Adrien the Kwamisitter

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At Adrien's house, he is inside his bathroom, brushing his teeth.  Making sure he maintains those pearly whites of his.  As he focuses on having clean breath, Plagg focuses on having stinky breath.  Nomming on his morning breakfast of camembert.  He let's out a decent burp when he's done.  "[sniffs].  Eww, Plagg!  That's disgusting."  Adrien said.  "You know me very well.  I love my cheese."  Plagg replied.  "But do you really have to burp like that?  I can except how you love smelly cheese, but still.  It's nasty."  Adrien said.  "Since you are my favorite kitten... I guess I can try to hold back on the burps.  Though that would be very hard to do."  Plagg replied.  "Just, try to put an effort into it.  Ok?"  Adrien asked.  "Ok."  Plagg replied.  Now the two get out of Adrien's bedroom.  They walk down the stairs, and are ready to get into the car to go to school.  "Adrien, where are you going?"  Nathalie asked.  "Uhh, school as always."  Adrien replied confused.  "And your not going to have a good breakfast made by your Father?"  Nathalie asked.  "Hold on, my Dad is cooking breakfast?"  Adrien asked back surprised.  "Don't believe me, go see for yourself."  Nathalie replied.  Adrien goes into the kitchen.  Once he does, he gasp at what he sees.  His own Dad cooking breakfast, instead of working like he normally does.  "[looks at Adrien].  Ahhh, Adrien.  How did you sleep, son?"  Gabriel asked.  "Good, Dad.  What are you doing here?  Don't you have massive fashion designs to do?"  Adrien asked back.  "I do, but I decided to cut some of my time to make you a delicious breakfast.  It is the most important meal of the day.  Please, sit down.  I'm almost done."  Gabriel replied.  Still a bit confused, Adrien goes, and sits down.  "Your going to love this.  Just needs a little more color, and... done!  [places dishes in front of Adrien].  What I have here is what I like to call, Banana pancakes.  Not the most creative name, but I'll figure something out.  It's a basic pancake, topped with bananas, surrounded with yummy berries, and a nice sauce to dip them in."  Gabriel said.  "Wow!  This looks good, Dad."  Adrien replied.  "Perfect.  I wanted to make this special for you Adrien.  After all, you are my son."  Gabriel said.  "[tries the pancakes].  Oh woah!  This is good.  [gets another bit].  Really good."  Adrien replied.  "Wonderful.  If you want, I can make that for now on.  And if you have any other suggestions, feel free to tell me."  Gabriel said.  "Seriously, what had gotten into you, Dad?  Your so... nice, and more focuses on me now."  Adrien asked.  "Ummm, like I said.  I felt like I needed to be a better Dad, so I'm putting in the effort now.  What made me do this?  [thinks of the real reason.  How Essence was the reason he changed].  Just a simple realization.  That, and how you will be going off to high school soon.  I have to make the most of time you have left."  Gabriel replied.  "Well, thats great, Dad.  I'm loving this new version of you."  Adrien said.  "And I'm loving seeing you happy."  Gabriel replied.  "[Adrien finishes up his pancakes].  Great pancakes again, Dad.  Well, I better be off to school."  Adrien said.  "Have a wonderful day at school son."  Gabriel replied.  Adrien smiles, as he heads off for school.  He leaves the house, as Gabriel watches.  "How was that?  Too much?  Too little?"  Gabriel asked.  "Just right, sir."  Nathalie replied.  "Great.  Just great."  Gabriel said.

Adrien arrives at school.  He gets out of the car, and smiles as he walks right into school.  When he does, he notices a crowd of students all watching the principal's office.  Curious, Adrien goes to see what's up.  He sees his best friend, Nino, and goes to him.  "Hey, Nino."  Adrien said, as he approaches his bro.  "Hey dude.  What's up?"  Nino asked.  "Just got to school.  Why is there a bunch of people here?"  Adrien asked back.  "Ohhh, dude.  You won't believe it.  You see..."  Nino replied.  Soon, the door to the principal's office slams open.  There, Lila and Jack are both taken out.  "Well you both had some interesting arguments back there.  However, that doesn't take away from the fact that we're not sure what really happened.  So, in case you both are actually guilty, you need to be punished for this.  Hope your happy to have detention on Saturday.  Together."  Mr. Damocles announced.  "What?!  Oh nah!  I'm not spending my Saturday with this witch."  Jack replied.  "And I would rather drown, than be with him for a whole day."  Lila said.  "Too bad, too sad.  Detention, Saturday.  You got that?"  Mr. Damocles asked.  "[sighs].  Yes."  Both replied.  Jack and Lila walk off, as Adrien stands there surprised.  He wants to know what happened that lead to this.  So, after their first class had ended, he goes to see what's up.  As Jack walks, Adrien catches up him.  "Oh, hey Adrien."  Jack said.  Adrien then grabs Jack's arm, and pulls him away.  He takes him to the locker rooms.  "Geez, dude.  What's the big deal?"  Jack asked.  "Sorry if I looked aggressive, but I need to ask.  What happened with you and Lila?"  Adrien asked.  "What?... oh, that.  Yeah, you saw what happened right?"  Jack asked back.  "I only arrived when I saw you two get taken out of the principal's office."  Adrien replied.  "Gotcha.  Well, if you insist, it went like this."  Jack said.  We go into a flashback, where we see Jack and Lila being taken to the principal's office.  As they do, the students watch to see what is up.  Jack and Lila enter the office, and sit down.  "Ok you two, let's see what happened.  Lila, please explain to me what happened."  Mr. Damocles said.  "It's simple, sir.  Jack forced me to steal the test answers, so he can pass the exam in our class.  In return, he offered me to answers, if I did his dirty work.  I could have said no, but he threatened me.  He nearly physically harmed me."  Lila replied.  "Ok, shut up, Lila.  If I'm the so called mastermind behind this, what evidence do you have that proves I forced you to get the answers?  Let alone, harm you physically?"  Jack asked.  "Because the answers are right here in my hand.  You gave them back to me, so I can clean up my tracks."  Lila replied, as she shows the answers.  "Mr. Edgers!  You have a lot of explaining to do here."  Mr. Damocles said anger.  "Gladly, sir.  You want to know what I think happened.  I think Lila purposely stole those test answers, and was planning to use them to frame me.  Why exactly?  Not so sure.  Now, this does sound very bizarre, so let's ask the important question.  What evidence do I have to support my case?  Well, I unfortunately have none.  Except I'm not accusing, I'm giving you my assumption/theory as to what happened."  Jack replied.  "Hmm, interesting.  So you said he almost physically harmed you?"  Mr. Damocles asked.  "Of course.  He didn't actually hurt me.  He was close to, but he didn't harm me."  Lila replied.  "Ok.  How about we check the cameras huh?"  Jack asked.  "Hmm, that's an issue.  We don't have any."  Mr. Damocles replied.  "Excuse me?"  Jack asked.  "Well, funny story... I thought I can be a more cool, superhero if I stayed on point all the time.  So, I decided to add all the camera here.  There are hidden in secret places, so just try to stop me."  Mr. Damocles replied.  "How long did you do this without us knowing?"  Lila asked.  "Just started when Ladybug saved me as Dark Owl."  Mr. Damocles replied.  "Ok, that's weird."  Jack said.  "For once, I can agree with you."  Lila replied.  "Anyway, I made my choice.  Let's go you two."  Mr. Damocles said.  "[end flashback].  Then we both got detention despite our stories, and now I'm stuck with her for a whole day.  So that's going to be fun."  Jack said.  "Why didn't you tell Mr. Damocles Lila is a liar?"  Adrien asked.  "He wouldn't believe me, and besides, snitching is bad."  Jack replied.  "Weren't you planning on snitching on Lila when you made her read that entire horror book?"  Adrien asked.  "Of course not.  I was only lying, so she can do it.  I'm not a snitch."  Jack replied.  "Gotcha.  I'm sure you'll get through Saturday."  Adrien said.  "Yeah.  It's cool.  I've experienced worse pain."  Jack replied.  "Well, I'll see you later."  Adrien said.  Adrien leaves, as does Jack.

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