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At the hospital, we see Kagami exit one of the rooms. "Ok, so your Mother will be alright despite the missing limb. However that doesn't mean you can stay at home by yourself. We plan to have you be sent to a shelter for the next few weeks, until your Mom gets this resolved." Doctor said. "Do I actually have to stay there?" Kagami asked. "Unless you have someone you can stay with for the next few weeks." Doctor replied. "Ummm, you mind if I call someone quickly?" Kagami asked. "Knock yourself out." Doctor replied. Kagami pulls out her phone, and calls up Chloe. "[answers]. I just saw the news. Kagami, are you ok?" Chloe asked worried. "Yes, I'm ok. Ouch. Survived being crushed by a shelf, and watches my Mom get her arm sliced off." Kagami replied. "Ohhh you poor thing. I pray you two get better." Chloe said. "I'm better despite some wounds, but my Mother is still being hospitalized. I know this is going to sound weird, but you think I can stay with you for a couple of weeks? If not, that's fine." Kagami asked. "Absolutely you can stay with me. You need a nice place to stay, after that trauma." Chloe replied. "So it's ok?" Kagami asked. "One hundred percent. My parents won't find at all." Chloe replied. "Awesome. I'll see you soon." Kagami said, as she hangs up. "Any luck?" Doctor asked. "I'll be staying with Chloe Bourgeois during this time. She says it's fine with her, and her parents." Kagami replied. "Understood. We'll keep your Mom safe and healthy. Hope you get better as time goes on from this." Doctor said. "Thank you." Kagami replied.  Kagami leaves the hospital to go see Chloe.  The only thing on her except her phone, is the pen she found back at her house. 
We don't leave the hospital just yet.  We check in on Alya and Nino to see how they are doing.  Nino wakes up perfectly ok, after some good sleep.  As for his Ex, her eyes are still open blinking to stay that way.  "Morning, Alya."  Nino said.  "Ahhh, whose there?"  Alya screamed.  "Hey, Alya.  It's me, Nino.  Look to your right."  Nino replied.  "[looks].  Oh, Nino.  It'"  Alya said.  "Yeah it's me.  The guy who lived through a literally sword slash to the gut.  How are you feeling?  Any better after, that night?"  Nino asked.  Alya's PTSD comes back again.  She thinks back to when Nick went all psycho, and almost killed them, before he fell to his death off the ward.  It scares Alya even more, as Nino sees it.  "I'm sorry I asked.  I should have known you would be so effected by that.  No wonder I make you uncomfortable."  Nino said.  "You make me uncomfortable because we broke up."  Alya reminded.  "Of course.  God!  I'm so stupid.  [looks at Alya].  I'll shut up now."  Nino said.  "[deep breath].  Even if I'm being protected by everyone here, I can't help, but feel horrified.  Ever second I get scared He will come back again, and kill me.  Which did ended up happening, and now I'm more mentally scarred.  First I lost my boyfriend, then my friends, then my sanity, and now, the only good person who liked me at the ward."  Alya replied.  "You mean, Nick?"  Nino asked.  "I thought you were keeping your mouth shut."  Alya replied.  "Sorry."  Nino said.  There is some silence in the room at the moment.  "He was a great guy.  Not like a lover because I'm sure he's in his twenties, but he was so amazing.  Anytime I got attacked, or bullied, or harassed, [shiver] he would be there to make me feel better.  He was the only one who I could talk to, and tell my problems with unlike everyone else.  I get they all had tragic reasons to be there, some not all, but they kept driving me insane.  Nick comforted me like any good hero, which he is considering he is a solider."  Alay said.  Nino stays quiet.  "It's ok for you to speak now, Nino."  Alya said.  "Oh, alright.  Didn't want to make you angrier."  Nino replied.  "Anyway, he was a solider.  A great combat fighter, and a man with words.  He ended up there because he was scarred from accidentally killing his comrades at war.  It haunts him, like how He haunts me.  Whenever he is blinded or hears gun shots, he will go out of control." Alya said. "And we saw him with his eyes cut out, and he only heard Essence's gun. Dear God, that's.......that's messed up." Nino replied. "He is messed up. Now I'm still being tortured day and night at safe places like this. When will this nightmare finally end, Nino?" Alya begged, as she cries. Nino doesn't say a word, as he wants to say this right, and not stupid or anything. Alya lies on her bed in tears. "I hate to say this, but the nightmare will end when He is gone for good. Not sure how long it will take for him to go away forever, but there is one good thing from this bad dream." Nino said. "What that I'm still alive?" Alya asked. "Yes, but no. That you have someone who will protect you at all times. Like any good alley would." Nino replied. Soon, Alya realizes that protector is her Ex boyfriend. "I get that I will make it weird for you, and I'm not trying to convince you to get back together with me. I understand you probably won't like me here, and I respect that choice, but all I simply want is this. I want us to be on good terms alright?" Nino asked. Alya stays quiet at Nino's question. "If you feel like you need anything from me, don't feel afraid to ask." Nino said. Alya keeps quiet, as she surprisingly stops crying. She lies in bed to continue her morning.
    Now for Adrien. He lies in bed silent, and shattered deep inside. The thoughts of the psychiatric ward carnage, and Tsurugi attack make him cry in bed. Plagg sees this from his kitten, and also feels his pain. "Want anything to cheer you up, Adrien?" Plagg asked. "Nothing can possibly cheer me up, Plagg." Adrien replied. That's when Essence causally enters his room through the window. "Good morning, my favorite black cat." Essence said. Adrien turns around to face Essence. He cowards in fear, with tears in his eyes. "See you had a good night sleep. That's purfect considering the big update I'm adding. I feel like one task isn't enough anymore. So, it's going to be two task for now on. Meaning if you fail both of them, then two of your loved ones get it. Double the fun, and double the trouble." Essence said villainously. "No, please. Please, please, please don't do that. I'm begging you." Adrien begged. "Ohhh, begging me for mercy? Weren't you the strong, heroic, and especially courageous Cat Noir? What is with this weakness I see in your pathetic green eyes?" Essence asked. "Leave him alone, Essence. He's been through too much because of you." Plagg yelled. "Actually, all of this is his wrongdoings. Remember, the only way you don't see your loved ones dead or tortured, is to do my tasks. Which for today are, shotgun fifteen people at any moment in the day, and one Plagg will love, skin thirty cats." Essence said. "DON'T YOU TRY CONVINCING MY ADRIEN TO KILL INNOCENT CATS YOU ENTIY!!!!!" Plagg yelled with all his might. "I'm not. Just remember the contract, Adrien. You do the task, I don't hurt your loved ones. You refuse to do the task, then I do hurt your loved ones. Therefore again, it's all on you, and only you if they get hurt." Essence said. "No! Please, don't make me do two task like that. I'll give you anything for it. My ring. The Mother Box. Ladybug's miraculous. Blue Bird's miraculous. Heck, even Farfalla's miraculous. Just, anything to make you stop doing this to me. It's more painful than I thought it would be." Adrien begged, as he cries. "Those are a lot of important things to sacrifice, Adrien. I'll give you credit for that. Except, here is the thing. [leans close to Adrien]. I'd rather watch you continue being mentally and physically destroyed than get my job done here already." Essence said. "Wait? You can't be serious? That has to be a lie. You can't keep this up. I can't do this anymore. Please!!!!" Adrien begged. "Suck it up, and deal with it alley cat. You got into this mess because you cried like a big baby that day, and I just so happen to have caught you in the act. Every time you blame me for this, is not true. What is true, is that you are a soft, arrogant superhero who brought himself here into this torture device." Essence said. "THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!!!! LISTEN HERE YOU PUNK, MY ADRIEN HAS BEEN THROUGH MORE PAIN THAN OTHER BLACK CAT MIRACULOUS HOLDER I'VE EVER SEEN!!!!!!! I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO JUST THINK IT'S A JOKE, A WASTE OF TIME, OR WEAKNESS!!!!!!! YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF HIS PAIN GETTING WORSE, AND ONLY....." Plagg screamed. Then Essence grabs Plagg, and strangles the poor guy in his hand. Adrien gasp, but Essence stares deep into his eyes. Making the kid stay where he is. Plagg gets choked, as Essence tightens his grip suffocating the kwami. "This isn't the first time I've done something like this........But it is the first time I've done something like this." Essence said. Essence slams Plagg on the ground, then raises his boot, and stomps on Plagg with full force. Adrien is speechless, and horrified at this. "PLAGG!!!!!!" Adrien screamed. Essence raises his foot, and Adrien crawls over to Plagg. His body injured unlike any kwami injury we have seen, and moaning in pain. Adrien cries, as he slowly picks his best friend up. "See, Adrien. Even the strong and confident can be broken down by me. Either you get the job down, or the knife goes in deeper." Essence ordered. He leaves Adrien in his room, who cries as he holds Plagg in his hands.
    Now we see Kagami make it to Chloe's hotel room. She knocks on the door, as Chloe answers. "Kagami. [hugs her]. I'm so glad you're alright. [let's go]. Please come inside, and get comfortable. I already got some breakfast laid out if you didn't have it yet." Chloe said. "Thanks." Kagami replied. Kagami sits down, and gets some French toast made by her staff. "Great toast. So rich, and crispy." Kagami said. "Thank my chefs. They are easily five stars for a reason. So, how is your Mother feeling? Any better?" Chloe asked. "Well again, she got her left arm slices off, so I'm shocked she is even still alive. However, they plan on getting her better in a couple of weeks." Kagami replied. "That's good." Chloe said. "Well, I wouldn't say so. She wasn't really the best Mother to begin with. I explained it to you when we did that project. Now, she thinks us being friend is horrible for stupid reasons. And then she hit me." Kagami replied. "Good God, that's terrible." Chloe said. "She has always been like that. To me, and my Dad." Kagami replied. "What happened to your Dad?" Chloe asked. "I wish not to speak of it. It's a long story. Regardless of my Mother's attitude and behavior, seeing her entire arm get sliced off seems way too far." Kagami replied. "I can see why. Getting a limb hacked off completely. That is a terrifying thing to go through."  Chloe said.  "Yeah, but for now, I have something that will blow your mind.  I've been thinking and researching this all night at the hospital.  [pulls out pen].  I found this in my home, after Essence attacked us."  Kagami replied.  "A pen?  Just a simple pen?"  Chloe asked.  "Not just any pen.  A special pen.  But, this does lead to something very tragic."  Kagami replied.  "What is it?"  Chloe asked.  "[deep breath].  Adrien Agreste might be Essence."  Kagami replied.  "WHAT?!"  Chloe asked in shock.  "Hear me out.  It seems absolutely nonsensical for him to be Essence.  They are both different, they act different, they are impossible to be the same person.  But this pen may be a clue that he is Essence."  Kagami replied.  "How so?"  Chloe asked.  "Watch this."  Kagami replied, as she pulls out her phone.  She shows Chloe a news report from a long time ago.  It caps off a signing Adrien is doing for some fans of him.  We see Adrien sign them, fans screaming, it's all going extremely well.  Until Kagami pauses, and zooms in on Adrien.  "Look at his pen.  A black pen with gold strips.  The exact same pen I have in my hand right now."  Kagami pointed.  "Ok, but that doesn't mean it could be just Adrien's pen.  Maybe it's a pen they gave him at the signing."  Chloe said.  "True, but check this out."  Kagami replied.  She pulls up another different fan signing.  There, Adrien uses the exact same pen he had before.  To further prove her case, Kagami shows another video to Chloe.  And another one, and another one.  All of them had the same thing.  Adrien signing autographs with the exact same pen.  "I'll give you props with good research, Kagami.  But, there are a billion different reasons why Adrien can't be Essence.  I've known him for a long time.  He's a great, sweet, friendly guy."  Chloe said.  "I agree too, but if Essence really did drop this pen on his way out after he attacked me, then that has to mean Adrien could be Essence himself."  Kagami replied.  "This is insane even for you Kagami.  There is no way you can actually believe Adrien Agreste is a psychopath."  Chloe said.  "Well if he is, then I want to teach him a lesson for nearly killing me, and all those innocent people."  Kagami declared.  "Don't jump to conclusions too fast."  Chloe said.  "But he almost killed me, and my Mother.  How can I not make him pay for that?"  Kagami asked.  "Essence will pay for sure, but that doesn't mean you can immediately believe Adrien is Essence.  If this pen really does prove it, then I'm going to see better evidence to support this case."  Chloe replied.  "Hmmm, finger prints.  Check for finger prints."  Kagami said.  "Your finger prints are all over the pen."  Chloe replied.  "And maybe Adrien's if we check."  Kagami said.  "Ugh!  Fine, I'll call up a friend to help us."  Chloe replied. 
After giving someone a magical charm, Ladybug and Blue Bird are congratulated for another victory.  Of course, as heroes, they need to leave if they want to be safe with their secret identity.  They land on a rooftop, and prepare to depart.  "Hold on, Ladybug.  [Ladybug turns around].  Since you didn't use your Miraculous Ladybug, that does mean you won't de-transform after a while right?"  Blue Bird asked.  "True, and you never de-transform after suing your powers."  Ladybug replied.  "Also true.  So, I was wondering if....we could........get a smoothie together?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Are you trying to hit on me?"  Ladybug asked back.  "Why would I?  [sighs].  Ok look, Duusu was really happy we worked like good partners yesterday that I made her lose it when I said we will hate each other.  She's been crying, and causing my ear drums to bleed, so I was forced to promise her to make an attempt to be nicer to you.  Even if you still hate me."  Blue Bird replied.  "Taking orders by your own kwami?  And you say I'm a terrible guardian.  They never take control of me ever."  Ladybug said.  "I could leave right now you know."  Blue Bird replied in anger.  "Well, I am a bit thirsty from that fight, so......I guess we can.  But I won't like it since you got the idea."  Ladybug said.  "Of course you say that.  Let's go."  Blue Bird replied.  On another rooftop, Ladybug and Blue Bird drink smoothies together for once.  "Enjoying your smoothie?"  Blue Bird asked.  "It taste bitter because I'm looking right at you."  Ladybug replied.  "God, why did I promise Duusu to do this?"  Blue Bird asked regretting this.  "Guess you can't handle the responsibility of taking care of a kwami after all."  Ladybug mocked.  "HEY!  Duusu is a nice kwami, who I take great care of.  Granted she did drove me insane, but soon, we became a good duo.  Surely you had issues with your kwami at the time."  Blue Bird said.  "Oh I did, but I solved them."  Ladybug replied.  "So did I."  Blue Bird said.  "Different is you didn't have to stop yours from making a giant galette in the sky."  Ladybug replied.  "Excuse me, what?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Oh, well one time, my kwami got the munchies, and went out of control.  So mad, she used her own powers to create a giant galette in the sky.  It rained meteors and thunder, and almost destroyed all of Paris."  Ladybug replied.  "Pfff, talk about a sugar high."  Blue Bird said.  Then, we see Ladybug laugh at that joke.  "Well would you look at this.  You laughed at one of my puns.  And you said they suck."  Blue Bird said.  "Ok, that one was actually decent.  Squawk about it still sounds awful."  Ladybug replied.  "At least you complimented me for once."  Blue Bird said.  "Yeah whatever.  So, what is your kwami's favorite snack?"  Ladybug asked.  "Why ask me that?"  Blue Bird asked back.  "Well, the galette story got me a little curious to see what Duusu likes.  In case she has to end up staying with me at any time."  Ladybug replied.  "I still have hard feelings against you, but if you care to know, blueberry muffins.  She will literally lose it over blueberry muffins.  They are delicious, but she will do anything to get one.  One time I said no, and she cried louder than a megaphone.  No wonder she is the kwami of Emotion."  Blue Bird said.  "Tell that to when Tikki made that galette.  I can see why the kwami of Creation is one of the most powerful in the universe."  Ladybug replied.  "Not sure why Duusu isn't apart of that group.  I mean, I can literally create any form of life with a peacock feather.  I'm basically God."  Blue Bird said.  "I'll be a goddess when I reach my full potential."  Ladybug replied.  "You a goddess?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Yep.  At my max power, I can create whatever I want.  Too bad it takes forever to get there.  Su Han hasn't even taught me how to get to the next level yet."  Ladybug replied.  "Sounds like fun though.  Way too OP in the end.  Wonder what my power is at full potential."  Blue Bird said.  "Tikki actually told me.  I think your amoks when placed in another person's item, they cannot break free from it."  Ladybug replied.  "So there is no escape basically if I put my amok into another item?"  Blue Bird asked.  "That is correct."  Ladybug replied.  The two keep on chatting, which is still a shocker to see.
Now back at the hospital.  Alya is still awake, even if she hasn't slept in days.  It's destroying her piece by piece still as Essence keeps blaring inside her head.  "Maybe some sleep will make you feel better?"  Nino recommended.  "I've haven't slept in days, Nino."  Alya replied.  "Jesus.  Is is because of..."  Nino asked.  "Him.  Yes, and don't say his name it will make it much worse.  [sighs].  Every time I close my eyes to take a nap, I can't because he is there to keep me awake."  Alya replied.  "I'm so sorry, Alya."  Nino said.  "Just, let me lie here, so I can slowly die from sleep deprivation if it means I'm getting away from Him."  Alya replied.  "Ok, don't try to go for a suicidal route, Alya.  I understand your scared, but just remember I'm here to protect you."  Nino said.  "Yeah, and your also the guy who is being hospitalized like me."  Alya reminded.  "Yes, but do you think a slash to the gut can stop me?  Well it did, but that's not the point.  Whether I'm a hero or not, I want to protect you.  Not because I still love you, but because I want to save the most rad girl in the world.  Even if she is a friend to me."  Nino said.  "You.....really mean that?"  Alya asked.  "Absolutely.  Try it out.  Go to bed, and no matter what, don't wake up.  If you do see Essence, remember I'm here to protect you."  Nino replied.  Despite being her Ex, Alya really wants to sleep, after days without it.  So, she closes her eyes, and sleeps.  Although, she struggles, as she tries.  Nino smiles at helping Alya, despite them breaking up.
Now we check on Gabriel.  He walks into his study, and gasp to see his good friend Essence lying in Nathalie's bed.  "Greetings my best friend in the whole wide world."  Essence said.  "What are you doing here now, Essence?"  Gabriel asked.  "To see you of course.  Don't tell me you hate our little talks?  They are such a blast for me."  Essence taunted.  "You know how much I want to kill you now right?"  Gabriel asked.  "Let me guess, your dead wife you care about so much?  You necrophiliac."  Essence replied.  "Ok, I'm not vile like that you creep."  Gabriel said.  "You want to bring back your dead wife you so desperately want to tongue.  Sound pretty necro to me."  Essence replied.  "So you think I'm that monstrous?"  Gabriel asked.  "I'm also not the guy whose been lying to his son the entire time, and keeps him locked like a prisoner."  Essence replied.  "Wait?  How do you know that?"  Gabriel asked.  "I have my ways.  Just shows how any secret isn't safe from my clutches.  As is the miraculous.  They may be taking some time, but I will have them all.  I have just been focusing on.......other projects for the time being."  Essence replied.  "No matter what move you make on the chess board, you will be vanquished."  Gabriel declared.  "How so?  I've been here for some time, and yet no one has stopped me from ever coming back.  Sure I get defeated, but I always escape to fight again.  And most failures only help me out in the future.  Unlike your ridiculous plans."  Essence replied.  "I work with what is given to me.  I cannot control the emotions I want from these people.  I rely on their feelings, and hope they help me."  Gabriel said.  "Thus making you hopeless, and pathetic.  Like I said, I go out there, and take care of this myself instead of stay behind.  If you were as good as a bad guy, you would be out there now fighting those heroes in an effort to save Emilie.  But no, not only do you still stay hidden, but now you gave your miraculous to someone else to care out your duties."  Essence replied.  As they keep talking, Nathalie is about to walk into the study, when she stops.  She hears talking inside, and gets a close look putting her ear to the door.  She hears Gabriel talking with Essence.  Nathalie quickly realizes this is there chance to get Essence.  Nathalie calls up Lila.  "[answer phone].  Nathalie."  Lila said.  "Hurry, transform, and send an akuma to our home.  We have him right were we need him."  Nathalie replied.  "I'm on it."  Lila said, as she hangs up.  We go back inside the study now.  "Not to mention, you care less for your kid now.  If all this was to protect him, then why act like you hate his guts?"  Essence asked.  "He needs to understand that going out there would have lead to his demise if it weren't for you.  I may have to lie when I agree to let him go out, but only because I refuse to see him get into that same pain again."  Gabriel replied.  "An emotionless Father, and a liar.  Best father over here everyone."  Essence said.  "Stop making me see myself as awful, Essence."  Gabriel demanded.  "I'm just speaking the truth.  You are terrible, Gabriel.  And you always will be unless you wake up.  As I stated, I see hope in you, however there is only one thing that will make you a good Father in my eyes, and that is if you kill me for real.  At Hank's Coco Corp, where I spend most of my time at for my other works." Essence said. "Wait? Why tell me that?" Gabriel asked confused. "In case you man up, and do it, but I shouldn't be surprised if you won't." Essence replied. That's when Nathalie comes in, and pretends to be shocked at Essence. "Ah, Nathalie. The one human I actually helped. How has the cure been treating you?" Essence asked. "Good. Surprised to see you be good for once, after all you did for the Agreste." Nathalie replied anger. "Ohhh, I see you didn't like what I did to Emilie. She got what she deserved for betraying The Void." Essence said. "No, she got an undeserved punishment for her good doings. She was protecting Nooroo and Duusu from your evil hands." Nathalie yelled. "And whose fault is it that I killed her? Emilie herself. If she simply just accepted being a member, I would be happy. But since she betrayed, I had to make her pay. It's all good now. I already have my grimoire back, now I need my miraculous." Essence said. "So you have my book. How did you get your hands on it?" Gabriel asked. "Again, I have my perks." Essence replied. "Right? Well so do we." Nathalie said. She runs at Essence to punch him, but he garbs her fist before it makes impact. "Perks huh? Very cute." Essence said. "Cute indeed." Nathalie replied. In her other hand, she slams it against Essence's sword. Turns out inside that hand was actually Farfalla's akuma. Nathalie backs up, as their plan comes for. "[mask forms]. Greetings Essence. I am Farfalla, the new holder of the Butterfly miraculous. I've been looking forward to finally meeting you." Farfalla said. Essence tries to resist, but it's actually hard for him. "Nathalie. It's working." Gabriel said in joy. "You are now trapped in our grasp, Essence. Hope you enjoyed your time here in Paris because it's about to end." Farfalla said. Essence continues to resist, but he fails. He stands perfectly still at all times. "What's wrong? Can't break free? Exactly as planned. Now for my friends to finish you off for good." Farfalla said. "Hurry, [grabs ice pick] let's end this." Gabriel replied. Gabriel, and Nathalie run at Essence, with Nathalie using her nail file as a weapon. They are about to stab Essence for all he has done. They are close to him, pull back to stab, and get their necks grabbed by Essence. Both adults are raised in the air trying to get some breathe. "Did you really think it was that easy?" Essence asked. With one deep breath, Essence breaks free from Farfalla's control. She falls to the ground. "What? What just happened?" Farfalla asked. Both Gabriel and Nathalie keep getting strangled by Essence. "So akumatizing me was your next option? Not a bad idea I have to say, but one that will lead to worst outcomes." Essence said. He throws Gabriel against the wall, and then Nathalie right across the room. Full force, she bashes right through the door, and hard onto the marble floor. "NATHALIE!!!!!" Gabriel screamed. He runs, and finds her laying there in pain. He immediately goes next to Nathalie, and tries to help her up. "The only way to end this is to end me yourself, Gabriel. Remember, Hank's Coco Corp. I'll be there." Essence said. He smokes bombs, and vanishes into fine air. Leaving Gabriel tending to his assistant.
    Moving on with Chloe and Kagami. They brought over Max, and Markov to inspect for finger prints on the pen. "What did you find, Markov?" Kagami asked. "Processing. About ninety five percent of those finger prints belong to Adrien Agreste. The last five percent belong to Kagami Tsurugi." Markov replied. "Awesome. We have what we needed. Thanks again for the help you two." Kagami said. "Not a problem. So, why did you need to know whose fingers prints were on there?" Max asked. "Ummmm, we found the pen, and thought......we should return it. It is an expensive looking pen. Wouldn't want to be selfish, and keep it for ourselves." Chloe replied. "Understood. Well, your welcome again for helping." Max said, as he and Markov leave. "[closes door]. Now can you see what I mean? Adrien might be Essence after all." Kagami said. "Stop it, Kagami. This pen means nothing to this." Chloe replied. "It was at the bottom of the stairs at my house, after ESSENCE attacked my family. It has to be him." Kagami said. "But are you really going to believe Adrien, Adrien Agreste, is a man who adores to murder and torture?" Chloe asked. "How else could Adrien's pen get inside my house if he has never been there before? Exactly. My Mother couldn't have had it. I couldn't have had it. Cat Noir couldn't have had it. It has to be Essence." Kagami replied. "I still don't get how your ok with someone you use to love being a villain." Chloe said disappointed. "Because I'm not going to let anyone get away for hurting me, or my Mother. Yes, my Mom is awful, but cutting off her arm is too much for my standards." Kagami replied. "What? I don't believe any of this. I refuse to believe Adrien is Essence." Chloe said. "It's a possibility now, and I want to prove it." Kagami replied. "Kagami, please. [puts hand on Kagami's shoulders]. Can you at least wait? Until, you have more evidence that he could be Essence. I just don't want to hurt my good friend ok?" Chloe begged. Kagami is still mad at Essence, and wants to make him pay. At the same time, she sees Chloe's plead in her eyes. She doesn't want to make her feel bad. "[deep breath]. Ok. I'll wait." Kagami replied. "Thank you. You can just relax here, or go up to the rooftop if you want." Chloe said. "Where are you going?" Kagami asked. "Luka invited me to go get some ice cream. Can't say no to that." Chloe replied. "Not sure if that's a good idea with Essence out there." Kagami said. "What are the chances he will go after us. Don't worry. We'll be safe." Chloe replied. "Alright. Hope you two have fun." Kagami said. "Thanks." Chloe replied, as she leaves.
    "You love Ultimate Mega Strike too?" Ladybug asked. "Love it? I admire it with all my heart and soul. No one seems to give that game enough praise though. Yeah, so it's just a fighting game, but it's the way that it's executed that makes me love it," Blue Bird replied. "Same here. I'm a champ when playing that game. No matter what, I'll kicks your bird butt if we ever play." Ladybug said. "[laughs]. It's hard to believe, but I'll keep it in mind. Wasn't that Gamer villain based off the game itself?" Blue Bird asked. "Gamer, and yes." Ladybug replied. "His name is Gamer? Pretty on point, but uninteresting name in general." Blue Bird said. "Well, your name is just Blue Bird. On point, but nothing interesting." Ladybug replied. "Says the girl whose name is just off the animal their kwami if based on." Blue Bird said. "[laughs]. You got me there." Ladybug replied. The two of them smile, as they watch the sun begin to come down a bit. No negativity, nor arguments, none of what they do. They actually spend some good time together. "Ladybug, did we actually just do this?" Blue Bird asked. "Do what?" Ladybug asked back. "Had a nice talk with each other without fighting. Normally we would ram on each other the second we meet, but today we didn't. It feels kind of weird, but also kind of good to be honest. Turns out we have loads in common. Our kwamis both love desserts, we both love the same game, we both have awesome powers, etc. To be honest, I feel like we acted like......friends right about now." Blue Bird replied. "Yeah, your right. It is kind of weird to not fight for once, but good at the same time." Ladybug said. "We did fight good yesterday against Earthquake." Blue Bird replied. "Tell me about it. You saved our butts by seeing that spike on the wall. If you didn't mention it, we would be at the Earth's core right now." Ladybug said. "Don't give me all the credit. You have the bubble bath that my sentimonster used to stop the villain. I think, you deserve most of the credit." Blue Bird replied. "You serious? You saved us. That was all on you." Ladybug said. "You stopped the villain with my helped. That was all on you." Blue Bird replied. "Yeah, but it was my yo-yo that helped your Eagle eye to save us." Ladybug said. "How about, we settle on we stopped the villain. [deep breath]. Together." Blue Bird replied. "[smiles]. Yes, together." Ladybug said. Ladybug gets up, as does Blue Bird. "Maybe we can have another chat tomorrow at this same spot. Sound good with you?" Ladybug asked. "Sure. Maybe we can even do some training as well. In case whatever Farfalla throws at us, we'll be ready." Blue Bird recommended. "Awesome idea." Ladybug said. "Thanks. See you tomorrow, Ladybug." Blue Bird replied. "Have a nice fly home birdie." Ladybug said. "[laughs]. Call me that, and I'll start calling you buggy." Blue Bird replied. "[giggles]. Fine." Ladybug said. After one more smile at each other, our two heroes leave for home.
    Then we see Alya yawn. A heaven like yawn to be exact, as she wakes up. She rubs her eyes, and yawns one last time. "Have a good sleep?" Nino asked. "What sleep?" Alya asked back. "You were asleep for the entire day. It's also the six, and dinner is right in front of you." Nino replied. Alya looks at her dinner, but more importantly, looks at the time. "Holy crap! I've been a sleep for nearly ten hours." Alya realized. "Without interruption." Nino replied. "But....but how?" Alya asked. "Because I'm here for you, Alya. I'm not breaking that word with you no matter what happens." Nino replied. Alya is shocked at the amount of sleep she just got. She looks at Nino, and Alya actually smiles at him.
    Now for Luka and Chloe. Andre made them some ice cream like any of the good couples in Paris. Ice cream in hand, they stand on the bridge to look at the sun. As they watch, they take turns eating the ice cream. "Hmmm. I can see why you like banana ice cream so much. It has a nice kick to it." Luka said. "Told you it's a good flavor for a fruit. [eats other ice cream]. Hmmm, I also think this blue moon was a good choice." Chloe replied. "Andre does know what ice cream fits well." Luka said. "Sometimes, but ok." Chloe replied. They continue to look at the sunset. It's a beautiful sight for a couple to see. And speaking of which, Chloe has her arm around Luka's as they eat. Making the romance extra special for them. Luka doesn't seem to be bothered with it either. He's ok with Chloe next to him, and holding his arm. It's all going so well for them. "Say, Luka. I know we have been hanging out for some time, but a part of me inside actually wants to tell you something." Chloe said. "Ohh, what's that?" Luka asked. "I'm not sure if I can do it now, but maybe I can. You helped me overcome so much of my anxiety. I feel like, I have the confidence to do anything. Anything that I'm afraid of, or never thought I would do." Chloe replied. "That's so awesome, Chloe. I'm happy to help you be filled with all this confidence." Luka said. "Luka, I think I....." Chloe replied. "Chloe Bourgeois and Luka Couffaine. The two young teens I've been looking all over Paris for. Glad to see I found you both in the same place at the same time." Essence shouted. "Essence?" Chloe and Luka asked. "That's my name. Now, prepare to sleep with the fishes." Essence screamed. He charges at them, and slashes. Luka pulls Chloe away from Essence, as he misses. "Sleeping with the fishes? Why do you want to kill us?" Luka asked. "The Cat didn't clean his litter box, and must be punished. And by punished, I mean killing you two idiots." Essence replied. "What do you mean, didn't clean litter box?" Chloe asked. "Reasons. Let's see here. Hmmm, I could slice Chloe vertically, and Luka horizontally. Yeah, that sounds like a blast. And a mess the cops have to clean up." Essence replied, as he laughs. "Chloe, run." Luka said, as he runs to Essence. "Luka, NO!!!!" Chloe screamed. Luka punches Essence, but he dodges it. Luka falls to the ground, and rolls away from Essence's sword slash. Locked eyes on Luka, Essence goes after him. Luka nearly dodges his sword slashes. He's lucky. Luka then tries to kick Essence, but misses. Essence swings his legs to put Luka on the ground. Essence laughs at his pathetic fighting. Before long, Essence misses a stomp on Luka when he dodges it. Then Essence goes javelin again, by taking his sword, and spearing it at Luka. He misses, but it narrowly hits Chloe in the face as it impacts Andre's stand. Essence leaves his prey, and goes for Chloe. She tries to run, but Essence throws her to the ground fast. Sword back in hand, he is about to stab Chloe, before Luka comes back. With all force, he punches Essence in the face. The villains stays quiet, before locking eyes back on Luka, who basically pissed himself. Essence grabs him by the throat, and drags him with him. Chloe attempts to save her crush, but Essence elbows her in the mouth when she tries. With Chloe out of the way, he places Luka's head on the stone of the bridge. He looks dead at Luka. "Not the first time someone socked me in the face. Sadly, they just don't know the proper way." Essence said. He pulls Luka forward, and stat up falcon punches Luka. His head hitting the concrete on impact. Essence does that again seven full times. Making Luka's face and back of head bleed from the pain. After the last punch, Luka lies out on the floor bleeding. "LUKA!!!!!" Chloe cried. Essence laughs at Luka's condition, and Chloe's crying. "Now. Time for the spoiled princess to get it." Essence said. He grabs Chloe, and pins her on the ice cream cart. "Ohhh, Andre the sweet heart ice cream man. Didn't know you two were going that far as teen." Essence said. "You dirty monster." Chloe replied, before Essence punches her in the face. "They say ice cream does bring happiness. Let's see if that's true." Essence said. Then, he grabs hand fulls of ice cream, and starts stuffing them down Chloe's throat. Force feeding this teen, as he laughs manically at this. Chloe's face gets messed, and sticky, as she can barely breath. Essence shoves chocolate, vanilla, banana, strawberry, and every other flavor down her throat. She gets so much in her mouth, she ends up barfing some of it on Essence. Doesn't seem to care when he sees her not liking it. He only stops when he gets bored of it. Chloe tries to breath, but basically spits and coughs out ice cream instead. "Christ your a mess. And that must be a real expensive outfit. Please, let me help you clean it." Essence said. He pulls out some handcuffs, and locks Chloe onto the stand. He then locks them with a key. "What better way to clean up this sticky situation, than with a nice bath at the bottom of the Seine. Also know as, your gravestone." Essence said, as he laughs. "STOP!!!!!!" Cat Noir screamed, as he lands on the bridge. "It's about time. What takes you so long when doing this?" Essence asked. "Essence, please. Leave them alone. I'm begging you." Cat Noir begged. "No worries, kitty. I was done with them anyway." Essence said, as he kicks the stand off the bridge. Chloe screams, as she and the cart fall into the water. "NO!!!!!!" Cat Noir screamed. He runs to save her, but Essence dashes, and grabs Cat before he can. "Hahahahahaha!!!!! Even your pace is pathetic. [brings him over to edge of bridge]. Luka basically bled out, but Chloe is still fresh. Let's watch her drown together shall we." Essence said in a threatening tone. Cat tries to break free, but Essence is too strong. He sees the bubbles coming from the water, and it only encourages him to fight harder. Underwater, Chloe tries to break free. She is stuck, and her time ticks down by the second. She trashes around, and tries to get out, but it's no use. Up top, Cat continues to try breaking free. Essence laughs at his attempt. "Isn't this hilarious, Cat Noir? Watching an innocent girl be drowned after having the brain freeze of the century. Why don't you just give up already?" Essence asked. "[thrashes]. NEVER!!!!" Cat Noir declared with tears in his eyes. "Stop trying, and give up. There is nothing you can do to save her, or him. They are parting from this world, Cat Noir. Two poor kids, leaving our home of Earth. Worst of all, you are the one to blame for there leaving. You are the real supervillain on this bridge." Essence said, as she laughs. Cat keeps crying at Chloe's pain, but cannot give up. Chloe on the other hand is almost about to give up. She can't keep her breath held for that long, and starts to gag for air. Chloe begins to drown. Essence keeps laughing, as Cat Noir keeps crying. That's when Luka slowly rises up from the ground. His head covered in blood. As his vision comes back, he sees Cat Noir in danger. So, despite a massive loss of blood, Luka charges into Essence freeing Cat Noir. Cat immediately dives into the water to save Chloe. Once by her, she is almost out of breathe. "Cataclysm." Cat Noir said, as he uses his powers. He cataclysm the handcuffs freeing Chloe. Cat then grabs her, and takes her to the surface. With air up there, Chloe barfs out water to take it all in. She breathes and barfs, as Cat Noir loses it mentally. "Cat Noir. [coughs]. You saved me." Chloe said. "[tears in his eyes]. Just keep breathing Chloe. Take it all in." Cat Noir begged. "Wait, what about Luka?" Chloe asked. Before long, Luka screams, and gets thrown onto the solid concrete with a loud thud. This rips a lot of scabs for Cat Noir, who breaks down more. Essence jumps down, and faces the three of them. They all stay still, as does Essence. Cat looks at him with zero confidence, as Essence just stands there. And then, he smoke bombs away just in time when the cops arrive. "[coughs]. LUKA!!!!!" Chloe screamed, as she runs to him. Chloe helps Luka up, who is now bleeding more than ever. However, he does still move, so he is still alive. Doesn't make it better for Cat Noir at all. Emergency workers take him and Chloe back up to the bridge, as Cat Noir cries more. He leaves, and wails as he runs home. "Come on you two. Let's go. Let's go." Official said. Chloe and Luka are taken to an ambulance to get medial help. Only for Chloe to stop when she notices something. Where the ice cream cart use to be is something where Essence was last standing. Some kind of lucky charm. Chloe runs, grabs it, and pockets it quickly. "What was that, dear?" Official asked. " good luck charm." Chloe lied. "Focus more on your health than your belongings. Let's go." Official ordered. Now Luka and Chloe are on there way to the hospital.
    Late that night, Chloe is taken back to her hotel. Despite nearly being forced feed and drowned, she is actually ok. Same can't be said for Luka, who is in critical medial care. Upstairs, Kagami watches the news, and is horrified at this update. She does feel so much relief and happiness to see Chloe walk in. Still a bit wet, and trying to breath as much as possible. Kagami sees her, and immediately runs and hugs her. "CHLOE!!!!!! I was so scared. I saw everything on the news, and I only hope Luka is ok as well." Kagami said. "He isn't. [Kagami let's go]. He lost so much blood from those punches. The officials said he was lucky like your Mom. Luka literally could have died today." Chloe replied in sadness. "Chloe, I'm so incredibly sorry." Kagami said feeling sympathy. "We won't be worried anymore. I found this at the crime scene. Some kind of lucky charm or whatever." Chloe replied, as she pulls it out. When Kagami looks at it, she immediately gasp in shock. The lucky charm in Chloe's hand isn't some random one. It's Adrien's lucky charm Marinette gave her. The sight of this, and hearing Chloe almost died makes Chloe more anger than ever. "Kagami?" Chloe asked. "It's Adrien." Kagami replied. "What?" Chloe asked. "That's Adrien's lucky charm. I remember it from our break up." Kagami replied. "Wait, really?" Chloe asked shocked. "Yep, and now I know whose kneecaps I'm going to break tomorrow." Kagami replied. "You can't possibly do that, Kagami. He's our friend." Chloe said. "WAS OUR FRIEND!!!!!! If that psychotic sicko thinks he can just casually kill us because he feels like it, then he's going to face the wrath of Kagami Tsurugi." Kagami yelled. "But...." Chloe said. "Don't deny me. We have his pen, and now his good luck charm. Are you really going to let Essence, the man who almost killed you, put Luka in the hospital, and did countless other awful things get away with all of this?" Kagami asked mad. Chloe thinks this over. She thinks back to Luka getting punched, and her almost drowning. Laughing at both their agony. "Ohhhh, your right. Adrien my be a childhood friend, but if he really is Essence, no way he's walking out alive. Tomorrow, we end Essence." Chloe said.
    At fencing class, Adrien cries while getting ready to leave in the locker room. He is back in his normal clothes, but not in his happy attitude. He looks at Plagg in his pocket, who is hurled up inside. It makes it much worse for Adrien to see. As everyone else leaves, Kagami, back in her normal outfit, and Chloe enter. "HEY, ADRIEN!!!!!" Kagami yelled. Adrien looks at her, and then Kagami punches Adrien in the face. Before she throws him against some lockers, as Chloe slams him on the ground. "How does that feel huh? Feel good for your crazy mind? HUH?!" Chloe screamed, as she kicks Adrien. "Ouch! What are you two doing?" Adrien asked with tears in his eyes. "Crying fake tears. Clever, ESSENCE!!!!!" Kagami screamed. "Essence? What do you mean?" Adrien asked. Kagami picks him up, and slams him against the lockers. "Don't try getting out of this one, Essence. We know it's you." Kagami yelled. "Please, what are you talking about?" Adrien begged. "This." Chloe replied, as she shows Adrien the pen and lucky charm. "[sheds tears]. My pen and lucky charm? How did you get those?" Adrien asked. "I don't know? You tell us, Essence." Kagami yelled, as she kicks Adrien in the knees. After Adrien screams, Kagami chucks him into another corner. "What is wrong with you two?" Adrien asked. "What's wrong with us?  What's wrong with you, Essence? Trying to kill us, and everyone around you because you think it's funny?!" Kagami yelled. "Please, just stop, and explain." Adrien begged. "Fine. We found your pen, after you attacked Kagami, Essence. [Adrien looks confused]. After we found it,  Kagami believed you could be Essence.  I first thought it couldn't you, but after I learned that this is your lucky charm, after you tried to kill me and Luka, I hopped on board to take you out." Chloe explained. "" Adrien asked. Kagami kicks him in the gut. Adrien cries in pain. And now, Adrien start up breaks down in front of them. Crying with every word he says. "Please stop you guys. I can't take this agony anymore. It's too much for me to handle every day."  Adrien begged.  "Ohhhh murder is too much for you to handle?  Shut up you lying rat!!!!!"  Kagami yelled.  "You don't understand.  It's been nothing but torture for me ever since he came back.  I....I watched Alya get hurt, Alix's Dad get paralyzed, Alya and Nino almost killed, you and your Mom almost killed, now you and Luka. I thought I could stop him. I thought I can, but he just keeps beating me to it every time.  And the time before that, he's making me lose it by the second.  I just want all of my suffering to end." Adrien cried in a broken tone.  "What are you talking about?"  Kagami asked.  "[sheds tears].  I can't tell you guys.  If you know then it will only make things worse.  Worse for me, and worse for you two."  Adrien replied crying.  "What's worse is leaving you not in the ground.  It's over, Essence."  Chloe yelled.  "Please, guys!!!!!  I'm not Essence!!!!"  Adrien cried.  "Then who are you really, Adrien?"  Kagami yelled.  "I'm.......I'm.......I'm.........I'm Cat Noir."  Adrien replied.  Kagami and Chloe stop, and are shocked.  Adrien soon realizes what he has done, and cries even more.  He just made everything worse for himself.  Kagami and Chloe watch with silence.  They see Adrien genuinely crying in pain.  From these emotions, they see that Adrien is not lying.  He is telling the truth.  Kagami and Chloe start feeling bad for hurting an actually sad Adrien.  So, they get down, and both girls hug Adrien.  "Shhh!!!!  Shhh!!!!!  Shhh!!!!  Shhh!!!!!  Shhh!!!!  Shhh!!!!!  It's ok.  It's ok.  It's ok, Adrien.  We're here."  Kagami said, as she and Chloe hug Adrien.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang