Le Chien Kim

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Yet another alarm goes off. This time, it's Le Chien Kim who turns it off. His room is as expected full of sports, workout, and especially swimming equipment. He even has his own pull up bar, his own set of weights, and his own protein shake station. He has it all for an athlete. And of course, he has a specific part of his room dedicated to his metals, and trophies he won from sporting events and races.  As for his pajamas, simply green shorts with white strips, and no shirt at all. Kim yawns, as he gets out of bed to begin his morning routine. He starts off with a nice stretch. Making sure his bones and muscles aren't bad one single bit. After he completes his stretch, he goes to his weights. He starts doing bicep and back exercises to get that workout in. Got to be sure all parts of his body are perfection. After breaking a nice sweat for about forty five minutes, Kim goes to his shower outside his room. It's from there his kwami, Xuppu, finally wakes up. As he rise from his sleep, he sees that Kim is showering. He forms a nasty smile on his face, as he gets an idea. Soon, Kim comes out of the shower, now fully clothes, and ready to start his day. As he goes to continue, Xuppu pops up, and screams. Kim screams, as he falls over onto the ground. Xuppu laughs, as Kim looks at him. "Oh yeah. I forgot I had you." Kim said. "Really? You forgot that fast dumb nuts?" Xuppu asked. "Come on. Don't call me dumb nuts, monkey mash." Kim replied. "Bubble butt." Xuppu said. "Banana brains." Kim replied. "Slurpy slop." Xuppu said. "Canned cream." Kim replied. Soon, the two start acting like monkeys as if they are ones. It goes to the point they both look at each other, lose their cool, and laugh. "I don't who gave you to me, but whoever he or she is, they made the best choice of their life." Kim said. "Same here. I'm a monkey, and I'm bound to a monkey." Xuppu replied. "A very handsome, attractive, and hunky monkey." Kim said. "Yep." Xuppu replied. "Ok. Well, Xuppu, we have a long day ahead of us. We have the pool, meeting with Max and the others for a party, as well as a few other surprises along the way. And, you get to meet my awesome girlfriend. Ondine." Kim said. "Ohhh, girlfriend. What's a girlfriend?" Xuppu asked. "You don't know what a girlfriend is?" Kim asked back. "I know what a boyfriend is from my old guardian, but what's a girlfriend?" Xuppu asked. "Same thing as a boyfriend, expect it's a girl." Kim explained. "Ohhh." Xuppu said. "And you say I'm a dumb nuts." Kim replied. "We can insult each other all day. Be my guest." Xuppu said. "Yeah, your right. Let's just go." Kim replied. With that, Kim grabs his bag, and the two are off on their adventure.

    Kim walks on the streets, as Xuppu chills in his pocket. Kim's miraculous is on his head, helping him give that persona of King Monkey. "So, I need to ask. Are you just an athletic, pranker, or is there more to you?" Xuppu asked. "I am a great swimmer, and I do love a good joke, but that's not just me. I'm also very caring, kind, and especially know my limit. I know when something it too far, or downright unforgivable. Like a confession prank for example. That's where someone confesses their love to you, and that person, rather than accepting their feelings depending on the context, you prank them just because you think it's funny. It's not funny. It's downright terrible, and breaks that person's heart." Kim replied. "Whoever does those pranks must be real jerks." Xuppu said. "Agreed. But can you imagine how someone could react to that? Like, imagine being pranked like that, and decided, I'm going to know literally everything about my next lover, so I won't feel that pain ever again. Birthday, schedule, favorite things. Everything about him. I get that person got hurt bad, but what kind of psycho would do something like that because of a terrible prank?" Kim replied. "Yeah. That would be outright embarrassing, than sympathetic." Xuppu said. "Yeah. But what matters is that I don't do a thing like that." Kim replied. "Agreed." Xuppu said. "And, here we are. The swimming pool. My favorite place in all of Paris." Kim replied. "How so?" Xuppu asked. "Because I love to swim. It's my favorite sport of all time. It's sort of like running, but even harder, and more painful. Your in a body of water, having to use your entire body to avoid drowning, all while going at a fast pace to be the winner of the race. That's basically it. Why do you think I had my Dad get me a weights for my room? Exactly. To be in the proper shape to do this." Kim replied. "So being in a good shape matters?" Xuppu asked. "Absolutely. If your in terrible shape, your guaranteed going to drown. That's not true, more like in a sense. But if you have a boys like me. Good muscles, and a charming face, you are going to be a champion of the sea. Just like my beautiful sea queen, Ondine." Kim replied, as he is filled with love. "Oh I get it. You love coming here to see your Queen." Xuppu teased. "Really?" Kim asked. Xuppu laughs, but Kim isn't that upset about it. He walks inside to begin this swim day.

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