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Adrien and Wayhem, who we last saw being akumatized into Fanboy, wait outside his house.  "Thanks again for hanging out Adrien.  It's been awhile, since we had a chance to do this."  Wayhem said.  "No problem.  Still don't know how or why I blocked your number.  I would never do that to anyone."  Adrien replied.  "I believe you.  You look like the guy who wouldn't do that to someone.  Maybe you did it by accident, and you forgot."  Wayhem said.  "Possibly.  It doens't make sense though.  But in the end, your un-blocked, and I made up for it.  Plus now that I'm done modeling, we can do this more often if we have time."  Adrien replied.  "Oh, that would be so cool.  Hanging out with my idol, I mean, close friend.  You're fine with me calling you idol right?"  Wayhem asked.  "I prefer if you didn't, but thanks for asking."  Adrien replied.  Soon, Nathalie arrives in Adrien's car.  "Well, see you next time, Wayhem."  Adrien said.  "You too, Adrien."  Wayhem replied, as the two both high five.  Adrien gets into the car, and he is driven away.  "How was your hangout with Wayhem?"  Nathalie asked.  "Great."  Adrien replied.  Nathalie smiles at a happy Adrien, as the two are taken home. 
"My sources indicate your progress being my model is going great, Lila. The poses you make are on point. The face expressions are fabulous. The attitude is all out. You've proven very well you're a natural at this." Gabriel said. "That's just me. Good at what I do." Lila replied. "I see. And how is, Farfalla going?" Gabriel asked. "Life changing. I haven't had this much rush on destroying Ladybug ever since Miraculous Menace. The way I used clout to send her through seven buildings was so well deserved." Lila replied. "You really do despise her that much. And all she did was, ruin any chances to be with my son." Gabriel said. "Yep, but it's more than you really think, Gabriel." Lila replied. "Hmmm mmm. Now onto the actual business.  Blue Bird."  Gabriel said.  "Ahhh yes.  I was hoping you would bring this up.  Looks like your peacock wound up in the hands of some random kid like those other miraculous weaklings.  Good news for us though.  Now we know where exactly Duusu is.  And with him probably joining their team, it will give me multiple opportunities to get her back."  Lila replied.  "This is not good news, Lila.  It means we are screwed more than before.  Duusu knows who I am, and where I live.  Granted she doesn't know your Farfalla, but those heroes can beat the answers out of me easily."  Gabriel said.  "Wouldn't they be here by now to get you?"  Lila asked.  "Yes, but for some reason it hasn't happened yet.  Either Blue Bird hasn't told them, or he did, but they are waiting for the right moment to get me."  Gabriel replied.  "So they are pulling an Essence move?"  Lila asked.  "Exactly.  That's why it's your job to make sure you exterminate them faster than ever.  And I truly mean faster Lila."  Gabriel declared.  "Understood.  I promise I won't let you down sir."  Lila said.  A knocking comes at the door, and Nathalie enters. "Oh, sorry. I didn't know Gabriel had any guest here." Nathalie said. "You weren't interrupting us, Nathalie. It's alright." Gabriel replied. "Ok. Lila if you mind, can you leave for a moment? I need to talk to Gabriel?" Nathalie asked. "We were actually done here, so he's all yours." Lila replied. "Fantastic." Nathalie said. Lila leaves, and closes the door. "What is it you want to talk about, Nathalie?" Gabriel asked. Nathalie walks to Gabriel, stands in front of him, and coldly slaps Gabriel in the face. He falls to the ground. "You deserve that for being so blind.  How could you actually be unsure of what I'm talking about?!"  Nathalie screamed in anger.  "[gets up].  What was that for?"  Gabriel asked.  Nathalie slaps him again, and Gabriel falls to the ground.  "Ow.  [gets up].  I seriously have no idea what you are talking about, Nathalie.  I'm sorry."  Gabriel replied.  "Fine.  Maybe this will help jog your memory."  Nathalie said, as she pulls out her phone.  She shows Gabriel the news report on TechnoDrome's attack.  Including video of Nathalie nearly drowning to death, before Cat Noir saved her.  "Oh my God.  Oh my God, Nathalie.  I..."  Gabriel said.  "Didn't know?  Exactly.  You don't know because you never know anything going on anymore.  Ever since you gave your miraculous to Lila, I've only seen disappointment in you instead of improvement.  While you think this is a good idea to proceed as Hawkmoth, which I'll admit is, it only made you more unlikeable ever since Essence's invasion.  You are now so naive to the real world, unaware of your surroundings, and only focused on your work, as it is the most important thing to you."  Nathalie replied.  "What?  I am aware of what's going on.  All the time."  Gabriel said.  "If you knew, you would definitely fire Lila for nearly killing me."  Nathalie replied.  "She is trying to save us."  Gabriel said.  "Yes, she is, and that's more important?  What about Adrien?  Are you going to finally give him the love he deserves?  I don't see you sending akumas.  This is the perfect chance to spend quality time with him in case she fails."  Nathalie asked with rage.  "Adrien is not a model anymore, just like he wanted.  Isn't that enough?"  Gabriel asked back.  "OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!  He needs more than just being released from his modeling to be happy.  I'll have you know I actually took the time to get close with Adrien that day I almost drowned, and guess what?  Adrien was the happiest I've ever seen him before.  He was so cheerful to spend time with me.  Someone who he isn't even related too.  Meanwhile his Dad ignores him, and just works away."  Nathalie screamed.  "[deep breath].  Essence will strike at any given moment.  Once he does, I will leave this office."  Gabriel said.  "I get you're paranoid of him, BUT WHY DON'T YOU USE THIS REMAINING TIME WITH YOUR SON???!!!!  How will he feel that his own Dad got killed, and not once, NOT ONCE, did he spend a single second with him?!"  Nathalie asked.  "If I were to spend time with him, it will end in disaster.  What if we hung out like Father and Son, but then Essence decides it's the right time to get me?  He'll end up killing me, and Adrien.  If I get close to him, he'll be in more danger than ever.  If he gets close to me, he'll still be in more danger than ever.  Any case it goes, it's a risk I'm not willing to take."  Gabriel replied.  "Huh?  Guess I was wrong.  You're not a selfish prick.  Your a failure of a Father!"  Nathalie shouted.  She storms out of Gabe's office in rage.  Leaving him alone once again.
Nathalie sits down, and tries to blow off the steam she has.  Otherwise she will get akumatized.  Speaking of which.  "Um, Nathalie.  [Nathalie looks up].  You alright?"  Lila asked.  "[sighs].  Yes.  Just a little peeved, Lila."  Nathalie replied.  "Oh.  I hope you get that under control.  Sorry for interrupting you, but can we chat for a minute?"  Lila asked.  "If it will be quick, yes.  Sorry if I sound rude.  It's not my day today."  Nathalie replied.  "[sits down next to her].  Listen, I want you to know I'm so sorry for what happened with TechnoDrome.  I was doing what I was assigned to do, but I didn't expect to have it lead to you nearly drowning.  [Nathalie is surprised].  I ordered TechnoDrome to go save you.  I am not lying.  If Cat Noir couldn't do it, TechnoDrome would absolutely save you.  After he failed, I lied in complete guilt and regret.  It was hard for me to accept that I would have killed one of Adrien's closest friends.  I'm really sorry I hurt you, Nathalie."  Lila confessed.  Nathalie is in shock at this apology.  "Thanks.  At least you're not the worst Hawkmoth I know.  But I'm still a bit upset with you at the same time"  Nathalie said.  "That's understandable.  I better leave you alone now.  Give some space for yourself."  Lila replied.  "Much appreciative.  I'll see you tomorrow."  Nathalie said.  "Yes.  See you then."  Lila replied.  Lila leaves the Agreste manor.
Moving onward.  Jack and Duusu are hanging out in Jack's living room of his hotel suite.  Duusu chowing on blueberry muffins, and Jack reflecting what he did yesterday.  "[eats].  So how you feeling about using my superpowers?  Pretty awesome right."  Duusu asked.  "Well, making sentimonsters isn't as easy as I hoped it would be.  Or having super strength and speed.  No offense, but remind me what else a miraculous holder can do next time.  I'm surprised I didn't bust my jaw on that roof."  Jack replied.  "[eats].  Sorry about that.  Guess I was more happy about you using me instead of telling you the basics.  So, [finished muffin] you do have super strength and speed.  You can jump high, be immune to most pain, and have impressive reflexes.  From what I've seen, it's looks like you have a problem with doing this.  Which makes sense because you never done this before."  Duusu said.  "No duh.  Hold on, how did you see me?  You we're in my brooch."  Jack asked.  "Kwamis can see what their holder is doing when transformed.  Nice way to look after each other."  Duusu replied.  "Huh, good to know.  Now I have to get use to that as well."  Jack said.  "You'll learn to love it.  Oh, that reminds me.  Super important rule!  After each battle, you must ALWAYS feed you're kwami.  Or after the five minute timer goes off."  Duusu replied.  "What now?"  Jack asked confused.  "A miraculous power is activated when they say a specific key word.  For example, Cat Noir says cataclysm to uses his power of destruction.  However, after he uses his power, he has five minutes, until he transforms back.  Once he does, Plagg, Cat Noir's kwami, will be exhausted, so Plagg needs food.  It helps us get refueled for the next fight.  You got it?"  Duusu asked back.  "Yeah, that makes sense.  It also means you'll be having a lot of blueberry muffins now."  Jack replied.  "YAY!!!!  Except, aren't you ok with this?"  Duusu asked.  "Unfortunately, yes.  They know I have you, and with Ladybug being slightly military general serious to me, I don't want to see her bad side more.  I have to endure myself with those two, as long as I am here.  But my plan ends the same.  I give you to the heroes, and walk way Scott free.  Everybody wins."  Jack replied.  "Got it.  Well, I'm full, and it's almost ten.  Think you can make it to the Arc without causing trouble?"  Duusu asked.  "Thanks for the support.  In any case, I'll try.  [Gets up].  Duusu, spread my feathers."  Jack replied, as he transforms into Blue Bird.
Back at the Agreste manor, Adrien and Plagg are doing the exact same thing Jack and Duusu were doing.  Plagg chowing down on some cheese, and Adrien chilling on the couch.  During which, the two of them watch the news of Blue Bird's appearance, and how he helped save the day yesterday.  Despite some minor damage to the city.  "Looks like Duusu isn't with Farfalla after all.  She is with someone else.  [eats cheese].  Doesn't take away the suspicions."  Plagg said.  "He's one of us now, Plagg.  It's our job to bring him in, and treat him like a fellow teammate."  Adrien replied.  "Look, Duusu.  I'm absolutely happy she's with us.  She's family along with Nooroo to me, and the other kwamis.  My only concern is she is safe with her new holder.  Trusting Blue Bird.  It's hard for me to believe that when you're this trusting of anyone.  Similar to Ladybug, I don't trust that peacock.  What if he really is working with Farfalla, and poses as a spy?"  Plagg asked.  "I have trust in Blue Bird because he saved us. That's all I need."  Adrien replied.  "And why is that?"  Plagg asked.  "You should give people a chance if they truly want it.  Blue Bird looks like he wants to help, while a bit shy, so I'm giving him that chance.  Surely he'll come around as someone who is trustworthy. Don't rub me the wrong way. I can agree with Ladybug, Su Han, and you that he is suspicious, but I take situations like this in a different direction."  Adrien replied.  "First Lila, now Blue Bird.  You have a wonderful heart, but sometimes it bugs me how sweet you are to people like them."  Plagg said.  "That's just me, Plagg."  Adrien replied.  "[sighs].  And it's one of the reasons I'm glad you're my Cat Noir."  Plagg said.  Their conversation gets interrupted when a news report plays on the TV.  It's advertising the new bird sanctuary in Paris that opened a few weeks ago.  Home to a variety of unique bird other than just pigeons. It's coming off as a big hit. Reviews say it's a nice place to enjoy natural wildlife, and a good place for the family. The ads then has some random lady getting kicked out of the park in the background. She is making bird noises, as security pushed her away from entering. She ends up flapping her arms, as she leaves. Making bird noises in the process. "That lady in the back was strange. But that does look like a place to have fun." Adrien said. He leaves his bedroom to go find Nathalie. She is still on the couch blowing off her steam. "Nathalie. Do you want to.....are you alright?" Adrien asked. "[realizes Adrien's presence]. Oh, Adrien. Yeah. All is well. Just a bit tired, but I'm fine." Nathalie replied. "Oh. That's good. For a second I thought you we're not happy." Adrien said. "No. No. I'm perfectly ok." Nathalie replied. "Anyway. I saw that a new bird sanctuary opened up a couple of weeks ago. It looks cool. I was wondering if you wanted to do with me? Something we can do together like we agreed to do more often." Adrien asked. "A bird sanctuary? [gets flashbacks as Mayura in Miracular, Feast, Rage Ravager, and Miraculous Menace]. Sounds For the most part. [gets flashbacks of TechnoDrome, before she nearly died]. Sure. We can go." Nathalie replied. "[smiles]. Thank you, Nathalie." Adrien cheered. Nathalie smiles as well. "[gets up]. Just give me a moment to get ready, and then we can go." Nathalie replied, as she leaves for her room. "[pops out]. I'm glad Nathalie is acting more like a parent to you than an assistant." Plagg said. "Indeed. It's sweet of her to be caring for me now. I'm sure my Mother would be proud of her." Adrien replied. "Well, she wouldn't be proud of you missing out on something important." Plagg said. "Excuse me?" Adrien asked. "Ten o'clock? Arc de Triomphe? Blue Bird? Remember?" Plagg asked back. "[thinks]. Oh shot! I almost forgot Ladybug wanted to meet with Blue Bird at the Arc today at ten. [checks phone]. And it's past ten." Adrien panicked. "Now hold on, Adrien. It's alright. You can just tell Ladybug you can't make it. That's all." Plagg said. "But, won't seeing Blue Bird be a good thing? I still want to go to the sanctuary, but Blue Bird looks more important." Adrien asked. "You trust him to some extent." Plagg replied. "I did say that. Ok. Hopefully Ladybug will understand." Adrien said.
Meanwhile, Ladybug is chilling on the Arc de Triomphe.  Waiting for Cat Noir and Blue Bird to show up for their meeting.  "Come on.  Come on.  Where are you guys?  Especially you, Blue Bird.  It's past ten.  What's the hold up?"  Ladybug asked.  Suddenly, Ladybug gets a buzz from her communication box.  "[answers it].  Cat Noir.  Where are you?  You and Blue Bird are late."  Ladybug asked.  "I apologize for my absence, but I just realized now what we we're doing at ten."  Adrien replied.  "Thank you for remembering.  Are you on your way now?"  Ladybug asked.  "Well, I was going to but then I realized I.......had something to do."  Adrien replied.  "Seriously, Cat?  Right now?  This is extremely important to us."  Ladybug asked.  "I know how you feel, but I'm sorry.  What I need to do is as important as this meeting.  So, I cannot make it."  Adrien replied.  "[gets stressed].  Look, if it's that important, I understand.  Just that I hoped you'll be here to deal with Blue Bird.  But please try to make it to stuff like this next time.  It's not like I want you to avoid important stuff.  It's know what I mean."  Ladybug said.  "I do.  I'll try my best to make it next time if we have another one of these.  I promise."  Adrien replied.  "Ok great.  Have fun with whatever you're doing."  Ladybug said, as she hangs up.  After she hangs up, Blue Bird makes his entrance.  By face planting on the concrete of the Arc.  That flop scares Ladybug in the process.  "[gets up].  Ouch.  Sorry about my delay.  I'm still getting use to these powers."  Blue Bird said.  "At least you're trying."  Ladybug replied.  "[brushes himself].  Where is Cat Noir?"  Blue Bird asked.  "He couldn't make it for reasons.  It's just you and me."  Ladybug replied.  "Understood.  So, what was this whole thing about?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Cutting right to it, you're going to prove to me I can trust you.  If you recall from yesterday, I said I will treat you like the other heroes, until you earn my trust."  Ladybug replied.  "I do remember.  Speaking of them, where are they?  Wouldn't you introduce them to me?"  Blue Bird asked.  "They are all busy.  No need to ask more.  So, you seem a bit weak making sentimonsters.  Very disturbing ones.  But we can work on that later.  Right now, I want to talk about your appearance.  Face planting on the ground."  Ladybug replied.  "Oh yeah.  That seems appropriate."  Blue Bird said.  "It was embarrassing.  That's why this will be you're first test of trust.  You're going to chase me.  Think of it as a way to work on your new use of strength and speed."  Ladybug replied.  "Ok.  I won't get hurt right?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Only if you fail."  Ladybug replied.  Blue Bird gulps.  "Alright, let's go."  Ladybug said.  She jumps away at a far distance, and Blue Bird goes to chase.  He jumps, only to make it a few feet, before he falls to the ground hard.  Ladybug sees this occur, so she comes back.  "[Lands next to Blue Bird].  Seriously?  What was that?"  Ladybug asked.  "[gets up].  It's not that easy adapting to this."  Blue Bird replied.  "Can't argue there.  But I expect a better performance from you."  Ladybug said.  "Ow.  Ok, let's try again."  Blue Bird replied.  Both of them are back at the Arc de Triomphe.  Ladybug jumps, and travels far away.  Blue Bird goes to follow.  This time determined to do good.  He jumps, and leans himself forward.  Which makes him travel farther.  But that doesn't excuse him face planting on the ground again.  "[Smacks face, then lands next to Blue Bird].  You only made a couple of feet further.  What gives?"  Ladybug asked.  "[gets up].  Ouch.  Again, it's not that easy to adapt to this."  Blue Bird replied.  "Whatever.  Just, try again."  Ladybug said.  Back at the top of the Arc, Ladybug jumps away.  Blue Bird is one hundred percent determined to do better than the last two times.  He runs, jumps, and leans further.  He travels further than before.  More feet than his previous tries.  He sees Ladybug on a rooftop down below, and goes for her.  Feeling ready to redeem himself.  But then he crashes body first into the wall of the building.  He slides down to the ground.  "[Lands next to Blue Bird].  Better, but not good enough."  Ladybug said.  "[gets up].  At least I'm trying."  Blue Bird replied.  "Well try harder.  We have a lot of work to do."  Ladybug said.
    Back with Adrien, and Nathalie, they arrive at the bird sanctuary. Inside, they witness crowds of people enjoying the beauty of countless birds in the park. All of whom have been shipped to Paris for this attraction. They got owls, cardinals, hummingbirds, peacocks, etc. They are all here. No pigeons, so Adrien doesn't have to worry about his allergies. "That's a lot of birds, Nathalie. I expected loads of them, but not this much." Adrien said. "Yes. It's a nice place for us to hang out again. Hopefully this place will be better than last time." Nathalie replied. "I'm sorry, what was that?" Adrien asked. "Oh, I mean, as fun as last time." Nathalie replied. "Oh. Anyway, let's go explore." Adrien said. In a montage, we see both Adrien and Nathalie explore, and Ladybug and Blue Bird train. First, Adrien and Nathalie look at birds in the park. They start off with some owls, who twirl their heads around, as if they are possessed. It does freak Adrien out just a little bit, but Nathalie comforted the kid. Adrien feels better, so he manages to have fun with her. As they go check out another exhibit, Ladybug and Blue Bird train. She races across buildings, but Blue Bird manages to get a hang of this. He jumps from roof to roof like the average France hero, but then he trips, and lands in the trash again. Ladybug looks over him, and face palms. Back at the park, Nathalie and Adrien go look at the hummingbirds. They hum a peaceful song, which the two of them smooth to. The relaxation of their humming not only gets their approval, but everyone else watching too. It's beautiful. Back with Ladybug and Blue Bird, they both are running on rooftops again. Blue Bird making sure he doesn't trip again. Seeing this progress, Ladybug spices it up a notch. She jumps to the other side of the road, and lands on the buildings over there. Blue Bird follows. Jumping to the other side. Sadly, he runs right into a lamppost, that he slides down to the ground. Ladybug looks at him in disapproval. At the sanctuary, Nathalie and Adrien check out another portion of the park. Cardinals. The birds live in harmony, as they fly, and cheep, and live life to it's fullest. Adrien and Nathalie smile at their happiness. They move on, as we proceed to Ladybug and Blue Bird again. Blue Bird manages to jump to the other side of the buildings, but he trips, and rolls into a chimney. Ladybug once again looks at him in disappointment. The montage ends with Adrien and Nathalie looking at more birds, and having fun, while Blue Bird continually gets hurt from running into stuff from training. Still not impressing Ladybug at all.
    With the montage over, we cut back to the bird sanctuary, where Nathalie and Adrien are taking a slight break from birds. They sit on the bench to catch a breather. "What a day, Nathalie. What a day." Adrien said. "Absolutely. Good call to bring us here. I had as much fun, as you did." Nathalie replied. "Thanks. You know, I never thought you were the bird type. Most of the time it was just you taking me from place to place over and over again. I never really gotten a chance to, know you more, Nathalie." Adrien said. "Same here. Of course, I've seen you as Gabriel's model, but during the time we spend together I've seen more personality in you, Adrien. Apart from being a sweet kid, your supportive, encouraging, strong, but most importantly, your heartwarming." Nathalie replied. Adrien smiles, so does Nathalie. "[silence for ten seconds]. So, do you want to know why I had a lot of fun today?" Nathalie asked. "Because we are doing an activity together." Adrien replied. "That, but something you don't know." Nathalie said. Adrien gets confused. Nathalie pulls out her phone from her pocket. She scrolls through it, until she found what she is looking for. What she was looking of were old photos of her when she was a child. "[shows Adrien, and scrolls through photos]. What? You were a bird watcher?" Adrien asked surprised. "Yes. It was a special hobby I did back in my youth. While it looks like free time, I saw it more as a stress reliever whenever my life was on the verge of snapping. Just sitting outside, watching bird with my binoculars always made my day. Especially in the spring time where the weather is just suited for the occasion. It's been a long time, since I was able to live my childhood dream. Thanks you for helping me relive it, Adrien." Nathalie replied. Adrien smiles even more, as he hugs Nathalie. Nathalie smiles, and hugs him back. Making their relationship even stronger. As they hug, Nathalie starts to shake a bit. It slowly gets Adrien's attention, and even more when she shakes a bit faster. "[let's go, and looks at a shivering Nathalie]. Uh, Nathalie. Are you, ok?" Adrien asked. So suddenly, Nathalie gags, and vomits right on the ground 0f the bench. Adrien gets frightened, and even more when he sees Nathalie barf out so much. Way past the limit a normal human being would. It floods the ground, and her yells get the attention of the tourists. Who all panic at the sight of Nathalie. After at least thirty seconds of vomiting, Nathalie stops, and she pasts out onto the barf. "[gets off bench, and sits next to her]. Nathalie? [shakes her]. Nathalie? Nathalie wake up! Nathalie, please, wake up! Please. Wake up Nathalie! [takes deep breathes of panic]. HELP!!!!!! SOMEONE, ANYONE, HELP ME!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!" Adrien screamed, as his chants for mercy echo in the park. Eventually, Nathalie is taken into an ambulance on a gurnee. There, Adrien is standing in front of the emergency professionals. "Will she be alright? Please tell me she'll be ok. I'm begging you." Adrien begged. "Calm down, kid. She'll be alright. At least, we hope. We'll do what needs to be done to save her." The emergency professional replied. As this goes on, and crowds of people watch, the crazy bird lady returns. Some people notice her being kicked out of the park again. She is still making bird noises, as she did earlier. "Mam. We're closing earlier today. You have to leave." An employee said. "[spoken in a slight parrot voice]. But my birdies. I need to see my birdies, NOW!!!!" The bird lady screamed. "Sorry, mam. You'll have to wait, until we have this under control." The employee said. The bird lady gets pissed off, and literally starts to scratch the employee. This annoys the fella, so two of his co-workers hold down the crazy lady, so she can stop. All while she makes bird noises expressing her pain. This sight of negative shines on the brooch of Lila Rossi, who is reading a fashion magazine. "Oh, it's that time again, Nooroo. Time to akumatize someone. Oh. And this one is a bit ravenous. Sounds like a flock for fatality. One my akumas can handle. Nooroo, dark wings rise." Lila said, as she transforms into Farfalla. She opens her blind taking in the sunlight. She moves to her night stand, opens the cage of butterflies, and takes one out. Using her powers, she creates an akuma. Before she opens the window spending it out to the world. The akuma flies through Paris, and passes the people watching the chaos at the bird sanctuary. The akuma flies to the bird lady, and goes into her bird bracelet she has. "[mask forms, as employees back off]. Shrieker. I am Farfalla. So the people of your sanctuary refuse for you to see your fellow creatures? They will pay for ignoring your shrieks of pain with my assistance. I give you the ability to use your screams as a powerful wave of misery. Use to show the city of Paris your agony, and in return, bring me the miraculous of Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Blue Bird." Farfalla said. "[cheeps like a bird]. That means, it's a deal, Farfalla." The bird lady replied, as she transforms into Shrieker. An abomination of a supervillain. She is like a mutated vulture, with vulture wings as arms, sharp claws and talons, a vulture beak, vulture skin, and goggles to protect her eyes. She screams, which unleashes a powerful sound wave that blows the employees away from her. The shriek gets the attention of everyone, and all of them run away screaming. Despite Nathalie's sudden sickness, Adrien needs to save the day. Adrien runs away, as the emergency professionals get into the ambulance. They drive away fast, which thankfully, Shrieker doesn't go after. She just flies in the air, and shrieks people away with her scream. "[Hides, as Plagg comes out]. What was that? You're just going to abandon Nathalie like that?" Plagg asked. "The ambulance got away. I only hope Nathalie won't get worse from here. More importantly for now, we have to stop this villain. Plagg, claws out." Adrien replied, as he transforms into Cat Noir.
    Meanwhile, Ladybug and Blue Bird stop training, and chill on a rooftop. "Ok, so by the looks of it, you have been getting slightly better with the your advanced strength and speed. Compared to the last few times, I've seen improvement in you. So, good job there." Ladybug said. "That's awesome. Did you know that happens to be..." Blue Bird replied. "But that's not saying much. You still suck." Ladybug said. "Pfff, great compliment." Blue Bird replied. "Am I wrong? You literally crashed, tripped, or face planted nearly one thousand times. I started to count even. How could I say, you are good when you are still a noob at this." Ladybug said. "At least I'm still kicking. You got to give me credit there. Plus as you said, I've made improvement. Consider today's training as success for my progress." Blue Bird replied. "Shut up." Ladybug said. "Ok. No need to be rude, Ladybug." Blue Bird replied in a bit of anger. "Don't you dare say this was a success. It was more like a failure. Like, Jesus. You should have been able to master this easily. Why are you still such a weakling?" Ladybug asked in anger. "Wow. Best superhero in the world apparently. Bet you weren't this mean when you recruited the other heroes." Blue Bird replied. "Actually, I wasn't rude at all. And you want to know why? It's because I trust them. Unlike you." Ladybug said. "Pause for a second. What do you mean you weren't rude to them. Like, didn't you train them like me?" Blue Bird asked. "Nope. They already got use to this just like [snaps fingers] that." Ladybug replied. "What the heck?!" Blue Bird asked in shock. "Exactly. That's why I respect and trust them. Because they are able to handle the powers of the miraculous just like Cat Noir and I." Ladybug replied. "So that's all it takes? Them being good as superheroes? Totally ignoring the fact you are entrusting miraculous to complete strangers you don't know." Blue Bird said. "It's not like that. It's more complicated than you think." Ladybug replied. "Why is that? Would you mind explain to me why that is?" Blue Bird asked. "Until you get my trust, yes." Ladybug replied. "And that will happen when?" Blue Bird asked. "When you prove to me your a good superhero." Ladybug replied. "So your just completely whipping me saving you and Cat Noit with my sentimonster yesterday? That wasn't enough to prove my use?" Blue Bird asked. "It still was a mess, so yes." Ladybug replied. "Huh? I get it now. You don't want to trust me. It's because I am wearing the Peacock miraculous isn't it? You still think I'm evil? Some kind of assistant for Farfalla." Blue Bird said. "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!!!!" Ladybug screamed. Speaking of screamed, Shrieker causes an explosion from the distance with her screams. "[notices damage]. Ok, trainings over. Time for you to prove my worth by helping Cat and I stop this villain." Ladybug said. "So we're ignoring this argument that is worth something?" Blue Bird asked. "Yep." Ladybug replied, as she leaves. "[sighs]. No wonder I thought this was a bad idea in the first place." Blue Bird said, as he joins up with her.
Shrieker flies throughout Paris roaring to bring more chaos.  She blows up cars, decimates buildings, and ravages a whole road with her shriek.  She laughs, as she screams, but then she gets wailed in the face by a staff.  Cat Noir's staff.  Shrieker flops to the ground, but lands perfectly fine in the end.  "You know what would be feather birdie?  If you would just stop harming Paris, and give us your akuma."  Cat Noir said.  Shrieker doesn't speak a word.  She only squawks like a bird.  "Oh, only bird language.  I can speak animal too you know.  Meow meow meow meow.  Meow meow.  That means, give us your akuma.  Pretty please."  Cat Noir said.  Shrieker's only response is a shriek.  It blast to Cat Noir, but Ladybug wraps him with her yo-yo, and pulls him to a rooftop with Blue Bird.  "Good afternoon My Lady, and Blue Bird."  Cat Noir said, as he gets un-tied.  "Good afternoon to you too, Cat Noir."  Blue Bird replied.  "Enough, Blue Bird."  Ladybug said.  "Hey, he was only saying good afternoon, Ladybug."  Cat Noir replied.  "Yeah, well there are more important things to worry about."  Ladybug said.  Indeed because Shrieker notices them, and blast a shriek at the heroes.  They all dodge, but Blue Bird jumps too late.  He falls to the ground of the building.  "[mask forms].  There is that vile peacock.  Shrieker, make sure you definitely bring me his miraculous.  The brooch on his chest."  Farfalla ordered.  Shrieker squawks in return.  "Who cares if he is a bird?  What you should care about is my low hesitation to removing your powers if you don't get him now."  Farfalla ordered.  Shrieker obeys, and goes after Blue Bird.  He immediately gets up to run away.  While he is fast, Shrieker is right on his tail from the sky.  She soars right at him to catch her prey.  Blue Bird remembers his lessons from Ladybug, and knows that he needs to prove himself now.  So, he jumps in the air, as Shrieker flies underneath him.  He lands safely.  "Holy crap.  That went better than expected."  Blue Bird said.  He refocuses when Shrieker comes back for him.  Blue Bird jumps onto a rooftop, as Shrieker flies past him again.  He runs, all while he jumps from rooftop to rooftop.  Making sure he lands fine, with no trips or falls.  He gets added some difficulty when Shrieker goes right for him.  She blast her sonic yells that destroys the rooftops Blue Bird was running along.  The blast catches up, so Blue Bird tries to dodge it.  He does, but the sound wave is so powerful he falls off the roof.  But this time, he isn't going to flop, or fall to the ground.  He does his best to regain his balance, and surprisingly lands on both feet on the ground.  He's shocked, but once again refocuses when Shrieker comes back around.  She opens her talons to catch her fellow bird, but Blue Bird dodges it miraculously.  He jumps to another rooftop, but this time prove his jumping skills.  He jumps high in the air, and he focuses on landing right.  He does, but Shrieker is right on his peacock tail.  He jumps from different buildings, all far away from each other, as he avoids Shrieker's attacks.  When Shrieker gets annoyed, she goes back to her shrieks.  Destroying the buildings Blue Bird lands on.  It crumples them to pieces, but Blue Bird keeps jumping.  Leaving only the buildings destroyed.  Blue Bird goes back to running on rooftops, as Shrieker flies quietly behind his tail.  With one big inhale, she exhales a powerful shriek.  Blue Bird catches it coming, and knows he has to dodge.  So in slow mo, he takes a deep breath, and with full confidence, back flips over it in perfect fashion.  Back in normal speed, he lands, and the shriek nukes five buildings at once.  "Wow!  That was so cool.  I'm really getting the hang of this."  Blue Bird said.  His celebration gets grabbed when he gets taken by Shrieker's talons.  Now he is trapped with her.  "Maybe I should have saved it for later.  Note to self, don't celebrate until villain is defeated."  Blue Bird noted.  "[mask forms].  Great job gathering the prey, Shrieker.  Take this chance to get his miraculous."  Farfalla ordered.  Shrieker pulls Blue Bird up with her talons, but then she is stopped by a yo-yo going into her face.  She squawks, as Blue Bird is set free.  He falls to the ground, but tries to gain control.  But the velocity of the wind is too much for Blue Bird to handle.  He panics, as he spins, and falls to the ground.  Thankfully, Cat Noir catches him before he goes splat.  "[puts down].  I have to say that was some moves you got there."  Cat Noir said.  "I appreciate that.  However be best we hold the celebration, after we stopped this bird."  Blue Bird replied.  "Huh?  Faster learner."  Cat Noir said.  "Not really.  I simply learned the hard way."  Blue Bird replied. 
The two of them hide in an alleyway, as Ladybug joins them when she lands next to them.  "Lucky charm."  Ladybug said, as she uses her powers.  Her lucky charms is some bird seed.  "Bird seed?"  Ladybug asked.  "If I mind, we should squawk about what it's for."  Blue Bird replied.  "Hey.  HEY!!!  I get it."  Cat Noir said, as he laughs.  "It wasn't that funny."  Ladybug replied.  "Come on.  It was a meowlous joke."  Cat Noir said.  "Hahahaha.  Now that's funny."  Ladybug replied.  "And hypocritical."  Blue Bird whispered.  All jokes aside, the heroes refocus.  Ladybug looks around to see what can help them.  However, she finds nothing again.  "Weird.  Another lucky charm where I don't know what to do."  Ladybug said.  "Maybe you will find out later in the fight.  For now, let's go after Shrieker.  Who knows what she'll do next."  Cat Noir replied.  "Fine, but it will be hard to reach her considering her wings."  Ladybug said.  "You're forgetting we have wings too."  Cat Noir replied, as he pulls out some cheese.  "Of course.  Good idea, kitty."  Ladybug said.  "I'm sorry, but what are those for exactly?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Oh.  Miraculous holders can have power ups to make them better for situations like this.  We got aqua, ice, space, and now gliding powers."  Cat Noir replied.  "God there are so many things these miraculous offer.  That's still cool though.  Can I have one?"  Blue Bird asked.  "No can do.  Only for trusted heroes."  Ladybug replied.  "Come on, My Lady.  Let him have one."  Cat Noir said.  "When he is trustworthy, we will give him one."  Ladybug replied.  "[sighs].  Sorry Blue Bird.  Guardians orders."  Cat Noir said.  Ladybug and Cat Noir eat their treats.  "Power up."  Ladybug and Cat Noir said, as they transform into Flight Bug, and Glider Noir.  Shrieker watches like a hawk in the sky, before both heroes dash past her.  "[mask forms].  So the bug and cat same out to play.  Shrieker, put Blue Bird on hold.  Go after them now."  Farfalla ordered.  Shrieker obeys, and goes after them.  "Is Cat Noir a good partner?  Yes.  Is Ladybug a good superhero?  For the time being, absolutely not.  Now I have to figure out how to get up there.  [looks at hand fan].  Oh shot.  I'm literally standing here asking for a power up, when I have all the power I need here.  [goes on rooftop, pulls out hand fan, and takes out a feather].  Now my feather [possesses it] give birth to my sentimonster."  Blue Bird said, as he puts the amok in his hand fan.  Using the powers he has been gifted, he creates another sentimonster.  But now he focuses on making it considering he knows how the Peacock miraculous' power works.  His sentimonster is complete.  He created a bird sentimonster, how fitting, with black wings, yellow talons, a black and blue tail and feathers, a sharp silver beak, and only one eye.  "Ok.  Not what I was going for, but it's at least something.  Now for a name.  Hmmmmmm, Saucer.  Ok.  Saucer, I am Blue Bird, your creator.  As long as I have my hand fan, you are bound to obey my ever order.  Understood?"  Blue Bird asked.  Saucer squawks, so it look like it obeys.  "I'll take that as a yes.  [gets on it's back].  Now, take me to the skies."  Blue Bird ordered.  Saucer flies fast in the sky, as Blue Bird nearly falls off it.  He still manages to keep control of the sentimonster though.  In the sky, Flight Bug and Glider Noir fight Shrieker.  She sends her sonic blast at the heroes, but they dodge them.  With Glider Noir teasing Shrieker with him gliding on his back.  Shrieker gets pissed, so she blast at Cat more.  He still dodges them ten times.  Ignoring her long enough for Flight Bug attack.  She grabs onto Shrieker's back, and rides her.  Shrieker wiggles around to be set free.  Flight Bug keeps a hold.  That is, until Shrieker grabs her legs with her talons, and throws her off her back.  She regains air, and flies more with Glider Noir, who goes into fight.  He uses his staff to attack her.  He hits her a couple of times, which sends the bird flying backwards.  After enough hits, Shrieker dodges all the ones Glider Noir brings next.  This does help Flight Bug try to figure out what her lucky charm is for, as she hovers over the two of them.  Too bad she thinks for so long that Shrieker gets them both.  She grabs Glider Noir with her claws, and chucks him at Flight Bug.  There, they run into each other, and Flight Bug loses her lucky charm.  The bird seed opens up, and spills all over Shrieker.  Blue Bird and Saucer finally catch up, but at the wrong time.  The scent of bird seed gets Saucer's attention.  The sentimonster sky rockets up to Shrieker.  "HEY!!!!!  WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!!!!  STOP IT!!!!!  STOP IT NOW!!!!!"  Blue Bird ordered.  It's too late.  Saucer ramps into Shrieker.  This has all three birds tangled together.  They flip over, and soon, all of them head straight for the ground.  Blue Bird screaming for them to stop, but they don't.  Both birds fight, as Blue Bird tries taking control of the situation fast.  They hurdle fast, and Blue Bird notices they are close to the ground.  Not wanting to get squished, he makes a jump for it.  Falling for a couple of seconds, before he lands on the ground.  This one doesn't go as planned, as Blue Bird rolls on the ground into the side of a car.  He lays unconscious.  As he comes to, he witness Shrieker and Saucer crash land.  "Dear God.  Hopefully they are ok.  Well, Saucer at least."  Blue Bird said.  He walks over to their landing spot, and Blue Bird still sees them arguing over the bird seed.  As they fight, Blue Bird sees a black bird bracelet.  "[picks it up].  Not the normal colors for a bird bracelet.  Maybe the akuma is in here."  Blue Bird said.  He breaks it, and the akuma flies out.  "Lucky guess."  Blue Bird said.  Flight Bug and Glider Noir land, and both de-transform into Ladybug and Cat Noir.  "Hey, Ladybug.  The akuma is all yours."  Blue Bird pointed.  Ladybug opens her yo-yo, spins it around, captures the akuma, frees it from evil, and says a nice goodbye, as it flies away.
    "Miraculous Ladybug." Ladybug said, as she uses her powers. The lucky charms repairs all the damage Shrieker left in her attack. Once the damage is repaired, Ladybug opens her yo-yo, and pulls out a magical charm. "Saucer, get off her." Blue Bird ordered. Saucer obeys, getting off the bird lady now back to normal. "[puts charm in palm]. Miss. This is a magical charm. Keep it with you at all time to remind you that negative emotions won't solve your problems." Ladybug said. The bird lady gets up, and squawks like a bird some more. "There you are." Mr. Ramier said. He runs to the bird lady. "I've been looking everywhere for you. I was worried sick something would happen to you honeybuns." Mr. Ramier said. "Honeybuns?" Cat Noir asked. "Oh, Ladybug, Cat Noir, uh, Blue...." Mr. Ramier replied. "Bird. Blue Bird is the name." Blue Bird said. "Thanks. Blue Bird. I apologize if Maya caused any harm to you all." Mr. Ramier replied. "Well she did attack us, and caused loads of city properties to be crushed, but we handled it. Hold on, you know this woman?" Blue Bird asked. "Well of course. She's my wife." Mr. Ramier replied. "YOUR WIFE!!!!!" Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Blue Bird yelled. "It's pretty obvious. I love pigeons, she loves all birds. Makes rational sense." Mr. Ramier replied. "Not really, but ok. Wait, so your married to someone who acts like a bird 247? Sorry if I sound mean or anything." Cat Noir asked. "Not really. I don't act like a bird 247. I play in character 247. Birds have been my allies for years. So much, that I even started to adapt their ways. When the bird sanctuary threatens to kick me out because of my behavior, I still didn't break character. Though my freak out at the end where that women vomited her insides out was real emotions. I saw a poor bird injured, so I tried to help it by climbing into it's pen. It wasn't the smartest move, but it was the right choice. So, my freakout got me akumatized. Apologize for that by the way." Maya Ramier replied. "Oh. Got it. Well, we have to go now. Have a good rest of your day you two." Cat Noir said. "You too." Mr. and Mrs. Ramier replied. "Hey, what about a pound it?" Ladybug asked. "I seriously need to go. It's an emergency." Cat Noir replied, as he leaves. "You still have me to do a pound it." Blue Bird suggested. "Once again, get my trust, you get a pound it." Ladybug replied, as she leaves. "Well, I shouldn't be surprised. Farewell you two. [gets on Saucer]. Take me home, birdie." Blue Bird ordered, as they both leave.
    "Claws in." Cat Noir said, as he de-transforms into Adrien. "Another successful mission." Plagg said. "Not now, Plagg. I got to figure out where Nathalie is." Adrien replied. He checks his phones, and realizes his Father has been texting him. Asking him where he is, to come home now, and Nathalie is back at the manor. "Nathalie's at home. Let's go, Plagg." Adrien said, as the two of them run. Adrien bust opens the study's doors, and gasp when he sees Nathalie in bed. "NATHALIE!!!! [runs, and hugs her]. Are you ok? Are you feeling better? Is there anything I can do to...." Adrien asked in a worried manner. "Adrien. Relax. I'm ok. What happened at the park today was unexpected, but the doctors said I'll be alright." Nathalie replied. "Really? [Nathalie nods]. Oh thank God. I was scared something horrible would happen to you. I was frightened I was.......going to lose you." Adrien said. "What? Of course not. You'll never lose me, Adrien. All is well, but I do need time to rest." Nathalie replied. "It's true. I know you and Nathalie spend time together, but it's now going to stay paused at the moment. Go to your room Adrien. Nathalie needs some time to herself." Gabriel said. "Yes, Father. [looks at Nathalie]. If there is anything you need, Nathalie, I'll be here." Adrien replied, as he leaves. "[closes study's doors]. It's going to be harder when you have to tell him. Tell him the fact that the doctors said I have at least a week to live." Nathalie said, as she coughs very loudly. "That's hard for me to do, Nathalie." Gabriel replied. "[coughs]. I can't blame you there, but now I know my time is coming way quickly than I thought. Now do you see why you and [coughs] Adrien should spend time together? I'm giving the child the true happiness he needs, before the clock hits zero. Now, it's your turn when I go." Nathalie said. "But, Essence." Gabriel replied. "Who cares about him? You had so many chances to be with your son, but you only wasted it on work. Either you give Adrien the love he deserves before it's time, or let him live in depression from the lose of his Father, who didn't spend a second with him." Nathalie said. Nathalie coughs very loudly again, as Gabriel struggles what to do now.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now