call.


I dial his number and call as I hold the phone to my ear. He answers quite quickly.

"Hey it's me..." I say, so thankful that he answered.

"Oh my God Adrienne, where are you? Are you okay?" He asks worriedly.

"Yes I'm okay, I'm at a gas station about 4-5 miles from the hospital." I reply looking around the area.

"What happened? I'm coming to get you." He said hastily.

"No wait, there's people who are trying to kill me. I don't know what they want or why they want it but yea that's where I've been these past few days" I said, eager for someone to know.

"I'm on my way, just stay there okay?" He added and hung up the phone.

I just have to wait here patiently and hope that Gabe gets here before those people do. I walk back inside and hand back the phone to the cashier.

"Thank you" I say politely.

"Sure" she replies.

I walk back in silence to the car I stole. I get in the car and wait. My stomach growls and the pain thickens. I try to rest back into a slightly more comfortable position. I lay back into the seat and close my eyes to calm myself a little. I don't know how long my eyes were closed but the next thing I heard was knocking on the window of the car door.

I opened my eyes to see Gabe. I unlocked the door and he immediately picked me up from the seat and rushed to his passenger car door. He lowered me in gently and put the seatbelt on as if I couldn't do it myself. He closed the door and rushed around to his side. He got in, closed the door and just drove. He was driving quite fast, like someone was behind us.

"You can relax" I said placing a hand on his arm.

"Yea, I know. I just want to make sure that you're safe." he said smiling at me and checking the rear-view  mirrors.

I sat there in the passenger seat just looking at all the passing trees and fields and we just drove, I don't know for how long but we drove far. We started slowing down as we neared a motel. Okay, I'm shocked. Gabe? A motel guy? Okay let me not be judgemental. After all, he is saving my life here.

We walk in to the reception and there is an old man standing behind the counter. With a name tag that read...Ben. Gabe and I walked towards him.

"Good morning, we'd like a room please." Gabe said taking a card from his wallet.

"Oh hey there. Of course." Ben replies happily. He unhooks a set of keys from the wall above his head and puts it down. He scans the card that Gabe gave him and gives it back. The receipts print out and we head to our room.

"Have a good stay with us" Ben says leaving us to our room.

"Thank you" I return the kindness as I walk into the double-bed room. Gabe sets his car keys on a table and looks around the room. I just plop onto the bed from exhaustion.

***15 hours later***

I wake up and it's now night time. Gabe is asleep on his bed and he brought in all this luggage I didn't know he had. These scrubs are quite disgusting now. I quietly move off my bed and into the bathroom. I remove the rags and get into the shower. My body is still very much blown up. I guess it takes a bit to adapt. I get out of the shower and gently dry myself off as I'm now in a little more pain than before. I wrap the towel around my body and unzip the back. It's mostly Gabe's clothes but right now I don't think he would mind.

I grab a t-shirt and a pair of boxers. I slid into it then I notice an envelope on the side of the bag. As I walk out of the bathroom, I set the bag back by the door and reach for the envelope, I feel a hand cover my mouth.

~Heyooo readers!!!

Hope you're all well. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow if you don't already. Huge thanks to you guys for getting me to 1K reads. It's small but it's an achievement in my opinion.

Love you lots❤️

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