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It's the morning, and Jack Edgers is in his bathroom brushing his teeth.  Maintaining those pearly whites he has locked inside his jaw.  "[gets up to Jack].  Another day of going to school, and learning.  Awesome!  Just plain awesome!"  Duusu cheered.  "[spits].  You were right.  You love learning about new things."  Jack replied.  "What can I say?  I'm a curious kwami.  Moreover, the human world is filled with so much to learn and discover.  What food is.  How kids go from babies to adults.  How a toilet flushes."  Duusu cheered.  "The more you learn, my good friend.  Except, there will be no learning today.  Today is bring your parent to school day, so except a special visitor attending."  Jack replied.  "[gasp].  No way!!!  Don't tell me!!!  I'm... I'm going to meet your Mom???!!!"  Duusu asked in joy.  "First, no.  You are not allowed to meet anyone human related.  Two, it's my Dad whose coming."  Jack replied.  "Oh, why him?"  Duusu asked.  Jack looks at the sink in horror.  He hears screams of agony inside his head.  Haunting screams of agony.  "[clears throat].  We better get going.  School starts in thirty minutes."  Jack said.  "Uhhhh, ok.  Whatever you say champ."  Duusu replied.  With that, Jack grabs his bag, and sets it on his back.  Before he leaves, he checks the Aquatic Box in his closet.  Making sure all the kwamis, and their miraculous are inside.  "Ok.  We're good."  Jack said.  "Great.  So why can't your Mom come?"  Duusu asked.  "Think we can make it to school faster if we took the bus this time?"  Jack asked back.  "I guess.  You didn't answer my question though."  Duusu replied.  "Want a blueberry muffin on the way to school?"  Jack asked.  "Ohh, my weakness."  Duusu replied.  Now distracted, Jack gives her a muffin, and she chows down.  Once done, Duusu flies into Jack's pocket.  He sighs of relief, before he leaves his room.

At Adrien's, he too is getting ready for bring your parent to school day.  "[eats cheese].  Are you excited for today Adrien?  A day dedicated to the one who raised you since you were a little pickle."  Plagg asked.  "Forget it Plagg.  My Father will never attend something like this.  He never does."  Adrien replied sad.  "Don't say that.  [flies over to Adrien].  Remember, he said he wants to be a better Father to you the day before I got madly ill.  Perhaps this time, we won't say no, and go with you."  Plagg said.  "Yeah, but he has so much work to do, and I bet he doesn't want to mess that up."  Adrien replied.  "You got to give him a chance, Adrien.  Ignoring some of the times where I wished I had a word with him.  For hurting you with no mercy.  I am willing to give this man a chance if he wants it.  Like you said about Blue Bird."  Plagg said.  "Looks like my wholesome ways have rubbed off on you."  Adrien replied.  "If it can work with Blue Bird, then it can work with anyone."  Plagg said.  "[smiles].  Thanks Plagg.  Still being the champion like always."  Adrien replied.  Plagg blushes, expect he doesn't hide it.  He knows Adrien won't tease him about it, and instead, will embrace his emotions.  Now Plagg goes into Adrien's jacket.  Adrien grabs his bag, so he can make his way downstairs.  Except, something unnatural happens when he arrives.  "Father?"  Adrien asked.  "Good morning son.  How was your sleep last night?"  Gabriel asked back.  "Uhhh, alright, Father."  Adrien replied.  "Great.  So are you ready?"  Gabriel asked.  "Ready?  Ready for what?"  Adrien asked back.  "Don't be silly.  Bring your parent to school day.  What?  You didn't think I would clear my schedule, so I can go with you right?"  Gabriel asked back.  Adrien gasp in shock.  "Your Father must have told you, but he wants to make an improvement not just for you, but for us all."  Nathalie said.  "So, what are your waiting for?  You don't want to be late for the big day."  Gabriel replied.  Soon, Adrien smiles.  Embraced with happiness, he rushes out to the car in joy.  Gabriel and Nathalie smile at the kid.  "So far so good?"  Gabriel asked.  "Just keep the kid happy, and don't act like an immature fool."  Nathalie replied.  "Understood.  I'll do what I must."  Gabriel said, as he leaves.  He gets inside the car, and so, Gabriel and his son are driven off the school.

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