28. princess in distress

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With my whole visual focus scrutinizing the designs before my eyes, I start mindlessly tapping my finger tips onto the surface of the wooden office desk, creating the only sound in the room.

"These designs are beautifully unique and outstanding Autumn." Lance compliments from beside me, but I hardly spare him a glance.

My pokerface is on full display and it's not just for the serious CEO part. I'm not feeling the happiest since someone uttered those words to me this morning, with no care in the world of how I still feel about the absurdity of our forced marriage.

And it's not just that.

This is the first day I'm coming to work since my scandal. I've been having only zoom meetings with my team and desperately tried to distance myself from social media and avoid the paparazzi.

Well that was my intention.

The paparazzi aspect has been merely a success, but the media not so much. After taking a look across all my socials when I came to work this morning, it put me in a worst state.

If I hadn't built up my stamina in this industry to take massive blows and punches, unconstructed and irrelevant criticisms, along with constant hate, I probably would've thrown up or done something worse to myself in response to the heartless cyber-bullying, deranged comments and death threats I'm receiving.

I probably would've thrown up and ran away to an Island or something.

I've been receiving those for a long ass time since I started designing, built and created my own Fashion brand, along side my cover girl career.

But it only intensified since headlines showcased my self-created and manipulated worst moments in front of the whole world to see. In other words, the scandals.

I even spotted most death threats coming from the pictures that have unsurprisingly leaked of Reece and I on our dates.

We still haven't gone public and I'm already being dragged for being seen and supposedly dating the Walking Fairy Tale a famous nickname for Reece.

It's clear the world isn't gonna fancy this marriage idea like my family and Reece's family has or thinks.

"Yes Boss, you've created magic again." Daniella— a member of my team and the market researcher adds after Lance. I detect the fear and tension in their voices, despite their happy tone.

"Why aren't Gabriel and Amelia here for this meeting?" I finally take my eyes off the sketch sheets spread around the desk to my nervous staff members.

"I'll call them right away." Pedro— the production manager excuses himself outside the conference room we are in to make a phone call.

"Although Boss, if I may." Daniella says timidly and I give her my attention. I nod my head for her to proceed.

"As outstanding as this collection is looking already, they don't exactly match the list of recent trends I sent to you. There are large numbers of demands and audience from what I researched on certain trends." She elaborates and Lance sighs from my side knowingly.

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