Ivan Bruel

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An alarm clock goes off, and it gets turns off by Ivan Bruel.  He stretches, before he gets out of bed, where he is shirtless, and rocks blue shorts as pajamas.  His room is fully of decor that represents him perfectly.  He has his own drum set in the corner of the room, some heavy metal posters on the walls, some weights, some pics of him and his GF, some save the trees signs, and some other comfort memes on the wall.  Classic Ivan.  He goes to get ready for the day, and as he does, Stompp awakes as well.  She looks around her new home.  "I like the drums.  Everything else, I can get use to."  Stompp said.  "Thanks, and good morning."  Ivan replied, as he is now in his everyday outfit.  "Morning to you too, Ivan."  Stompp said.  "So, this is it.  You, me, a room.  Together forever."  Ivan replied.  "I'm fine with it.  It's been a little too long since I was with LB.  I needed a change to be honest."  Stompp said.  "Well fear not.  Your going to love staying with me.  Let's go get some breakfast.  Then you can see what fun I do for a living."  Ivan replied.  "Sounds like a plan, boss."  Stompp said.  "Boss?  I like that."  Ivan replied.  In the kitchen, Ivan cooks himself some scrambled eggs.  Good for the protein.  "Eggs I see.  Good choice."  Stompp said.  "You like eggs?"  Ivan asked.  "I do."  Stompp replied.  "Great.  Now I know what to feed you."  Ivan said.  "Eggs work, but also an onion works as well.  I like to go hardcore from the others."  Stompp replied.  "That takes a lot of guts.  [pounds chest].  Respect."  Ivan said.  "Anyway, shall we feast?"  Stompp asked.  "We shall."  Ivan replied.  So Ivan sits down, and alongside his kwami, the two of them feast on their breakfast.

Soon after that, they are now walking on the streets of Paris.  With Stompp in Ivan's pocket.  "So, you are a heavy metal guy, but also do a lot of stuff for the environment?"  Stompp asked.  "And I do have a soft side."  Ivan replied.  "Sounds kind of weird, but I like weird.  If done right."  Stompp said.  "What do you mean, done right?"  Ivan asked.  "Well there are two ways it can go.  One where it's done weird, but in a way that works/feels like a joyride of fun.  Or weird, but in a way where it's too much, that it makes you generally uncomfortable.  Believe me, I've been there."  Stompp replied.  "Interesting.  So, you think I'm weird?"  Ivan asked.  "Not quite.  You look and sound like a nice guy, just one with a surprising taste of interest.  No offense."  Stompp replied.  "Gotcha.  Do you like heavy metal?"  Ivan asked.  "Easily.  I adore it.  Gets me in the mood to destroy some stuff."  Stompp replied.  "And you said your power if to protect yourself."  Ivan said.  "I'm an ox.  We are made for mayhem, but also keeping ourselves safe.  You know what they say, the best defense is a great offense."  Stompp replied.  "Amen."  Ivan said.  "Anyway, what's on the agenda?"  Stompp asked.  "Well, I'm seeing my girlfriend Mylene at the park for some trees, and I'm playing at my friends concert.  Before we go there, I need to make a pitch stop here."  Ivan replied, as he stops walking.  Stompp looks, and she sees a gym.  "Now your realty starting to get on my good side."  Stompp said.  "Just a few weight lifts, and we are done here.  Got to stay in good shape to protect anyone who tries to hurt me.  Or Mylene.  Or both of us."  Ivan replied.  "You sure love this Mylene."  Stompp said.  "She's been the love of my life for some time, and I'm really lucky to have her.  She's cute, funny, a little scared, but all in all, a nice little mouse.  That's my nickname for her."  Ivan replied.  "Ironic."  Stompp said.  "Yes.  [five seconds past].  Wait, HEY!!!"  Ivan yelled.  "[laughs].  Come on.  It's a good one."  Stompp said.  "I mean, it is, but still.  She's my girlfriend."  Ivan replied.  "Ok, fair."  Stompp said.  Soon after that, Ivan walks inside to get his workout in.

    Soon, he is walking to the park, where he sees the others already there, except Mylene.  "That was a wonderful workout.  Really felt the adrenaline running in."  Ivan said.  "Can I try one of the weights next time we go?"  Stompp asked.  "I'm sure they will crush you in less than a second."  Ivan replied.  "If you put your mind to it, you can do it."  Stompp said.  "Again, Amen.  You sure know the right advice."  Ivan replied.  "As a being whose been around since the Egyptian era, I've learned a lot of things.  Loads of things."  Stompp said.  "You can tell me later, we have to work now."  Ivan replied.  Ivan greets the others, before he grabs a shovel, and starts to work.  Some time passes by, and they are making some good progress.  As he helps, he soon stops when he sees Mylene approaching.  "I'll be back gang."  Ivan said.  He leaves, and goes greet his GF.  "Mylene, Mylene, Mylene.  How is my little mouse doing?"  Ivan asked, as he greets her with a hug.  Mylene hugs back.  "Good, and healthy as always.  How about my teddy bear?  Is he ok?"  Mylene asked.  "Wonderful as always."  Ivan replied.  "Great.  See you and the others got a head start."  Mylene said.  "Never wrong to start a bit early."  Ivan replied.  "You are not wrong."  Mylene said.  After that, they both go to work.  Ivan digging the holes in the ground, as Mylene helps plant the trees into place.  As well as water and soil them.  Got to maker them grow into big healthy trees.  They keep on working, and working, and working for hours on end.  Until some time later, they have a whole plot of land covered in tree saplings.  "Alright, we did it."  Ivan said.  "Yep!  And it looks gorgeous.  I can only imagine all the kinds of animals that will make this place their home."  Mylene replied.  "Hmm mmm."  Ivan said.  "You know, a lot has changed over time.  You and I especially.  I mean look at you.  You went from geek, to strong, but adorable teddy bear.  Thanks about good development."  Mylene said.  "And look at you.  Your more braver than ever.  More confident.  Not afraid to speak up when needed."  Ivan replied.  "And yet, we still make a cute couple."  Mylene said.  "Yes we are.  And I want to make it even cuter.  Follow me."  Ivan replied.  Mylene follows, as Ivan takes her somewhere.  Of course, it's an alleyway.  "Ok.  Shady, creepy, [sniffs] especially smelly.  How is this cute exactly?"  Mylene asked.  "Promise me not to scream?"  Ivan asked back.  "What?"  Mylene asked back.  And just like that, Stompp flies out of Ivan's pocket.  And of course, Mylene screams in terror.  "No way!  [flies out of Mylene's pocket, which makes Ivan scream, and fall].  Stompp!  Your owner wanted to do this?"  Mullo asked.  "Yep!  And you as well?"  Stompp asked back.  "What, no.  Also, I think we gave them a heart attack."  Mullo replied.  "No, no.  I'm alive."  Mylene said.  "Same here.  My heart is still beating."  Ivan replied.  Both of them get up, and see the other kwami.  "Wait?"  Mylene asked.  "Hold on?"  Ivan asked back.  "YOUR A MIRACULOUS HOLDER?!"  Mylene and Ivan asked at the same time.  "One at a time please."  Stompp recommended.  "Right, of course.  Mylene, ladies first."  Ivan said.  "Ok, thanks.  [clears throat]. Yes.  I am a miraculous holder.  Polymouse.  That's my kwami, Mullo.  Here's my miraculous.  The rest you've basically seen in combat."  Mylene replied.  "So you mean to tell me my little mouse was a braver heroic mouse all along?"  Ivan asked.  "Well, that day when Mega Leech attacked, then going forward, yes.  Beforehand?  No."  Mylene replied.  "Right.  Gotcha."  Ivan said.  "And you were who exactly?"  Mylene asked.  "Minotaurox of course.  Kwami, Stompp.  Miraculous, nose ring.  The rest is all clear.  Of course I came much later.  When Penalteam came of course."  Ivan replied.  "Right.  But, no way this is legit.  My teddy bear is a superhero."  Mylene said.  "And no way my little mouse is also a superhero.  A mouse one even."  Ivan replied.  "You two are not dreaming, and how do I know.  Because this ain't no dream kids."  Mullo said.  Mylene and Ivan look at each other in disbelief, until they fully come to the realization this is legit.  Instead of feeling disgusted from this secret being hidden, they both smile, and embraced each other entirely.  Happy to see this through.  It's enough to make both of their kwamis smile at this cute moment between them.

    Soon after that, Ivan walks home after all that happened. "And then you went, bam, bam, bam, bam on the drums. And your friend Adrien went, bing, bing, bing, bing. And then Luka went, rock, rock, rock, rock. That was some good music for only three instruments." Stompp said. "It is better when the whole band is there. We do what we can what with we got." Ivan replied. "Looks like you have good advice as well. No wonder LB put us together." Stompp said. Speaking of LB, the two of them hear noises coming from somewhere. They soon see a literal bull chasing a ground of people. "Hey! Fellow brethren." Stompp said. "It's a bull, and this calls for a hero." Ivan replied. Thinking quick, he runs to an alleyway to transforms. "Stompp, make way." Ivan said, as he transforms into Minotaurox. As the people keep on running and screaming from the bull, Minotaurox comes in to save the day. He makes quick work of the bull when he rams into it full speed. Sending it flying into a wall. The people stop running, look, and gasp at what they just saw. The bull gets knocked out cold. "Damn. That was fast." Minotaurox said. Soon, the people cheer for Minotaurox. Thanking him for what he did to save them from doom. "Thank you so much Minotaurox. Thank you." Civilian said. "Don't mention it. All in a days work." Minotaurox replied. With that done, he jumps away. Leaving the people be.

    Once the job is done, Minotaurox heads home. He sneaks inside, and once the coast is clear, he transforms back. "Talk about making an entrance. You really obliterated that bull back there. Showed him who the real bully is." Stompp said. "Nice pun, but I'm no bully. I'm a hero." Ivan replied. "Indeed you are." Stompp said. "So, what else do you want to do today? I already did what I needed to do, and we still have a few hours before it's night time." Ivan asked. "Well, since you and I are now going to spend more time together, I might as well give you this." Stompp replied. Soon, Stompp does a very primal, and powerful dance. Even making ox noises, as she performs. Soon, Stompp spits right into Ivan's spit. "Uhhh, I assume this is the kind of weird where it makes you uncomfortable right?" Ivan asked. "Just give it a sec." Stompp replied, as Ivan looks uncomfortable. Soon, her spit becomes a dark blue(her colors) kwagenta, which Ivan picks up. "This my feel bull is a kwagenta. A little jewel that shows the bond between holder and kwami. Figured now would be the best time I give this to you." Stompp said. "So you can grant me powers, and make jewels from spit? Now that's weird, but in the best way possible." Ivan replied. Thanks. [waits five seconds]. Wait, HEY!!!" Stompp yelled. "Payback." Ivan said. "I mean, true. Forbidden One, we are going to have so much fun together." Stompp replied. "Since we have time left, you want to drum on my drum set?" Ivan asked. "Do you horns look good on me?" Stompp asked back. "I say, yes." Ivan replied. "There's your answer." Stompp said. With a smile on both their faces, Ivan and Stompp start drumming like heavy metal rock stars. Excited for what hard challenges come there way, so they can conquer them together.

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