6. strong liquor

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My thoughts run wild in my head like antelopes running without direction when a lion or leopard chases them.

I hold a side of the elevator as it goes up, feeling my head beat like a drum from overthinking.

Why is this happening to me?

Why is the universe so against me?

When did I start overthinking things like this?

Oh right! I'm getting married.

Instead of following my mind to drown my problems with strong liquor in a club tonight, after leaving Kaden's house, I found myself parked at my parking lot in a speed of light.

The elevator dings and I step out. I have too much on my mind, that I feel like my head is going on overdrive.

My phone chimes in my jacket and I bring it out, making my way to my apartment. Mrs Laura informed me a while ago that she was done clearing up my mess.

That woman has really seen shit since she started working for me. I occasionally throw tantrums like that when I can't design or I'm having an hard time dealing with lack of inspiration.

"They are not serious." I take out my card to unlock the front door, scrolling through loads of messages from Gia and Lola.

Where were they when I needed them?

I shove my phone back into my purse, before opening my door.

I'm ignoring them the same way they ignored me. My hand unconsciously flips my long golden blonde hair off my shoulders in pride.

My lights are turned on already when I walk inside my apartment, bringing out an exhausted sigh from my lips. Laura knows better than to keep my lights on.

Every little thing is just upsetting and annoying to me right now. Everytime.

I peel off my clothes off my body, leaving only my sports bra and black shorts on as I walk to the kitchen.

"Sometimes I need the whole world to just burn to ground." I say to myself, shutting my eyes with an exhale.

"Me too." I snap my head to my back. Gia and Lola comes down from the stairs, each holding apologetic looks on their faces.

"Laura let you guys in, didn't she?" I state and they nod accordingly.

Lola walks to the kitchen cabinet, searching for God knows what. Gia comes to me and places a kiss on my bare shoulder before sitting on the Island. It's a normal sweet action of hers.

"Where were you guys? I called like a million times." I take my place on a long stool around the Island, giving both my best friends death glares.

"Lo siento chica." Lola squeezes my arm softly with a warm smile on her face when she walks to me.

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