Sandboy 2.0

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It's a rainy night, and our heroes, Ladybug and Cat Noir, are trying to stop yet another supervillain from Farfalla. This villain is the OG Stormy Weather. She uses the rain to her advantage. Flooding the city with the power of nature. She laughs, as people scream in agony. Luckily, our duo shows up. "Well, well, well. Ice Queen finally made a soaking return. I don't think we've seen you get akumatized, since the day we first fought you." Cat Noir said. "Very funny, kitty. And side note, you know it's Stormy Weather. That, and I can fry you into a smoky hair all with just one thunder bolt." Stormy Weather replied. "Is this the part we we tremble to your power? If so, you have to try a lot harder than this." Cat Noir said. "And tell Farfalla she needs to find better villains. She is just making it too easy for us recently." Ladybug replied. Stormy Weather rages out, and sends a lightening strike to the duo. They dodge it. Ladybug throws her yo-yo to get the umbrella. Stormy Weather blocks it, and dashes into Ladybug. She flies into a car, but Cat Noir jumps on top of Stormy Weather. He rides her, as she tries to get Cat Noir off. Cat goes for her umbrella, but she grabs him, and throws him to the ground. Shocking him with a thunder bolt for good measures. Stormy Weather laughs in satisfaction. That's when Ladybug jumps, and kicks Stormy Weather in the gut. She too is sent flying but comes back quickly. Before she can make a move, Cat Noir hits her with his staff. He proceeds to beat the crap out of her, but not in a painful manner. After a few hits with his staff, Stormy Weather is exhausted. "Looks like Ice Queen is evaporating, My Lady. Seeing how tired she is already." Cat Noir said. Stormy Weather rages again, and charges up. Cat giggles, as he chucks his staff into Stormy Weather's face. Distracted, Ladybug runs, jumps, and kicks the umbrella out of Stormy Weather's hands. He grabs it, throws it to Cat Noir, and he grabs it. "Cataclysm." Cat Noir said, as he uses his powers. He destroys the umbrella, and frees the akuma. As always, Ladybug captures it, and frees it from evil. Stormy Weather turns back into Aurora. As she recovers, Ladybug opens her yo-yo, pulls out a magical charm, gives her the jewel. "You've been doing great when it comes to not getting akumatized, Aurora. Regardless, [puts charm in her hand] keep this magical charm with you at all times. It will protect you from influences of Farfalla. Making it harder and harder for her to get more victims." Ladybug said. "Thanks Ladybug and Cat Noir. [shivers]. You two better get out of here. With this kind of rain, your bound to get a nasty cold." Aurora replied. "I can take her home, Ladybug." Cat Noir said. "You sure? You don't have to do that, Cat." Aurora asked. "The lives of civilians always goes first. Let's hurry, before we all get sick." Cat Noir replied. With that, Ladybug pounds it with Cat Noir, and they leave. Meanwhile Farfalla, clinching her first in rage, looks at her floor in defeat. "Ask me to create better villains huh? Fine, Ladybug and Cat Noir. You want me to do better. Ohhh boy! I will do better." Farfalla said in a menacing tone.

    Cat Noir arrives at Aurora's house, and drops her off. "Thanks for the ride room, kitty." Aurora said. "All in a day's work, Aurora. Just remember to stay positive, and support your meowesome heroes. Especially me." Cat Noir replied. Aurora giggles at that little cat pun. She goes inside, as Cat goes to leave. Except, he realizes he only has a few minutes before he transforms back. "Oh crap. I was with her that long? I got to find somewhere to hide, before someone sees me." Cat Noir said. He runs to find a spot, and ends up in an alleyway. Inside, he de-transforms. Plagg comes back all tired, and hunger. Adrien gives him some cheese to refuel. "Any better?" Adrien asked. "[eats cheese]. Much better. But what about you? Your going to freeze out here." Plagg asked back. "We can be alright if we run. Come on." Adrien replied. Adrien runs along the rainy night. Him and Plagg getting soaked in the water. Well, Plagg tries to avoid getting his fur wet again. He hates it when his fur get wet. Soon, Adrien arrives back home. He heads inside, where his Father is already waiting for him. "Adrien! Where have you been? I was worried sick." Gabriel asked. "Sorry Dad. I was... out with friends, and it just so happened to start raining. Don't worry. I'm fine." Adrien replied. "You sure? No sickness, or fever?" Gabriel asked. "[touches forehead]. No. My head is alright." Adrien replied. "Perfect. The last thing I want is to see you... in any harm." Gabriel said. "Well thanks for your care for my safety Dad." Adrien replied. He goes to his room. "Umm, Adrien. [Adrien turns around]. You know I haven't been the most active Dad to you. Mostly because I've been too focuses on work, and found zero time to be with you. I get it's rough not having me, after your Mother left us, but things have changed over time." Gabriel said. "What things?" Adrien asked. "Oh, uhhhh... business that's all. Look, I just want you to know I wish I could have done better in the past. Sure I let you see your friends on rare occasions, but that isn't enough. I want to do better for you. It's what your Mother would have wanted." Gabriel replied. "So, are you truly to tell me you want to spend more time with me?" Adrien asked. "That, and just not quarantine myself in my office all day." Gabriel replied. Adrien smiles at his Dad. "Thanks, Father." Adrien said, as he leaves. Once Adrien enters his room, Gabriel smiles as well. Meanwhile, Adrien is in his pajamas, as Plagg eats some cheese. "It's sweet of your Dad to spend more quality time with you." Plagg said. "I'm not sure what changed his ways, but I like where this is going." Adrien replied. "Me too. I know it's hard not seeing your friends often, but having no parent to spend time with? God, thats messed up." Plagg said. "At least I have you. You look after me all the time. Like Kagami said, you are almost like a big brother to me." Adrien replied. "I told you it's not like that. We just have a strong bond, and thats all. I look after you because your my holder, and the best I've ever had." Plagg said. "And give you free cheese." Adrien replied. "That as well. Listen, aside from fighting crime, I'm just here to make you happy, like you do for me." Plagg said. "As always. I couldn't have asked for a better kwami than you." Adrien replied. Plagg's emotions get the better of him, and he blushes. Expect, Adrien notices this time. "Are you blushing?" Adrien asked surprised. "Uhhh, [hides it] no! It's nothing really. Let's just go to bed. We had a long fight." Plagg replied. Adrien shakes it off, and listens to his buddy. He gets into bed, and Plagg lies on his pillow. The two of them fall asleep. Ready for another day ahead of them.

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