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Before I begin, I just need to say that the reception from all my MLB works has been insane.  I never knew I would grow this much just by rewriting a silly cartoon.  It still blows my mind to this day.  I mean, the Season 3 Rewrite is over two thousand reads.  That is awesome.  Thank you guys so much.  And from what I've heard, a lot of people love how I wrote this show. I am extremely grateful for all your support.  It means a lot to me. 

Now I have an important announcement.  You would think your getting all the stories at once like I did before, but your wrong.  Let me explain.  Believe me or not, this Season 5 is long.  Like, Stranger Things Season 4 long.  I'm probably planning on releasing over fifty stories for this.  No joke.  When I said I'm ending this, I mean it.  There will be many story arcs, character development, new powers, and of course, dark and horror vibe scenes and episodes.  But, this is going to take a lot of work for me too do.  And with school coming back, the chances of me releasing all of this is next summer.  So that sucks, especially how long that will be for you all to wait.  That's why, I'll only be releasing the first nine stories for Season 5.  As for the rest of the stories, they will be released in separate parts.  In addition to this new change, I'll be using my Wattpad conversation section to post when will the next batch will come out.   I will keep you all updated on Season 5. Speaking of which, please enjoy my conclusion for MLB.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu