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"[yawns, and gets up]. What happened last night?" Marinette asked as she wakes up. "Huh? Oh, you're up." Tikki replied. She flies to Marinette, who is the floor next to a pasted out Alya. "Tikki. Why am I on the floor? Why is Alya sleeping next to me?  Why is my room a mess?" Marinette asked. "You don't remember?" Tikki asked back. "I'm sorry, what?" Marinette asked back. "You two had a sleepover, so you can fully make up for what almost happened yesterday.  Lady WiFi.  Any who, [in flashback] you two ate popcorn, drank endless bottles of soda, watched five movies, a bunch of Ladybug and Cat Noir memes, before finally falling asleep on the floor.  [end flashback]."  Tikki replied.  "Ohhhhhh.  Now I remember."  Marinette said. Soon, Alya groans, and rises off the floor. "God. What on Earth happened?" Alya asked. "We had a fun night. A real fun night." Marinette replied. "What?" Alya asked. "You two basically had a sleepover that ended with you two on the ground. You ate junk food, and watched memes." Tikki replied. "Oh yeah. [giggles]. That was so fun." Alya said. "No kidding. Especially now that I remembered you, [giggles], snorted soda out your noise at that one meme." Marinette replied. "Oh my God, that was so hilarious." Alya said as she laughs more along with Marinette. "I'm glad we did this last night." Marinette replied. "Me too. Anyway, I better be off now. It's Saturday, and I have a blog to write." Alya said. Marinette opens her bedroom door for Alya to leave. "Hey, Marinette. Thanks again for the sleepover. I had a lot of fun with you." Alya said. "It was for the best. I'm happy you had fun." Marinette replied. Alya smiles, before she leaves. Marinette smiles back, as she closes her bedroom door. "I hope you two are happy for yourselves." Su Han said randomly appearing out of no where. "[screams]. Su Han. [deep breath]. Don't scare me like that? And also, why are you here?" Marinette asked. "Why was the Mother Box almost taken?" Su Han asked with anger. "What?" Marinette asked back. "Don't deny it. I heard what happened yesterday. A supervillain came into your home, states that she knows your secret identity, and almost got the Mother Box!!!!" Su Han yelled. "Oh, that. Wait, you know?" Marinette asked. "Every last bit of it. And I find it absolutely disgraceful. You could have lost the miraculous, your, Cat Noir's and the Mother Box's. Not to mention give Farfalla your secret identity. That's why I'm here. To make you see your irresponsibility, and take back all the miraculous." Su Han replied. "WHAT?! You can't do that." Marinette said. "Of course I can. I specifically said if you make one fatal mistake, I will take back the miraculous. And since you almost got yourself exposed, as well as lose the Mother Box, it's time to say bye bye to being a hero." Su Han replied offering his hand for her earrings. Marinette goes into shock, and slowly starts to panic. Meanwhile Su Han doesn't care at all when his face gets anger. "Now hold on, Grandmaster. It's true all of this happened, but it's worth noting Cat Noir fixed all of this." Tikki said. "What do you mean, Cat Noir fixed this?" Su Han asked. "Tikki is right. He did fix this. [in flashback]. Before he went on to fight Lady WiFi, he told me to hide the Mother Box.  I went back, and hid the Mother Box somewhere else. As for my earrings, I replaced them with identically fakes ones, as Cat Noir stated. So when Lady WiFi paused me to get them, she wouldn't have the real ones. This lead to Farfalla taking away her powers, and not expecting me to be Ladybug, or have the Mother Box anymore. [end flashback]. And this was all thanks to Cat Noir." Marinette replied. "You don't say. But what about this Alya girl. From what I understand, SHE KNOWS YOU'RE LADYBUG!!!!!" Su Han yelled. "That's also true. But, here's the difference. She played a huge role when I first became guardian. If it weren't for her, Shadowmoth would have defeated us with Senti-Bubbler, or Hack San. But Alya stepped up, and helped us score the dub." Marinette replied. "Again, you don't say. Alright, well that lead to you almost losing." Su Han said. "And Cat Noir prevented it. Ask him yourself. Now for Alya, no need to worry, [in flashback]. I gave her a magical charm right afterwards. Therefore, she can't get akumatized again. [end flashback]." Marinette replied. "So you see. Marinette did make a fatal mistake, but it got fixed. Therefore, no consequences." Tikki said. "Hmmmm. Understood." Su Han replied. "So, will you take back my miraculous?" Marinette asked. "Consider yourself on thin ice right now. But in other words, since Cat is the one responsible for fixing it, no I won't take the miraculous." Su Han replied. Marinette is about to jump in joy. "BUT AGAIN, you're on thin ice now. I'm only giving you a pass because technically, the fatal mistake didn't leave any damage. But that doesn't mean I'm happy." Su Han said. "I know." Marinette replied. With that taken care of, Su Han is about to leave. Before Marinette gets an idea. "Before you go, I have a question. The grimoire stats that a miraculous holder has reached their full potential on this page. The one that says I will reach the ability to create anything I want. However, from what I know from Essence, that's a lie." Marinette said. She looks at Su Han, who looks like he is about to barf. "Um, you ok?" Marinette asked. "Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. So, Essence said what?" Su Han asked back. "He said that I didn't reach my full potential, even though the page said I did. When I reached my "full potential," I was given the power to create magical charms. My question is, what happens when Cat Noir reaches his "full potential."" Marinette asked. "He will have the ability to control his cataclysm. While his cataclysm deals unknown amount of damage, he will be able to make it bigger or smaller when he gets a power upgrade. But it isn't as brutal as it will be at his true full potential."  Su Han replied.  "Cool.  Also, can you try to explain to me the whole full potential thing because it's confusing my so much?"  Marinette asked.  "No problem at all.  There are four stages, until you actually achieve your full potential. You are currently at stage one, and stage four is when you can create anything you want. I know how to help you get to stage 4, as well as the other stages." Su Han replied. "Well, it doesn't seem that hard based on how I did it. I just thought, and then poof, power upgrade." Ladybug said. "You may think that, but the rest of the stages aren't that easy. But like I said before, I know how to get you there. Unfortunately, it takes time to achieve your full power. Like, a lot of time." Su Han replied. "That's ok. I'm more focused on something else. I want Cat Noir to reach stage one of his full potential." Marinette said. "Oh really?" Su Han asked. "Of course. He deserves to know that his power can be upgraded. Plus, I promised him I would repay him for saving me yesterday. This right here is the perfect way to say thank you. So, I was wondering, if you can teach him?" Marinette asked. "[thinks]. Well, he is a bit behind. And since he did save you, I would be a great repayment." Su Han replied. "Oh thank you, Grandmaster. Cat Noir is going to love this." Marinette said. She pulls out her communication box to call Cat Noir. "What's with the box?" Su Han asked. "Oh, Cat Noir gave this to me, so we can chat without knowing who we are, and when we are not transformed. It's a way for us to have better communication with each other." Marinette replied. "Ok, now he definitely deserves a power upgrade." Su Han said.
At Adrien's home, he is lying on his bed, all while Plagg eats some of his cheese.  "[sighs].  I'm so bored, Plagg.  There is nothing enjoyable to do today."  Adrien said.  "Not for me.  I have all the cheese needed to make my Saturday."  Plagg replied.  "Thanks for the support.  I wanted to quit being a model, but I never expected how much time that leaves for myself.  Normally I would go to school, then straight to one of those annoying photos shoots.  All day if it's Saturday.  Now that I quit, it feels weird that I have so much free time."  Adrien said.  "Why don't you hang out with your friends?"  Plagg asked.  "I wish.  Sadly, they all have stuff going on today.  Meaning I can just lay in my bed, and stare at my ceiling, until it gets dark out."  Adrien replied.  "[eats cheese].  Well, it's better then doing something you hate."  Plagg said.  "It is, but now my life feels less active then when I was a model.  Do you ever get bored, Plagg?"  Adrien asked.  [eats cheese].  Of course I do.  Sometimes."  Plagg replied.  "And what did you do not to be bored anymore?"  Adrien asked.  "Glad you asked.  I'm always here to lend a paw.  All I do one thing.  Try something new.  For example, I don't like to read.  It feels pointless, and a waste of my time.  I do scroll through magazines, but reading for real?  Not at all.  However, when I was bored one day, I did find a new book about one hundred cheese facts you probably don't know about.  So, I gave it a look, and ended up reading a quarter of the book."  Plagg replied.  "No way.  That's amazing."  Adrien said.  "So by doing something you never have done before, leads to a not so boring day."  Plagg replied.  "Huh?  That sounds like fun.  Better than just sitting here all day.  Only question is, what should I do?"  Adrien asked.  He gets interrupted when his communication box rings.  "[answers it].  Morning, My Lady.  How are you doing?"  Adrien asked.  "I'm good.  Hope you are as well."  Marinette replied.  "Uhh, not really.  I'm having a not so exciting day."  Adrien said.  "Well then, that's perfect.  Remember last night I said I was going to repay you for saving me from Lady WiFi?"  Marinette asked.  "Yeah."  Adrien replied.  "I have the reward.  Meet me at the rooftop at Banger Avenue, so you can receive it."  Marinette said, as she hangs up.  "Change of plans, Plagg.  Ladybug has something for us.  Plagg, claws out."  Adrien said as he transforms into Cat Noir. 
Ladybug and Su Han wait for Cat Noir.  "Thanks again for doing this.  Even after I pissed you off with the whole Lady WiFi thing."  Ladybug said.  "I'm doing this for Cat Noir.  You should think about doing something that will make you get back my respect.  I'm still a bit peeved from what happened."  Su Han replied.  "Fair enough."  Ladybug said.  Soon, Cat Noir arrives to his destination.  "Hello, Ladybug.  Oh, and Su Han."  Cat Noir said.  "Hello, Cat Noir."  Su Han replied in an anger way.  "Uhhh, is he alright?"  Cat Noir asked.  "He's still upset, after what happened yesterday."  Ladybug replied.  "Silence.  She's correct.  Additionally, Ladybug informed me your the reason the Mother Box wasn't taken away thanks to some convoluted plan you came up with."  Su Han said.  "I wouldn't say it was convoluted, but yes.  That's what happened."  Cat Noir replied.  "So you weren't lying after all, Ladybug.  As for you, Cat Noir, I'm impressed."  Su Han said.  "So, this is my reward?  Su Han asking if my plan was real, and thanking me for it?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Of course not.  He is however apart of the reward.  Today, Cat Noir, you're going to receive something you should have gotten along time ago............You're going to get a power upgrade."  Ladybug replied.  "What?  Are you serious?"  Cat Noir asked in surprise.  "I'm not lying.  You're seriously going to get a power upgrade.  Like how I got mine a while back with the magical charms."  Ladybug replied.  "Indeed.  And I will be the one accompanying you do achieve this reward."  Su Han said.  "No way.  So, what will my powers be like?"  Cat Noir asked.  "There are four stages, until a miraculous holder achieves their full potential.  Stage 4 is where you can us your cataclysm as many times as you want, and control how destructive you want it.  Stage 1 is similar in a sense, but not as powerful as stage four.  You will have the power to make your cataclysms smaller, or bigger.  Instead of touching something, and having the level of damage be at random."  Su Han replied.  "Oh, gotcha.  I'm really going to control my cataclysms for now on?"  Cat Noir asked.  Su Han nods his head.  "Wow!  [gets excited].  Oh my God.  What are we waiting for?  Let's do this."  Cat Noir said as he jumps with joy.  "First, relax yourself."  Su Han replied.  Cat stops jumping, and chills out.  "Good.  Now listen.  Just like your normal cataclysm, this isn't meant to be used for fun and games.  Only for the good of humanity, as the miraculous were designed to be."  Su Han said.  "Ok."  Cat Noir replied.  "Now, close your eyes, and focus in you're head.  [Cat closes his eyes, and focuses].  Think deep inside on how destructive you want the cataclysm to be.  Do you want it to be tiny, or bigger.  Capture that in you're mind, and try to bring it to life.  [Cat Noir thinks harder].  Just like that.  Focus all your attention to the idea you have in your head.  Now, raise your hand with your miraculous on it.  [Cat raises hand].  Excellent.  Focus on the energy of the cataclysm.  [Cat Noir focuses]., use your power."  Su Han said.  "[opens his eyes].  Cataclysm."  Cat Noir replied as he uses his powers.  Cat clinches the cataclysm, which releases an electric black and green shock.  It doesn't hurt Cat Noir, but instead, travels over his body.  His arms and legs start to conduct dark green stripes that race their way to his shoulders and waist.  The electric shocks soon ends, and Cat Noir looks at his arms, and legs.  "Did......did it work?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Try for yourself."  Su Han replied.  Cat Noir looks at his cataclysm, and then a soda can left on the roof.  He walks over to it, and picks it up with his left hand.  Cat Noir then touches the can with his right hand.  Normally, the can would turn to ashes when cataclysm makes physical contact with it.  However, this time it only shatters the can into metal pieces.  "No way.  [looks at Ladybug and Su Han].  I did it."  Cat Noir said in excitement.  "Congratulations, Cat Noir."  Su Han replied.  "I really did it.  Oh my God.  OH MY GOD, this is so cool.  I can literally do so much with this power.  I can use my cataclysm when things get too dangerous, or cause major destruction with a bigger one.  The amount of possibilities now.  Ohhh, this is incredible."  Cat Noir said in happiness.  "I'm glad you're happy.  But remember."  Su Han replied.  "Of course.  Use my powers only for the greater good.  I'm aware."  Cat Noir said.  "Good.  I guess my work here is done."  Su Han replied, as he leaps away.  "Oh, thank you, thank you, so much for this Ladybug.  You definitely made my day less boring than it already was."  Cat Noir said.  "[smiles].  I'm glad you love it.  Thanks to this, Farfalla won't stand a chance."  Ladybug replied.  "Regular akumas, and a newly powered Cat Noir.  I'll like to see her try to crush us."  Cat Noir replied.  "Absolutely.  I better be going.  See you on the next mission."  Ladybug said.  "Same here, My Lady."  Cat Noir replied.  The two of them leave, with Cat Noir smiling as he heads home.
Ladybug runs across rooftops, and jumps over chimneys as she goes home.  That is, until she hears this.  "GOD, CAN YOU GUYS DO ANYTHING RIGHT????!!!!!"  A man yelled.  Ladybug stops, and looks to see what is up.  She notices a construction team working on a new building for Paris.  "I specifically told you to build this with a length of twenty, and a width of thirty.  But by these measurements, THEY ARE SWAPPED!!!!!"  The man yelled.  "We're sorry, Fred.  We've did the calculations, and it..."  A construction worker replied.  "Oh shut up!!!!  You all are starting to make me lose it.  The mayor declared this to be done in three weeks.  Now we have to start from scratch again.  AHHHHH!!!!!!"  Fred screamed.  "Jeez.  At least he's not Su Han."  Ladybug said.  She leaves, as Fred storms away in anger.  After he punches a pallet to let some of it out.  Meanwhile, Cat Noir makes it back home.  "Claws in."  Cat Noir said, as he de-transforms into Adrien.  "That was something we never have done before.  How do you feel about your new powers?"  Plagg asked.  "I feel phenomenal.  First I quit modeling, then I beat up Essence, then I get a power upgrade.  This has to be the best week of my entire life."  Adrien replied.  "Agreed.  Nice to see you be treated better rather than plain abuse."  Plagg said.  "It's truly a miracle."  Adrien replied.  "Any other ideas to enjoy today other then just lay in bed?"  Plagg asked.  "Not really.  I did do something different, but I'm not sure what else to do.  Hmmmm, I guess I can look at my photo book."  Adrien replied.  "Fine by me."  Plagg said.  Adrien goes to the side of his bed, and opens the secret drawer to his photo book.  The one full of happy memories from Kuro Neko.  Adrien sits down, opens the book, and scrolls his way past the good times.  Adrien smiles, as does Plagg.  He loves to see his owner filled with positivity instead of negativity.  As the day runs by, we cut from light to dark.  Adrien comes out the bathroom, now in his pajamas, as Plagg savors a night snack.  "Ready for bed, Plagg?"  Adrien asked.  "[eats cheese].  Yep.  Just a little dairy, before bed."  Plagg replied.  "Like you do."  Adrien said.  "No need to judge my eating."  Plagg replied.  "I'm not judging.  Eating cheese is what make you special, Plagg."  Adrien said.  "Awwww, how nice of you.  I mean, thanks, Adrien"  Plagg replied.  "Not a problem, Plagg."  Adrien said.  The two of them climb into bed, and Adrien turns off the light.  "Night, Plagg."  Adrien said.  "Night, Adrien."  Plagg replied.
"Hurry up, kitty.  We have to stop Stoneheart, before he hurts anyone else."  Ladybug said.  "You can count on me, My Lady."  Cat Noir replied.  Stoneheart slams his fist on the ground, and both heroes jump in the air.  Cat lands on a car, and looks to see a billboard on the roof above Stoneheart.  "Ladybug, yo-yo him.  I know how to handle this."  Cat Noir said.  Ladybug obeys, and uses her yo-yo to keep Stoneheart in place.  As she holds him down, Cat Noir jumps to the rooftop with the billboard.  "Cataclysm."  Cat Noir said as he uses his powers.  He touches the metal bars than bind the billboard, and then massive destruction begins.  The billboard falls off it's screws, and hurdles to Stoneheart.  Who then gets crushed by the billboard.  That crash did end up having his akumatized object out in the open.  [lands in front of object, and picks it up].  I'm sorry, Ivan.  It's for the greater good."  Cat Noir said, as he breaks the object.  The akuma flies out, Ladybug captures it, and Ivan is saved.  Cat helps him out of the wreckage, as Ladybug joins them.  "Wonderful job with that cataclysm, Cat Noir."  Ladybug said.  "Just doing my job.  It's also thanks to this new power I'm already starting to love."  Cat Noir replied.  "Pound it."  Ladybug and Cat Noir said together.  So suddenly, Cat's sixth sense kicks in.  He feels something unnatural coming.  He turns around, and starts to hear a crashing sound.  He walks a bit forward to get a closer look, but the ground starts to shake.  A tidal wave blows it's way through the city of Paris.  Cat Noir, now frightened, tries to run, but gets caught in the water.  He spins and flips around.  Unable to control his balance in the water.  Cat ends up being scrapped on the ground, as he goes deeper into the sea.  Until eventually, the water stops, and Cat regains balance again.  He swims up to the surface, and resting on the cliff of a rooftop.  He takes deep breathes, after barfing out water, before climbing onto the roof.  "[coughs].  What was that?"  Cat Noir asked.  He puts his head up, and cannot believe or understand what he is witnessing.  Paris, all underwater, the Eiffel Tower on it's side, freezing cold, and a shattered moon.  Cat Noir gets up, and looks around confused and scared.  "It's devastating, isn't it?"  Someone asked.  Cat Noir turns around, and questions who said that.  His question get answers when a being jumps down behind him.  Cat Noir turns around to face the person.  Gasping in horror at what he sees.  "Hello, me."  Cat Blanc said.  "What?"  Cat Noir asked.  Cat Blanc stands straight up.  "It's sad to see what I once was, before my purfect world was destroyed by me.  Or, to be logical, before my purfect world was destroyed by you."  Cat Blanc said.  "Me?  No.  I didn't do this.  You did.  Ladybug...."  Cat Noir replied.  "Ahhhh, Ladybug.  The truly most miraculous girl in the world.  The one I desired to be with since we meet.  [sighs].  Now she is gone too.  All because........of you."  Cat Blanc said.  "No.  [looks around].  No, you are the one who did this."  Cat Noir said, as he starts to get more scared.  "And you are me.  I am you.  We are the exact same."  Cat Blanc said.  Cat Blanc looks at the destroyed city he once called home.  "I wonder how Ladybug would feel.  Feel about you being her cause of death."  Cat Blanc said.  "Stop it.  That's not true at all."  Cat Noir replied.  "Ohhhh, but it is.  You killed her.  You murdered Ladybug.  You murdered everyone living being in the world.  Everything, ravaged because of you."  Cat Blanc said.  Cat starts to gets even more terrified.  "[starts to circle Cat Noir].  Pfff, and you were the one she cared for the most.  Her favorite kitten.  Her favorite miraculous holder.  Now I bet she thinks you are a disease.  She thinks you're useless.  A waste of life.  A demon.  A psychopath.  [Cat Noir says no in terrified ways].  She valued you so much, and you just kill her......[stands in front of Cat Noir].....It's all your fault she's dead."  Cat Blanc said.  "STOP IT!!!!!  CATACLYSM!!!!!"  Cat Noir replied, as he uses his powers.  Closing his eyes, he presses his hand onto Cat Blanc's chest.  He takes deep breathes, as tears start to come out of his eyes.  Soon, he hears gagging.  Cat Noir opens his eyes, which then open up even wider.  Because he sees his hand right on the chest.........of Ladybug.  "Wh.........why?"  Ladybug asked as she slowly turns to stone, and then to dust.  Cat Noir is frozen in shock, as he struggles to say a word.  He falls to his knees, and covers his hands with Ladybug's ashes.  Tears fall from his eyes, and onto the dust.  Cat Noir just cannot believe what he has done.  His sadness get worse when he hears something from the side of him.  A sloppy, drippy, sound.  He turns his tearful head to his left, as the sounds get louder.  He is frightened.  As he should.  Stone hands grab the ledge, and pull up to the rooftop.  "Murderer."  The stone being said.  Then another one joins him.  "Murderer."  The other stone being said.  Both of them chant murderer at Cat Noir, who cannot take this.  It makes his feel more scared, and sad.  The echoing of each murderer makes it's way into Cat Noir's head.  Suddenly, the entire rooftop is surround by a crowd of dead, stone people.  Including Adrien's own friends like, Kagami, and Nino.  All of them chant murderer louder, and louder at Cat Noir.  Cat cries.  Begging for them to stop.  They don't, and proceed to call Cat Blanc what he is.  Cat looks at his body, and is in complete horror to see his entire outfit a different color.  The opposite of black.  Pure, white.  His eyes are blue, his skin pale, and his hair is white.  Cat Blanc, now more horrified than ever, screams for them to stop.  The chanting echoes around him.  Locking him up in an endless loop of torment.  Cat Blanc let's out a powerful scream.  Adrien then wakes up from bed, completely sweating, and standing straight up.  This has Plagg wake up from his sleep.  Adrien takes deep breathes, as Plagg flies in front of him.  "Adrien.  What's wrong?"  Plagg asked in concerned.  Adrien doesn't respond.  Doesn't say a single word.  He only sits in bed, taking more and more deep breathes.
    The next morning, Adrien watches the news. It discusses how Farfalla has been pushing real hard on getting the miraculous. Living up to her declaration on wanting them. While one hero remains confident that she will be defeated, the other lies in complete terror. "[flies next to him]. You feeling better?" Plagg asked in a concerned way. "Yeah. Why would I feel anything negative?" Adrien asked. "Well, last night you woke up all sweaty screaming. I asked if you were alright, but you didn't respond. You just took deep breathes.  No word exited your mouth" Plagg replied. "Oh that. Yeah, it was a bad dream. It's no problem now. Just a one time thing. Nothing too traumatizing." Adrien said as he giggles with fear. "Traumatizing?" Plagg asked. "I told you, it's not big deal." Adrien replied. "If you say so. Just looking after you." Plagg said. Soon, Adrien's communication box rings. He answers it. "Hello." Adrien said. "Cat. Farfalla unleashed another supervillain on Paris. I'm already there. Where are you at?" Ladybug asked. "Where I'm" Adrien asked worried. "Yeah." Ladybug replied. "Oh....uh....About that.....I'm....I'm.....not able to make it." Adrien said. "What? Why?" Ladybug asked. "I'm........not feeling too fresh. It's best for me to sit this one out. If that's ok." Adrien replied. "I understand. Health is as important as being a superhero. I can handle this one. Hope you get better." Ladybug said. "Thanks. See you soon." Adrien replied, as he hangs up. "And you said you were ok." Plagg said. "Oh, I said that? Well, I'm wrong. Got a little, [touches head], ouch. Headache. A really hot one." Adrien replied. "Understood. In that case, better be in bed, than on this couch." Plagg said. "NO!!!!! NOT THERE!!!!!! WHAT IF I FALL ASLEEP, AND HE COMES TO ME AGAIN???!!!! [looks at Plagg, who has a confused face]. What I meant to say was, I'm comfortable here. [lies down]. I'll just chill here, and hope I get better." Adrien replied. "Ok. You want me to get you some medicine?" Plagg asked. "No. Some water will be ok." Adrien replied. Plagg goes to do that in order to help his best friend. "I'm sorry bud. You can't know what happened. I mean, this won't be the end of the world right? Sure, I'm sitting out of a mission, but for a good reason. I'm sure everything will be fine after today." Adrien said. [Four days later].  Adrien is still seen on his couch.  Except he is still in his pajamas that are all sweaty, his eyes has massive bags under them, his hair is a greasy mess, and he has countless mugs on the floor.  "[chugs coffee].  Ahhh.  How do you like that white demon?!  YOUR NOT GETTING ME TODAY!!!!"  Adrien screamed, as he laughs like a psycho.  During this phase, Plagg watches his owner in complete horror.  "My goodness.  What lead my poor kitten to this?"  Plagg asked himself.  Adrien drinks more coffee, as he celebrates being safe from Cat Blanc.
    "AHHHHH!!!!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!! We have to push back THREE WEEKS!!!!! THREE WEEKS!!!!!! UNTIL THE BUILDING CAN BE FINISHED???!!!!!" Fred screamed. "Unfortunately, boss. Look, we're all sorry. It's just one little mishap, but we'll be back on track soon. In no time, we'll be done." A construction worker replied. "Oh, a little, tiny mishap. Shut up you tools for brains." Fred yelled. "Excuse me, but I won't be talked to like this." Construction worker replied. "Well, maybe you wouldn't be called that, IF YOU AND THE OTHERS DID YOU'RE JOB RIGHT!!!!!" Fred screamed. "Relax, boss. At this rate, you could get akumatized." Another construction worker replied. "Well guess what? Good. Maybe I can get my job done faster, if I had the power to do it." Fred said, as he rages more. At Lila's apartment, she is sitting on her chair using a paint brush to add color to a canvas. "Ok......almost done and........there. Perfect." Lila said. Lila painted a plant she had in her room. Her painting perfectly matches it. "[flies next to her]. You never told me you paint." Nooroo said. "I'm more than just a liar, Nooroo. Painting for me has been my favorite hobby. Capturing the energy and form of someone or something allows me to feel natural and lively. I adore taking a paintbrush, and just drawing anything on it. Even if it is messy, I still find satisfaction in it." Lila replied. "In any case, that really is a beautiful painting." Nooroo said. "Thanks.  Maybe I can draw you one day." Lila replied.  "That would be very sweet."  Nooroo said.  The two of them smile, before Lila's brooch shines.  "[gasp].  We can talk more on this later.  I can feel a negative emotion building up.  Oh.  A really strong one.  A furious fire burning deep inside.  Ready to spread across the land.  [gets up].  Nooroo, dark wings rise."  Lila said, as she transforms into Farfalla.  Farfalla opens her blinks to get some sunlight in her room.  She approaches her nightstand where her butterflies are.  She opens the cage, and pulls out a butterfly.  In her hands, she possesses it with the power of the Butterfly miraculous.  Before she opens her window to release it.  "Fly now my little akuma.  And get this battle heated up."  Farfalla said.  The akuma flies to where the negativity is boiling.  Fred.  The akuma gets in close, and goes into his construction helmet.  A mask forms on Fred's face.  "Condestructor.  I am Farfalla.  Who cares if your team can't deliver, when I can offer a better solution. I give the powers to construct not just a better building, but a better Paris. Maybe then someone can actually do their job, and make the people of Paris happy. Sadly, Ladybug and Cat Noir can't perform right at their jobs knowing how much building damage they cause. You must release your rage on them, and bring me their miraculous." Farfalla said. "Now that's what I'm talking about." Fred replied, as he transforms into Condestructor. His team runs away, as Fred transforms. Condestructor is a massive titan with large yellow legs with black stripes, two cane arms, one with a hammer, the other a jackhammer, two wrecking balls on it's back, and a massive head with concrete as the lower jaw plus a red vertical line for eyes. He also has a large construction helmet to finish the job. Condestructor sends it's wrecking ball to destroy the building they were working on. "Forget what I was assigned. I'll show them all a better city, with the proper performance to pull it off." Condestructor said, as he makes his way to cause more destruction.
Adrien, who is still on the couch of course, chugs three coffees at once.  "[smashes mugs on floor].  WOOOO!!!!!!  THAT IS THE STUFF.  ONE CUP OF THIS MEANS ONE HOUR AWAY FROM SEEING WHITE DEMON AGAIN!!!!!"  Adrien yelled.  Plagg still watches Adrien be consumed with madness.  He gently flies to Adrien, who is losing his mind.  "Adrien."  Plagg said.  "WHO?  WHAT?  WHERE?  [looks at Plagg].  Hey, Plagg."  Adrien replied as he gets jitters.  "Hey, I was wondering, if you are feeling ok?  You haven't slept in a few days, and instead been drinking loads of caffeine.  [flies to a cup to get a taste.  Gags].  Which taste like crap if you ask me."  Plagg said.  "[chugs a cup].  Oh, it's great.  Great for getting up.  Making sure not to sleep.  Avoiding evil.  It's for the greater good."  Adrien replied with more jitters.  "But sleep deprivation isn't good.  I've never seen you look so messy in my life.  I didn't mean that as an insult at all."  Plagg said.  "Who cares if I have sleep deprivation?"  Adrien asked.  "Me of course.  And it isn't just sleep deprivation.  You haven't shown up as Cat Noir for four days.  The same amount of time you been chugging coffee like it's a drinking competition."  Plagg replied.  "[chugs more coffee].  Ladybug managed to defeat the villains.  It's all good."  Adrien said.  "And your ok with that?"  Plagg asked.  "Yep."  Adrien replied.  "That sounds like a lie considering how upset you were being left out before.  [shivers].  Dark, and emotionally devastating if you ask me."  Plagg said.  "Well, as long as villains don't strike, Cat Noir has no good reason to show up."  Adrien replied.  That's when both of them hear screaming outside.  Plagg flies to see Condestructor using it's jackhammer to decimate a building into pieces.  Rubble falls, as people run away for their lives.  "Ohhhh, a villain is on the loose.  Guess this is the time for Cat Noir to get up, and get to work."  Plagg said.  "[spits out coffee].  WHAT?"  Adrien screamed.  "A villain, is on, the loose.  So, Cat Noir, should, get up, now, and go, to, work."  Plagg replied.  "Oh....well.....funny thing is...."  Adrien said.  "You're tired?  You have enough coffee to wake you up.  Not a problem there.  If you're sick, [looks at Adrien up and down], you look fine to me."  Plagg interrupted.  "Well...."  Adrien said.  "[Communication box rises].  Cat, where are you this time?  Hope you got better  If so, I need you now.  This villain named Condestructor isn't going easy on us.  If you get this, please hurry."  Ladybug replied.  Adrien looks scared.  "Sounds like someone needs to go to work."  Plagg said.  Adrien sweats because he doesn't want to go.  "Adrien.  It's time."  Plagg said.  "[sweats more].  Uh....uh....uh....I can't....because."  Adrien replied.  "OH NO!!!!!  Your not pulling one of your excuses on me this time, Adrien."  Plagg said in a serious tone.  "Please, Plagg.  Let me...."  Adrien replied.  "NO!!!!  I'M NOT LETTING YOU SIT OUT!!!!!  I HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR, SLEEP DEPRIVATION IS NOT A BIG DEAL, OR I'M FEELING SICK, EXCUSES!!!!!!  IT CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!  THIS ISN'T THE ADRIEN I KNOW AS A HERO.  HE IS SOMEONE WHO GOES OUT TO FIGHT, AND NOT COWARE IN FEAR!!!!!!  RIGHT NOW, I SEE A COWARD NOT WANTING TO FIGHT!!!!!!  [Adrien gets close to crying].  SO, YOUR NOT GOING TO TAKE ANOTHER SIP OF THAT COFFEE.  YOUR GOING TO GET OFF YOUR BUTT NOW, TRANSFORM, AND FIGHT!!!!!!  AND IF YOU HAVE A SINGLE EXCUSE, I'M GOING TO SLAP IT OUT OF YOU!!!!!!"  Plagg yelled.  Plagg angers makes Adrien's guard drop.  He starts to shed tears, which Plagg shockingly notices.  Plagg watches, as Adrien cries.  "[sheds tears].  I'm so scared, Plagg.  I'm so scared of him.  I'm scared of......Cat Blanc.  [weeps].  The bad dream I told you I had wasn't an ordinary bad dream.  It was me interacting with Blanc.  All while surrounded by the ruins of Paris.  He called me a murderer.  The cause of millions of deaths.  He saw me as a monster.  [weeps].  Then.......I killed Ladybug thinking she was Cat Blanc, and almost every dead civilian in Paris called me a murderer.  [gags, and shed tears].  It was beyond traumatizing.  And I didn't know how to deal with it.  I didn't want to sleep knowing he would show up again.  I couldn't bare it.  And now, my once finally enjoyable week turned into a horrific nightmare I can't escape from."  Adrien replied as he cries.  Plagg is left speechless.  As well as a bit guilty for yelling at Adrien.  Sure, he had to break him out of it, but he didn't want Adrien to cry.  He flies up to Adrien, and whips some of his tears off.  "Hey, [Adrien moves his head up].  I'm sure we both can talk about this.  But not now.  I get your afraid, Adrien.  And so am I.  [in whisper].  For hurting you.  [Not in whisper].  But we have lives to save.  So listen.  Let's transform, put all of this off to the side.  We save the day, and then we can talk ok.  Important stuff first, then this."  Plagg said.  Adrien takes a breather to relax himself.  [still has a few tears on his face].  But....but what if?"  Adrien asked.  "Don't worry.  You'll be safe."  Plagg replied.  "Ok.  [deep breath].  Let's go.  Plagg, claws out."  Adrien said, as he transforms into Cat Noir.
    At the battlefield, Ladybug dodges a hammer strike from Condestructor. She lands safely, before charging at him. He sends his wrecking balls to Ladybug, but she jumps over one, and dodges the other. She throws her yo-yo at Condestructor's head, but he uses his concrete mouth to bite it. He whirls her around, and chucks her into a wall.  Condestructor looks at the fallen Ladybug.  He starts to gag, and then barf out a lob of wet concrete.  Ladybug tries to run, but her legs get covers in the concrete.  "[mask forms].  Now the little ladybug is started in our web.  Hurry up, and bring me her miraculous.  But first, use your hammer to squash her to bits."  Farfalla ordered.  "Woah!  Isn't that a little much?"  Condestructor asked.  "Is talking back to the one who gave you this power, and who can take it back a little much?"  Farfalla asked back.  "Fair enough."  Condestructor replied.  Condestructor raises his hand, as Ladybug tries to escape.  Ready to destroy, Condestructor sends his hammer down.  Before a staff pokes him.  "Ouch.  How did that?"  Condestructor asked in anger.  "Me.  And if you don't back off My Lady, you'll have more than just your eyes to worry about."  Cat Noir replied.  "So the cat finally showed up?  Now I can make both you pay for causing colossal damage to the city."  Condestructor said.  "Colossal?"  Cat Noir asked with a little bit of paranoia.  "Yes, colossal.  Every time a villain strikes, it leads to innocent buildings, and lives being crushed.  And that makes me anger consider HOW MUCH WORK, I PUT INTO THIS!!!!!!"  Condestructor yelled.  "That's not true.  Well, not entirely.  The villain causes the damage, and it's our job to fix it.  Look around you.  All of this wasn't us.  It was you, or more specifically, Farfalla.  She is the one to blame."  Ladybug said.  "[mask forms].  Don't listen to her lies.  She's only trying to make you go back to being an anger construction worker.  This is your chance to do the job you love right for once.  Unless you want to go back to normal, and have morons make your life more aggravating."  Farfalla replied.  "You're going to have to try a lot harder to fool me.  With you immobilized, time for the cat to be buried."  Condestructor said.  He sends his wrecking balls to Cat Noir, which makes him regain focus.  He dodges both, and goes to run on the walls to get Condestructor.  Condestructor replies by swiping both wrecking balls against two buildings.  One of which is the one Cat Noir is running along.  The buildings get crushed, but more importantly, Cat runs to not get wrecked.  He jumps, and swings his staff against Condestructor's knee caps.  That sends him to one knee.  "[lands].  Huh?  Guess Bunnix was right about going for the joints to bring them down."  Cat Noir said.  Condestructor gets anger, so he slams his hammer on Cat Noir.  He dodges it, and runs.  Condestructor uses his jackhammer to drill into Cat.  Cat narrowly avoids the drill, before he falls to the ground.  He needs to move because the hammer almost crushed him again.  Soon, Condestructor sends back his wrecking balls.  Cat manages to back flip, before both balls smash into each other.  With all his weapons not active, Cat makes his move.  He runs, jumps, and kicks Condestructor in the eyes.  Blinding the beast.  While Cat lands on two feet instead of all four, Condestructor falls backwards on the ground.  Leaving a crater, where he struggles to get out of.  Cat Noir takes this chance to help Ladybug.  Still trapped in concrete.  "Great job getting him down.  Now use your cataclysm to break the concrete."  Ladybug said.  "Uhhh.....My....cataclysm?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Yes.  Make the destruction little.  More than that could kill me."  Ladybug replied.  The words, kill me, echo inside of Cat Noir's head.  He is frozen.  Even worse is that he gets images of him cataclysm Ladybug in his nightmare.  Which makes Cat vulnerable.  Condestructor starts to slowly rise from the ground.  "Cat.  Hurry.  Cataclysm me out of this now.  [Cat stays frozen, as Condestructor gets up].  Please, Cat.  [LB takes deep breathes].  Cat Noir.  PLEASE!!!!!!"  Ladybug begged.  Cat Noir turns around, and notices Condestructor getting up.  This gives me the wake up call he needed.  "Cataclysm". Cat Noir said as he uses his powers.  He touches the concrete, which gently breaks it to pieces.  Allowing Ladybug to finally be released.  "Thanks."  Ladybug said.  Cat still is a bit scared, but comes to when Ladybug tells him to look out.  Condestructor spits out more concrete blobs, and the two heroes run to avoid them.  Condestructor keeps spitting, as the heroes jump to a near by hiding spot.  "Lucky charm."  Ladybug said, as she uses her powers.  Her lucky charm forms a brick.  "A brick?"  Ladybug asked.  Ladybug looks at Condestructor, and tries to find ways to stop him.  When she looks around, nothing comes in mind.  "That's strange.  Can't find anything to stop him."  Ladybug said.  Cat Noir looks at the brick, and then remembers Condestructor's appearance.  "Can I see that?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Sure."  Ladybug replied.  Cat looks at Condestructor, and then the brick in his hands.  "I think I got it.  The lucky charm isn't meant for a tool.  It's meant for a clue to where the akuma is."  Cat Noir said.  "How so?"  Ladybug asked.  "Construction workers deal with heavy duties all the time right?  Some of which can be very dangerous.  So, in order to stay protect, they wear hard hats to keep their head safe.  So, if I were to drop a brick on a construction worker's head, he wouldn't be fatally injured because of his hard hat."  Cat Noir replied.  "So the akuma would be in his helmet."  Ladybug said.  "Exactly.  And I have an idea to do it."  Cat Noir replied.  Ladybug throws her yo-yo at Condestructor's head.  Getting his attention.  He rages, and sends his jackhammer to Ladybug.  She jumps over it, and runs.  Condestructor then uses his hammer to get the bug.  She swiftly slides past it.  Ladybug ends up behind him, so Condestructor sends both wrecking balls to crumble her.  Both wrecking balls miss Ladybug.  Condestructor starts to get a little anger.  He turns around, sticks his jackhammer in the ground, and trances it to Ladybug to drill her to death.  He runs his drill into a building.  Unfortunately for him, his jackhammer gets stuck.  Ladybug teases Condestructor by yelling at him.  Fury rising, he punches his hammer hand with force to her.  Ladybug barrel roll flips to dodge it, as the hammer gets stuck in the ground too.  Losing his temper, he shots both wrecking balls in the air to Ladybug.  Perfect for her.  She wraps the cord of both wrecking balls with her yo-yo, pulls back, and ties both balls together.  She keeps her position in place.  Keeping Condestructor trapped.  "So what's next?  You can't expect to stop me from being stuck in one place?"  Condestructor asked.  "No.  But Cat Noir can."  Ladybug replied.  Cat Noir, now in the air, uses his staff to hit the construction helmet from the back of Condestructor's head.  This release the akuma, and de-evilizes Condestructor.  Ladybug then opens her yo-yo, spins it around, captures the akuma, frees it from evil, and says a nice goodbye as it flies away.
"Miraculous Ladybug."  Ladybug said as she uses her powers.  The power of the lucky charm manages to fix all the damage left in Paris.  Fred gets up, as Ladybug opens her yo-yo, and pulls out a magical charm.  "[puts charm in Fred's hand].  This here is a magical charm.  It will remind you that despite your anger, you should always not let it corrupt you."  Ladybug said.  "[thinks].  Hmm.  Maybe I did go a little too far with my temper.  I just couldn't help myself.  I'm a short fuse ready to blow whenever I get frustrated."  Fred replied.  "It's alright.  As a friend once told me, if I am bored, try something I've never done before."  Cat Noir said.  "But I'm not bored."  Fred replied.  "True.  But I think the same case can happen with anger.  Perhaps some mediation will help lower your temper."  Cat Noir said.  "[thinks again].  I never did it before.  Maybe I can try giving it a shot.  Thanks for the advice, Cat Noir."  Fred replied.  "My pleasure."  Cat Noir said.  "Pound it."  Ladybug and Cat Noir said together.  After the fight, Cat Noir makes it home.  "Claws in."  Cat Noir said as he de-transforms.  Adrien goes to sit on his bed, as Plagg joins him.  "Feeling any better?"  Plagg asked.  "[yawns loudly].  A little bit.  But now I'm extremely exhausted."  Adrien replied.  "[sniffs].  Ugh!  And smelly.  Again, I didn't mean that as an insult."  Plagg said.  "I know.  [sniffs].  But you're absolutely right.  Guess drinking nothing but coffee really made me a wreck.  I'm going to clean myself up, and [yawns] probably go to bed.  Make up the sleep I missed."  Adrien replied.  Adrien gets up to clean himself up.  "Wait.  [Adrien turns around].  Adrien.......I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier.  I get it now you weren't doing well, but maybe raising my voice up like that wasn't a smooth idea.  Because of it, I made you cry for the first time, and it just really hurts for me to do that.  I never made anyone cry before, so it made me feel awful inside.  I hope you will forgive me."  Plagg said.  "Seriously, Plagg?  Of course I forgive you.  Though it was rough admitting what was bothering me.  I didn't want to make you worried."  Adrien replied.  "Well you did when you refused to sleep.  I just didn't want to see you sad again."  Plagg said.  "That's understandable.  Now I know why Ladybug didn't want to tell me about Blanc.  He really is a night terror."  Adrien replied.  "It's best if we stop talking about this, and you focus on getting ready for bed."  Plagg said.  "Agreed."  Adrien replied.  Adrien goes to the bathroom, and one shower later, he is in a fresh pair of pajamas, and climbing into bed.  "You sure you'll be alright?"  Plagg asked.  "I hope."  Adrien replied.  "Just know I'll always be here for you.  No matter the problem."  Plagg said.  Adrien smiles, and replies with, "Thanks, Plagg.  You are the best kwami I could ever ask for."  Adrien falls asleep, as Plagg slightly blushes again because of Adrien's comment.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now