Juleka Couffaine

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An alarm goes off, and yet again, it's turned off.  This time, by Juleka Couffaine.  She yawns, as she rises from her slumber.  As gets out of bed, and goes to get prepared for what today has in store.  As for her kwami, Roarr, she is actually sound asleep.  Even when Juleka is getting ready, she is still snoozing.  Heck, Roarr is still asleep, even after Juleka is out of the bathroom, ready to go.  Juleka then opens her drawer, where she finds her kwami sound asleep.  "Huh?  Must be a heavy sleeper?"  Juleka whispered.  Obviously, this wakes Roarr up.  "GOOD MORNING!!!"  Roarr screamed.  "Woah!  Hey, quiet down!"  Juleka replied.  "Oh yeah.  Sorry.  [looks at Luka's bed].  Good thing your bro isn't here.  That would have caused some real chaos."  Roarr said.  "Yeah.  It's nice he's already out the door before I get up."  Juelka replied.  "Yep!  So, what's on the agenda?"  Roarr asked.  "Well first things first, breakfast."  Juleka replied.  The two of them go to the bitch, where they sit down, and eat.  Juleka eats some apples, while Roarr has some slices as well.  "So I assume you love apples?"  Juleka asked.  "Yes.  They rock my world like no other."  Roarr replied.  "Nice.  We have a whole batch of them here, so help yourself.  Just not all of them."  Juleka said.  "I know what you mean, kitty."  Roarr replied.  "Did you call me kitty?"  Juleka asked.  "It's my new nickname for you.  I've heard about Kitty Section, and since you are a cat superhero, the dots connect perfectly."  Roarr replied.  "Well I think it's a good name for me."  Juleka said.  Roarr smiles, as she goes back in to get more apples.  The two eat healthy, and enjoy the beginning of the day. 

Once they are done with breakfast, they are both sitting on the top deck of the houseboat.  Juleka is organizing some stuff in preparation for the party that is coming very soon.  "Hold on!  Your not playing for the concert today?"  Roarr asked.  "I have photo shoots to do with the other girls.  It's as important as playing for Kitty Section."  Juleka replied.  "That's bonkers.  I had one holder who can do both of those at the same time.  How exactly?  The dude is an impressive person."  Roarr said.  "Geez.  But modeling is my dream Roarr.  You shouldn't force someone to give up on their dreams."  Juleka replied.  "You are absolutely right, kitty."  Roarr said.  "Still, I often get a bit anxious when it comes to my fandom, or when I get too much attention."  Juleka replied.  "So your still shy in a way?"  Roarr asked.  "More like nervous when it comes to having massive amounts of random people surrounded me, and praise me as a goddess."  Juleka replied.  "Easy solution.  Before you do anything, and I mean anything, simple take three good deep breathes, then walk right in there.  You'll feel like a champ, who can conquer anything that stands in it's way."  Roarr said.  "Are you for real?"  Juleka asked.  "I've seen it myself.  It works miraculously.  Get it.  Miraculously."  Roarr replied.  "Hey.  [giggles].  Good one."  Juleka said.  Roarr then looks around the area she is in.  "So you just live on a boat?  Luxurious."  Roarr asked.  "Sort of.  I've seen yachts before in commercials, and TV shows.  Still, it's nice to live on the water.  You can go anywhere you want.  Park anywhere you want via water.  It's some nice aquatic adventures out here."  Juleka replied.  "And I get to live on it.  Absolutely awesome.  Also, did you know aweosme is Duusu's fav word?"  Roarr asked.  "That's the Peacock kwami right?  Blue Bird's to be exact?"  Juleka asked back.  "Yep.  She was a good creature to us.  Personally the one I would say makes the most fun.  She may seem a bit too energetic, but at the end of the day, she just wants to look after others.  Like any good little God would."  Roarr replied.  "Blue Bird must be lucky to have someone like her then."  Juelka said.  "Yes he is.  I wonder how she is doing right now?"  Roarr asked.  "Me too.  Probably something sentimonster or something."  Juleka replied.  "Good guess.  But let's talk more about you.  What else do you do other than sail on the water, model, and play music?"  Roarr asked.  "Good question.  Ohh, I do have a girlfriend, who I want to reveal myself to."  Juleka replied.  "A what?!  A girlfriend?  Wait, your a lesbian?"  Roarr asked.  "You are correct."  Juleka replied.  "Cool.  Anyway, so you want to tell your lover who you are?  Since we are free from Ladybug, I don't see an issue with that."  Roarr said.  "Oh nice.  Kinda was worried for a moment you would be very upset at this choice."  Juleka replied.  "No of course not.  It's a pain to hid being a hero to someone important to you.  It will be a relief for that to end."  Roarr said.  "Yes it will.  We will have to wait a bit.  She is bust with some charity work.  In the meantime, allow me to play you some good tunes."  Juelka replied, as she picks up her bass.  Soon, she begins to play a song for Roarr.  It may only be with one instrument, but Roarr seems to dig it.  She even does a little dance as Juleka plays.  With Juleka nodding her head, as she jams out to the song.

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