2. bad news

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"What do you mean all my bookings are cancelled?!" I catch the slightly terrified eyes of Fred -my driver- looking at me through the windshield rear view mirror.

"T-They said they don't want to associate with a person with such scandal. It could affect their businesses and company's image." Lance- my manager -stutters out of fear. Who can blame him?

"Such scandal? So now I'm like a virus or something?" My voice is mellow, but the anger that is seeping through is easy to detect.

"Their words, not mine." He quickly retorts. I can picture him raising his hands in a surrending form.

I didn't even know I was clutching my phone tightly in my hand, till I noticed.

"What about Eloise Remington? Does she still want me to design her wedding dress?" She's a british royal, who is getting married in a month. She picked me to design her wedding dress.

"No." Lance replies but it was more of a mumble, still very terrified of me. I exhale to release the anger that is threatening to break out of me.

"She's a royal, of course she wouldn't." I breathe out.

Lance continues speaking some more, but my thoughts was quick to block him out.

After last night, things for me has not turned out the best way. It was just the next day and I have already lost all my bookings as a cover girl and one of my biggest client.

"Autumn, Autumn....a-are you the--" I cut the call. Inhaling and exhaling rhythmically, before stepping out of the car.

My bodyguard looked professionally expressionless, but he flinched when I slammed the car door behind me, before he starts following me. I start making my way into the tall commerical building with Snow Dynasty Inc. labeled boldly on it.

I turn back to him before I can step into the building. "You can wait here." I tell him and he gives me a curt nod.

I drag the attention of different eyes to me as I walk in. I can feel the sting of their stares on me like shooting arrows.

Attention always draws to me even when I don't want it. It goes both ways, I either feel exhausted or extremely powerful.

You decide the one you think I like most.

I'm almost annoyed that they can't see my eye roll in response to their pitiful judgemental stares, because of my shades that's hiding my eyes.

I know the scandal has spread like wide fire but even without it, people have always looked at me like a slut, a spoiled rich kid or a straight up bitch.

My outfit alone is clearly an intimidation to the ladies, cause their jealously is as sad as their basic cooperate wears.

They do know my Dad can easily fire each one of them just for their unreasonable judgementally, right?

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