26. devil's advocate

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I spent most of the day giving a tour of my house to Autumn. I tried figuring out why she has been so elated the whole time I was with her, but I gave up when I couldn't.

I settled with the fact that she's putting on a facade and there's an evil agenda against me, cooked up somewhere in that head of hers.

After the tour, Autumn went into her room and hasn't stepped out since. I've been keeping myself busy in my study, drowning in long hours of paperwork.

I spend both weekdays and weekends doing the same thing, which is working without a decent break. It's all I've been doing for the past four years and it has easily become my daily routine.

When I checked the time, it was already to six in the evening. Axel will soon be home. She spent the day with Isadora after school, so she'll arrive home late in the day.

Axel usually spends most days after school with Isadora and that's how she has surged her love for dancing. We are still watching her closely to see if she'll eventually walk in the footsteps of Isadora as she grows older.

Ready to dive into a business proposal that has been sitting for almost a week on my desk, a knock comes at the door.

"Come in." With the expectation of the person being Santiago, I don't bother looking up. Well that was until I hear an over familiarized feminine voice.

"So this is where you trap yourself when you're home." I slowly trace my eyes from the documents before me to the devil's advocate herself.

"Do you even know what fun is Reece?" Autumn strolls further in, scanning her eyes around the study.

My face automatically breaks into a smile when I see she hasn't loosed the messy single big braid I put her hair in earlier.

Already knowing my attention is completely stolen by her, I close the documents on my desk, not taking my eyes off her.

"Of course I know what fun is Blondzilla and working in my study is not trapping myself." I lean back on my very comfortable black leather chair, intently watching Autumn's movement around the moderately spacious room.

She glances at me. "I plead to disagree." I chuckle at her mildly expected response.

I bet Autumn will most likely choose to jump off a cliff than agree on anything with me. It's not an exaggeration, it's fact.

She walks to my bookshelf, then starts running her finger along the section of books lined and organised orderly in different rows.

Despite the baggy jeans Autumn has on, her curves and round butt doesn't fail to display. I unashamedly enjoy the view from where I'm sitting as she's backed against me.

"I like the black and gold theme you have going on in here. You actually have good taste and I gotta give that to you." She compliments me, still assessing everywhere.

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