19. control

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"You have your fans, haters and stalkers. When you have an obsessed stalker or an hater that stalks you, it's more dangerous. They are worst and vicious. Stalkers are bad enough, but those type specifically can be deadly even."

What the fuck did I tell her?

I have no idea why I said that or why I formulated that whole speech to Autumn, but I know I have no clue on what I was saying.

Of course I know about stalkers and how obsessed they can be, but I only gave out that speech to Autumn so she'll move in with me.

My brain was the one who made me blurt it out to her without thinking at first, but I become serious about it just after.

I know it must sound crazy to her. Move into a man's house she barely knows and apparently still hates. Infact, I must look crazy to her.

Autumn is an independent, self made and strong-headed woman and it's gonna take a lot more if I wanna convince her to stay with me.

I internally laugh at her expression in response to my request, as I thought about that night.

"Why are you laughing?" Isadora questions, with a confused look on her face. Well I thought the laugh was internal.

"Nothing." I brush it off smoothly. She narrows her eyes at me but gives up seconds after, seeing I won't give out a response.

I take in the view of the large green field ahead of us, littered with horses in their ranch. Isadora's horse neighs as she brushes his hair, making her smile cheerfully.

We are both standing around the ranch, while Isadora is with her horse outside the fence.

I keep a safe distance from the horses. Isadora may be obsessed with them and adore them, but that one time I got kicked by a horse has crossed out any chances I have of liking them.

"Mom?" Isadora calls out. My Mom swipes her head towards our direction, while styling Axel's hair, who is in her arms.

"Yes adora?"

I narrow my eyes at Isadora with a suspicious look, as she looks at me with a weird smile, before she speaks.

"Is it just me or Reece is way too happy these days?" My Mom laughs at her question and so did I.

"I mean it's not like it's bad or anything, but he just seems different." She points out, still surveying me with her eyes.

"I don't know about him being happier adora, but I can definitely testify that he is different." I shake my head lightly at the both of them, with a little smile.

"Isadora stop butting into my life and Mom stop supporting her." They laughed again, clearly ignoring my words.

Axel who is with her iPad, seated on my Mom's laps, raised her head and began laughing along with us. She was so cute, laughing at what she has no clue of.

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