29. empty words and promises

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The clicking sound of my flip flop heels resonates on the marble floor, as I make my way to the kitchen. The level of how famished I am, increases in intensity as I breathe in the aromas of appetizing foods, travelling through the air waves of the house.

I hear the sound of children's laughter and chatters from a distance, telling me it isn't just Axel playing around the house.

"Good morning Miss Autumn." I become acquainted with the familiar accent of Mrs Amanda. I had barely entered the kitchen before she greeted me.

I give her a soft smile, before responding. "Morning Mrs Amanda." She had paused her cooking to acknowledge my presence.

"Just Amanda is fine Miss Autumn." She's so polite.

"And just Autumn is fine too." I tell her, walking to the Island. She responds to me with silence.

My tummy grumbles as I continue inhaling the aromas circulating around the kitchen.

Mrs Amanda goes back to preparing the feast of food, laying around the Island. I stand amused at the fact that she made all these by herself.

"You are one hell of a cooking machine Mrs Alvaro." She looks at me confusedly, but I continue.

"You really made all these by yourself?" I can't help but feel bad. She laughs lightly, reading my concerned face.

"Oh it's nothing that I can't handle. Besides Taylor gave me a helping hand before she left for the day." She waves me off and walks to the cabinet to get something, then comes back to the Island.

"Why aren't there any house help around the house?" My curiosity kicks in. I would've asked Reece these things, but we aren't exactly on speaking terms.

We haven't been for almost a week in counting.

Not that I care to keep count anyway.

"Reece has never liked people being around and in his house. He likes his space and privacy." I can relate to that a lot.

"Although, he had some security guards and house helps around the house, but he let them go because of you." Mrs Amanda states with a thin smile. But I on the other hand, fall into a state of momentary shock.

Did Reece really do that? Why would he do that?

"Why?" I ask.

"So you'll feel more comfortable in his home. He was assured the less people roaming around the house, the more at home you'll feel." I can't stop the warmness that fills my heart.

Reece really did that for me?

Fucking hell!

I can't be experiencing this sort of warm feeling for him because he did such a thoughtful thing.

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