Marc Anciel

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Another alarms goes off, and this time, Marc Anciel turns it off.  He yawns, as we get a glimpse of his bedroom.  It has football posters, Ladybug and Cat Noir writings all over his floor, a red and black carpet, and some pics of his and Nate on his dresser.  After he gets out of bed, where he wears a orange T shirt, and yellow long pants as pajamas, he goes to get ready.  There, his kwami, Orikko, awakens as well.  He too yawns, as he gets a view of his new environment.  "Ok then.  A little messy, features pictures of the two heroes that started it all, the sport we played when Penalteam came.  Hmm, yes.  I can definitely work with this one hundred percent."  Orikko said.  "Well, thank you."  Marc replied, now fully dressed.  "Good morning Marc.  [makes a chicken noise].  Sorry, I had to."  Orikko said.  "No big deal.  Just, question.  Are you going to do that ever morning?"  Marc asked.  "Yep."  Orikko replied.  "I can get use to that.  Anyway, shall we go get breakfast?"  Marc asked.  "And skip the most important meal of the day?  Heck no!  Let's eat!"  Orikko cheered.  The two head into the kitchen.  Marc sits down, and pours himself a bowl of corn flakes.  "Corn flakes?  Heard this cereal is good.  Mind if I have a bowl?"  Orikko asked.  "I mean, I do need to feed you.  And I do need to know what your fav food is.  Coming right up, chick."  Marc replied.  "Please don't call me chick."  Orikko said in an anger tone.  Marc gives him a bowl, and Orikko eats one piece.  "Huh?  This is really, really good.  [eats another].  I like this."  Orikko said.  "Then dig in.  It's all yours."  Marc replied.  Orikko does dig in, as does Marc.  They both continue to eat their breakfast, so they are powered up for what today has in store.

Soon after that, Marc is walking on the streets of Paris, with Orikko floating in his pocket.  "So, you live in a house I see.  Are your parents rich or something?"  Orikko asked.  "They are both defense attorneys.  So they make a fair amount of cash."  Marc replied.  "Awesome.  Think they can buy more of those corn flakes?"  Orikko asked.  "Maybe it wouldn't be smart to spend all their money on a cereal brand."  Marc replied.  "Right.  Fair.  So uhhh, what do we have in store today?"  Orikko asked.  "Just playing football with some friends, then seeing my boyfriend, Nathaniel.  Nothing much today."  Marc replied.  "Ohh, you have a lover, and he's... your same gender I see.  Cool."  Orikko said.  "Ahh, so you seem to support us."  Marc replied.  "You can be whoever you want, and I won't mind.  I'm a supporter, not a hater.  So what sexuality are you even?"  Orikko asked.  "I'm gay.  Just plain gay."  Marc replied.  "Neat.  So my owner loves football, writings, and is gay.  Yep!  I can definitely work with this."  Orikko said.  "Thanks chick."  Marc replied.  "What did I say back home?"  Orikko asked anger.  "Oh, sorry.  Why don't you like being called chick?"  Marc asked back. "Well, the others back in the Mother Box, which is where the other kwamis were, before this new arrangement, sometimes believed I was too, insensitive and insecure. That I'm easy to offend. Well I'm not! So, they call me chick to "make me feel more comfortable." And of course, I don't like it. One, bit." Orikko replied. "I can relate. I use to be a shy boy, and I slightly still am. I get nervous to talk, nervous to step in, etc. Nowadays, I'm more confident, and willing to step in when needed. So I get the kind of annoyance you go through." Marc said. "What made you stop being so shy?" Orikko asked. "When I meet you. Just being a hero in real life gave me so much confidence, and power. So, whenever I feel shy or worried, I pretend I'm my hero persona. Confident, strong, fast, smart, you know." Marc replied. "Good mindset. No wonder Ladybug gave me to you." Orikko said. "And she made a great choice because of it." Marc replied. The two keep on walking on, and continuing their day.

    Soon, Marc is at the football field, where some other kids are at. "Ahh, there he is. Sup, Marc." Kid said. "Hey Omar. Along with Sal, Ben, Alex with an e, and Freddy." Marc replied. "Ready to play ball?" Sal asked. "Pff, the real question is, who is going on the winning team?" Marc asked back. "Classic Marc. Fully confident, and always jinxing himself." Freddy replied. "What can I say. I'm good at this game." Marc said. "[sees finger]. Dig the new ring." Alex replied. "Ohh, thanks. It's just some ring I got from a store. It just fitted my taste." Marc said. "Cool, cool. Well then, [throws twirling football into the air, then catches it] let's play, boys." Ben replied. Thus, the game starts. Omar kicks the ball to Alex, he runs, as Freddy takes on as goalie. That means Sal, Ben, and Marc on the opposite team, with Sal as goalie. Alex shots the ball to the other team's goal, but Marc intercepts it. He dashes past them as if he was Rooster Bold, then, with a hint of strength, he kicks the ball into the other team's goal. "One point for us. Zero for you." Marc said. "Not bad. Good thing I love a challenge." Omar replied. The ball goes back onto the field. It's in Alex's hands, and he dashes past Marc, and Ben. Marc tries to stop him, but Alex shots. Sal is too slow, so the ball goes in. Now it's tie game. As time goes on, both teams make impressive shot, and rack up the points. Marc even gets a few rainbow kicks in. As does Omar. The score keeps going up, and up, and up. Soon, all of them are taking deep breathes from how exhausted they are. "Ok, [spits] let's end this. First one to score next, wins. Deal?" Omar asked. "Deal." Marc replied. And so, the final round commences. The ball is in the middle of the field, as both teams look at each other with seriousness, and confidence. It's a classic standoff. Soon, the silence breaks, as they move in. Marc gets the ball, but then Omar intercepts it. He dashes past Marc, but Ben intercepts him as well. He shots to Marc, who passes back to Ben, who then go back and forth. Keeping the ball away from Omar and Alex. Soon, Alex intercepts the ball, and kicks to past Alex. It makes it's way to the goal, but Marc ain't going down like this. He sprints, as Omar goes after him. He keeps on sprinting. Pretending he's Rooster Bold using his power of Sublimation. He keeps his confidence high, and his control in check. So Marc feels good, when he gets to the ball, and kicks it with all his might to go away from his goal. It rocket blast it's way to Freddy, who seeing the ball get closer, cowards out, and moves out the way. The ball goes in, and the game is over. "LET'S GO!!!" Marc screamed. Sal and Ben run up to him, and lift him into the air. Cheering his name. "I really don't know how he does it, but Marc sure got some great skills." Omar said. "Hey, good game." Marc said. "[smiles]. Agreed. [shakes his hand]. Good game." Omar replied.

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