Chapter 30: Assumptions

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Adrienne's POV:

Being pushed around in a wheelchair was so irritating. Like...I can walk you know. I constantly had a craving for fried chicken and ice cream, it's weird but it's amazing.

Oh Chase has been in a hospital bed a few floors higher than me. And he is so not liking it. He doesn't like the term 'rest' he apparently can't deal with constantly having to relax.

We've been up and down from each other's rooms all week. He's also cranky most of the time as if he's carrying the baby. Like...I didn't know you joined the pregnancy club. Anyway Gabe has been in Mexico on business and I'm quite anxious because he doesn't quite know about who the baby belongs to yet and it's a little stressful.

I'm supposed to be discharged today. On doctors orders I need to eat more nutritious food... because I passed out on the count of low nutrition and now with the baby I have to eat twice as much because she is taking a lot of food.

I packed my stuff this morning. All my clothes and toiletries into my bag. Oh and the necklace and ring Gabe gave me is so beautiful. It really gives me confidence throughout my day, makes me feel beautiful. The nurse helps me into the wheelchair and I put my bag on my lap, as he pushes me through the hospital and to the front door I notice a black car parked right in front of the door. And I froze the moment I saw Gabe get out. I really didn't think he'd be back so soon, I was hoping I'd have a little bit more time to myself to think about it.

He walks towards me and pushes the wheelchair to the car. He stops when we reach the backseat door and helps me into the car. I don't fucking need help.

"Can you please drop me off at home?" I ask slightly irritated. I think it's one of those spikes in hormones that's making me moody.

"What do you mean?" He asked chuckling to myself and putting his hand on mine as he got into the backseat with me.

"Like my house, it's a big building, with rooms and bathrooms and a kitchen... that's a house" I say sarcastically not even noting my attitude.

"I don't like your tone, as far as I know I've been taking care of you for the past few weeks" Gabe says snapping back.

"Yea, because leaving and paying people to do it for you, is you 'taking care of me' " I scoff moving my hand away from his.

We pull up to my house and in silence, without a word leaving our mouths... I stepped out of the car and walked into the house. And without a goodbye he drove off not making sure I was even in the house safely. What an asshole.

I walk up to my house, onto the porch and I close the door behind me. I feel so emotionally unstable. I want to scream, I want to swear, I want to cry, I want to sit in a dark space and mope, I want to hit something but I also just want to be cuddled up against someone warm. Someone I know will be okay with just me. The way I am, as confused as I am, as angry as I am.

I walk to the fridge and it's empty. I guess that's what it's like being away from home that long. It feels empty. Everything feels different, nothing is the same anymore. I know I could've stayed with Gabe but he's so formal all the time. He's so serious and always busy. Never watches movies. Never plays games or makes non-sexual jokes.

I don't know. I have such anger, pain, and resentment built up. Just as I'm about to watch Twilight again for the 100th time. I hear the doorbell.

"Gabriel I'm not in the mood right now, go away!" I scream from the stairs.

"It's not Gabriel" I hear a stern male voice say.

"Chase I'm not in the mood either" I scream responding to the voice.

"Only gone for like 10 months and you already replacing me with 2 guys?" I hear the voice again.

Okay now I'm tired...and even angrier because really just let me relax, is it so much to fucking ask for???

I walk to the door and prepare to open it, before grabbing a gun from under the table just behind the door. I turn the knob slowly and whip it open aiming the gun at such a familiar face.  One I thought I'd never see again. He stood there in a blue denim jeans, white shirt and a leather jacket, with white Black Nike hightops. Hair all in a curly mess, but in a cute way. Well, I don't think I'm happy to see this face. I'd actually shoot it if I weren't as shocked as I am right now.

You wanna take a guess who it is? Go ahead I got patience...

Actually no I don't. It's Josh...Torez.
I know, what the ACTUAL FUCK?

"DIDN'T I SHOOT YOU?" I ask lowering the gun.

"Yes, you did. And that fucking hurt" he says chuckling.

"Don't worry, I'm here to explain... although it would be nice for you to let me in." He says awkwardly.

"Why the fuck should I listen to you. You fucked Taliah with me in the other fucking room." I say raising the gun again. Pregnant woman with a gun...maybe not a very good idea.

"That's where you're wrong, now can I please come in?" He says peaking into the house behind me.

"Are you calling me blind?" I ask moving the gun closer.

"Okay, calm down. Let me come in and explain." He says again.

"Come in, but I'm keeping the fucking gun" I say stepping aside.

"Nice place you have here and I see you're carrying the monster" he says gesturing to my baby.

"What do you mean by 'the monster'?"
I ask walking to the fridge to grab some water. That's all there fucking is.
I throw the bottle towards Josh, and he catches it.

"Well it's Chase's so...what do you expect it to come out as an angel? Well with your genetics sure" he says sitting down.

"How did you know it was Chase's?" I asked now very suspicious.

"There's a lot that I know, I've been keeping tabs on you" he says looking directly at me.

"Okay whatever, get to the point. You are supposed to be dead." I say now getting agitated by the side tracking.

"Oh-...yeah. Okay so, you shot me and and missed by an inch. I was so close to death but the surgeons have magic hands so they fixed me up. Thank God I didn't die because I still wanted to see you at least once more." He explains chuckling to himself.

"Okay and then you having sex with Taliah?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Something you didn't know about me is that I have a twin brother. We're identical twins, and it wasn't Taliah that he had sex with... It was someone he met at a party. You should really wait, before making assumptions. I mean I don't blame you it did look pretty bad, but I would have never done that, especially not to you. Although I must say I was pretty turned on, you don't take shit from people and I respect that." His explanation made sense but I'd have to see this twin brother.

And now what does this mean??? Am I supposed to be with Josh now??? My problems keep multiplying and I can't carry it all by myself. God please help me.

~Hola mi Pythons. I hope you are all surviving out there. Keep going, keep pushing. I appreciate you all and I'm so proud of you for sticking it out this far.

Lots of love❤️

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