Alya Cesaire

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Yet another alarm clock goes off.  It gets turned off by one, Alya Cesaire, who unleashes a powerful yawn.  The yanw wakes up her kwami, Trixx, who is snoozing on her belly bag.  "Good morning my tricky little fox."  Trixx said greeting her owner.  "Come on, Trixx.  You know very well your the tricky little fox."  Alya replied.  "But you are the spy Ladybug had for some time.  And the same person who stopped Shadowmoth when he attacked your family."  Trixx said.  "But you gave me the power to do that."  Alya replied.  "True."  Trixx said, as he laughs, and so does Alya.  "Well, this is it.  We are officially a permanent pair.  Again."  Alya replied.  "It's nice though.  As long as Farfalla doesn't try anything dangerous at least.  That is what makes me worried."  Trixx said.  "But if she tries a thing, we'll be ready for it.  [gets out of bed].  Stay here.  I'll get you some breakfast."  Alya replied.  Alya leaves her bedroom, so she can make breakfast.  As she sees, her entire home is empty.  Her parents are off to work, Nora is at boxing lessons, and the twins are at kindergarten.  Meaning, she has the whole place to herself.  "Normally I would be happy being home alone, but then again, after what Essence did, it's not as fun anymore."  Alya said to herself.  Alya goes into the kitchen to whip herself some breakfast.  She makes some cereal with milk, as well as grabs a whole bunch of grapes for Trixx, his favorite food.  Once in hand, she goes back to her bedroom to feed her kwami.  "Here we go.  One bowl of cereal for the human, and a nice branch of grapes for the kwami."  Alya said, as she gives her grapes to Trixx.  Trixx, who so happy, noms onto the grapes.  This makes Alya smile, as she eats as well.  To add some entertainment, she also turns on her computer, and plays some TV for entertainment purposes.  And of course, it's Ladybug and Cat Noir.  "Can you believe, that soon after they showed up, I would become a member of their team.  Not to mention, all this time my own BFF was the one I worshipped, and soon became her right hand woman."  Alya said amazed.  "You do regret that position right?  You know, Cat Noir being left out."  Trixx asked.  "I do.  The position was awesome, but it ended up hurting someone dearly.  Someone, who I soon found out hates being alone.  It's honestly heartbreaking to find that out about someone.  Someone who may be annoying and funny is truly just broken inside.  Whoever Cat Noir is, I give him my blessing.  He deserves it."  Alya replied.  "Yes he does.  I'm also glad your perfectly healthy again after the ward incident.  I heard what happened.  That entity really doesn't care about what he does."  Trixx said.  "I may be over it, but please don't bring it up.  It wasn't fun seeing my only friend getting his eyes cut out, and nearly kill me."  Alya replied.  "That demon!"  Trixx yelled.  "Indeed.  But it's all over now.  Sure, I go have some issuer with it, but I'm now A OK."  Alya replied.  "Awesome.  Well, I'm done eating.  Anything fun we doing today?"  Trixx asked.  "Yes, but it's better if I show you, than tell you."  Alya replied.  "A surprise day today?  How mysterious."  Trixx said. 

Soon, Alya changes into her normal everyday clothes.  Along with her belly bag.  She goes into the kitchen, where Trixx flies beside her.  She snags some grapes.  "Here.  [puts grapes in bag].  A little snack, as we go have fun."  Alya said.  "Awesome."  Trixx replied, as he goes into her bag.  As for her miraculous, to keep it safe, she put it under her first shirt(her orange one) to avoid suspension.  With that, she goes to start her day.  She begins by walking on the streets of Paris, taking in that beautiful near summer weather.  It makes her smile with joy, as she walks.  Soon, she gets a text message from Nino.  He simply asks her, how far are you.  Alya texts back, I'll be there is five minutes.  After that, she continues her walk. As she does, she continually has her phone out, where she takes pictures of anything that crosses her mind. She gets pics of animals, trees, even cars. It confuses Trixx, who pops out for a second. "What's with the photos?" Trixx asked. "Oh just for my blogs." Alya replied. "Your Ladyblog?" Trixx asked. "No. Just my nature, engineering, and about twenty other blogs. I'm a blog addict. I know." Alya replied. "Forbidden One! Your only fourteen. How can you handle that much pressure?" Trixx asked. "It's a lot of work, but you simply need to be disciplined to do it. There are days where yes, I don't want to work at all, but I still do it. It sucks, but I do it, and it pays off. I get people to read, and explore something I do with my life. Of course, this isn't what I want to do full time. I plan on becoming a reporter and journalist. That is where the real run is. Exploring places, getting photos, it's a real blast." Alya replied. "Will I be there to see it?" Trixx asked. "Of course you will. Unless Ladybug wanted to take you away from me, but what are the chances of that happening?" Alya asked back. "Yeah your right." Trixx replied. the two press onward, before they get to the next part of their day.

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