Essence's End

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Kagami soon moans, then wakes up from her sleep. Suddenly surprised she is in Chloe's bed. She also questions how she got here. Chloe then wakes up with a yawn, to see Adrien still sound asleep. She too is surprised, and even more when she sees Kagami in her bed, and not Adrien. The two of them get up, and Kagami approaches Chloe. "Why were you in Adrien's bed?" Chloe asked. "I'm not sure. Last thing I remember is watching the moon with Adrien, then all went black. It's weird to fall asleep somewhere, then wake up the next day somewhere else." Kagami replied. "Agreed. I've had many times that happened to me." Chloe said. Then, Adrien moves, and gets up from his sleep. "Ah, girls. Good morning." Adrien said. "Morning, Adrien. You had a good sleep?" Chloe asked. "I did. [stretches]. Helped me feel better from everything going on." Adrien replied. "Absolutely. So, why did you not sleep in my bed last night? I told you it's ok." Chloe asked. "Kagami looked like she needed it more than me." Adrien replied. "Awww. Thanks, Adrien, but you really didn't have to do that." Kagami said. "I know, but I did anyway." Adrien replied. "Ok. I'll call down to have breakfast delivered to us. Make sure they don't see Plagg at all." Chloe said. "Already on it. Ohh, and Chloe. Think you can get some camembert as well? It's my favorite cheese." Plagg asked. "Eww! That smelly, stinky, cheese?" Chloe asked back. "It's yummy, and I love it! Sorry if I raised my voice." Plagg replied. "It's cool. I'll see what I can do." Chloe said. As Chloe leaves, we transition to them having a bunch of food in the living room for them to eat. In addition to the food, Chloe's parents are there as well. "Hope you all enjoy. It's the best breakfast you can have in Paris." Audrey said. "And it's presented to perfection. Thank that part on me." Andre replied. "It looks sweet honey." Audrey said. "Thanks, dear. Well, we better leave the kids to their meals." Andre replied. "Agreed. You kids have fun." Audrey said, as she and Andre leave. "Your parents seem better, Chloe." Adrien replied. "I told you so, and I'm so happy they are. Though I do sometimes hear them argue, except they know when to stop instead of keep going." Chloe said. "That's so wonderful. And since they are gone, Plagg." Adrien replied. Plagg flies out, and locks his eyes on the camembert. He dashes, and immediately chows it down. "Woah! Your kwami really loves his cheese." Kagami said. "I told you two, he is my loyal cheese loving best friend." Adrien replied. Plagg finishes up his cheese, and burps. "Who lacks a few manners." Adrien said. "You know my love for cheese, Adrien. It's special." Plagg replied. "Speaking of special. Let's bring out our buddies." Chloe said, as she puts her miraculous on. There, Pollen reforms. "[gasp]. Chloe!!!!" Pollen screamed. "Pollen!!!!!" Chloe screamed, as they both hug. "[let's go]. It's been so long since I last saw you, but why? [turns around]. Plagg!!! Why are you out in the open with your owner?" Pollen asked now worried. "It's ok, Pollen. They......they know my identity, but don't worry, they are trustworthy. I promise." Adrien explained. "Uhhh, you sure?" Pollen asked still worried. "Pollen. You know me. We won't tell anyone about this. Adrien has our word." Chloe replied. "Ok, since you are my Queen, I trust you." Pollen said. "Thank you. Also, guess what I got?" Chloe asked, as she pulls out some honey. "HONEY!!!!! YAY!!!!" Pollen screamed. Chloe opens the jar, and Pollen eats the honey. Chloe smiles at her kwami's happiness. "You too have a sweet kwami, Chloe." Kagami said. "I treat her with dignity, and she loves me in return." Chloe replied. "Well, she is not as cool as Longg." Kagami said, as she puts her miraculous on. Longg then forms again. "Kagami Tsurugi. One of the most confident Dragon miraculous holders I've ever meet. It's been ages since we last reunited. How I've missed you." Longg said. "I've missed you as well, Longg." Kagami replied, as Longg hugs her on the cheek. As he hugs her owner, Longg sees Adrien. "Wait, Adrien Agreste? [looks at Plagg]. PLAGG!!!!" Longg panicked. "Relax, Longg. It's nothing to panic about." Plagg explained. "Well, how can I not lose my cool when I see you with these two next to you?" Longg asked, as he worries. "Chill out, Longg. We may know his secret, but you know me very well. I can keep a secret when needed." Kagami replied. While Pollen trusted Chloe on her word, Longg is a bit too skeptical. But a look into Kagami's eyes eventually makes him trust her. "[sighs]. Alright, but if the guardian finds this out, don't blame it on me." Longg said. "We won't. In the mean time, we go some food." Kagami replied. Longg looks to see the feast at hand. He keeps attracted, and goes to eat. "I love how you guys also have nice relationships with your kwamis. It reminds me of how I have such an amazing one with Plagg." Adrien said. "It was odd at first, but soon grew into a nice friendship. Longg is swift, respectful, calming, and encouraging. I knew I could get along with a dragon like that." Kagami replied. "And I have a similar case with Pollen. She is loyal, sweet, trustworthy, and supportive. She also loves honey, which obviously." Chloe said. Seeing how his friends grew good bonds with their kwamis makes Adrien smile. "I'm glad to have you two apart of the team." Adrien said. "Awww, thanks Adrien." Chloe and Kagami replied. After some time, the gang finishes their breakfast. Now they are all in their clothes, and fully energized. "Ok, so we ready to train?" Kagami asked. "Train? For what exactly?" Longg asked. "To take out Essence." Adrien replied with confidence. "Wait, WHAT?!" Longg panicked. "The man has been making my life unbearable for days. Making me do terrible awful, unforgivable things. And then he makes it worse by attacking you guys if I refused to. He managed to get to my emotions, and use them to break me down. But now, I have hope. With you guys. With there, and you twos help, we will finally out an end to Essence's reign." Adrien replied. "Make sure he stops for good." Chloe said. "And bring happiness to all." Kagami replied. "Exactly. He may be able to survive one well trained hero, but three? I don't think so. Because we are, Caring." Adrien said. "Quick." Chloe replied. "And Respectful to those in need." Kagami said. "As a team we are strong." Adrien replied. "But as a trio, we are treacherous." Chloe said. "We are not just some ordinary group of superheroes." Kagami replied. "No we are not." Adrien said. "We are, The Treacherous Trio!!!!!" Adrien, Chloe, and Kagami replied. All the kwamis look amazed at this motto. "Great idea to have a motto for our team." Adrien said. "Told you it would fit well. And we did it so perfectly." Chloe replied. "Great job everyone." Kagami said, as she high fives Chloe and Adrien. "Now before begin, Longg, Pollen, please promise me you won't tell Ladybug about this? We maybe better than before, but she would kill me if she finds this out." Adrien begged. "Don't worry, Adrien. Like your friends, you have my word." Pollen said. "Same with mine, even if I am against it a bit." Longg replied. "Thanks. Ok trio, let's finish this. Plagg, claws out." Adrien said, as he transforms into Cat Noir. "Pollen, buzz on." Chloe said, as she transforms into Queen Bee. "Longg, bring the storm." Kagami said, as she transforms into Ryuko.
    Now that the trio is at work, we can see what the duo is up to. They are once again fighting again on a rooftop. Ladybug throws her yo-yo, but Blue Bird blocks it with his hand fan. He dashes, and spin kicks Ladybug into a brick hall. On the ground, Blue Bird runs to punch Ladybug, but she moves out of the way when Blue Bird makes impact. Ladybug kicks Blue Bird in the face. He washes it off, and slams his fist again at Ladybug. He misses, and as Ladybug gets back on her feet, she throws her yo-yo, and wraps Blue Bird up. She flips him over her shoulders, but he lands on both feet. Now on the ground, he runs at Ladybug. Before she can flip again, Blue Bird jump kicks Ladybug. Putting her on the ground, and freeing Blue Bird from her weapon. Blue Bird gets back up, and slams his foot on Ladybug. She groans, before Blue Bird grabs her leg, spins her around, then throws her into a brick wall again. She lies on the ground in pain. "Three, two, and one. Blue Bird is the victor." Su Han announced. Blue Bird walks up to Ladybug, and offers her his hand. "You did good, Ladybug. Here, let me help you." Blue Bird offered. Ladybug smiles, and takes his hand to get up. "The yo-yo flip would have got me though. It's alright, you can get me next time." Blue Bird said. "I will. That was some great combat out there." Ladybug replied. "Well thank you. Awesome job as well." Blue Bird said. Su Han actually then smiles at the kids bonding. "I've seen some improvement in your relationship. Ladybug, you are more friendly, and supportive of Blue Bird. Blue Bird, you've gotten better, and seem to be working well with Ladybug." Su Han said. "Again, it's miraculous we got along. I'm happy with it though." Blue Bird replied. "As am I." Ladybug said. "That's great. Now, where is Cat Noir?" Su Han asked. "Oh, he has been doing some important personal work for the time being. Don't worry, he will be back soon." Ladybug replied. "As long as he is not slacking, I'm happy. Great job again both of you. Report to me when Cat returns, so I am aware of it." Su Han said. "I will grandmaster." Ladybug replied. Su Han then leaps away from the two heroes. "Well, I'm heading back home. I'm probably going to take a nap, since it is Saturday." Blue Bird said. "Same. See you later, birdie." Ladybug replied. "Ok, buggy." Blue Bird said. Both giggle at each other, then Blue Bird goes to leave. "Hold on, Blue Bird. [BB turns around]. Aren't you forgetting something?" Ladybug asked. "Uhhh, no. I have my fan, my miraculous, my beauty." Blue Bird replied. "[giggles]. I know you have that. I was talking about this." Ladybug said, as she point her fist out. Blue Bird looks confused, but soon realizes what she means. "No!!!!!! Your joking! This has to be a joke!" Blue Bird said. "Not at all. My trust issues with you are no longer a thing. I know see you as a worthy, cool, and admittedly funny superhero. Not as funny at Cat Noir, but still funny in general. So to celebrate, I couldn't think of anything else, but the one true symbol of our trust. Our celebrator fist bump." Ladybug replied. Blue Bird is still shocked at this. However, he ends up smiles in joy. "Thank you, Ladybug. You won't regret this." Blue Bird said. And finally, they do it. "POUND IT!!!!" Ladybug and Blue Bird said together.
Now back with The Treacherous Trio.  They are on a different rooftop with Cat as the instructor, and Queen Bee and Ryuko as the students.  "Now, to clarify, this will take all day to perfect.  Essence may be a better fighter than all of us, but with the techniques I used to fight him, I know we can stop him.  Once again, it's all about: where his attacks are going.  What move will he make next, and how to avoid it.  How to fight back when he's vulnerable. The last one is essential key to defeating him. A significant move of Essence is he waits, until he has us weak, and basically grinds up into ground beef. However, as you guys saw during his invasion, I got the upper hand on him during the end of the fight. Which helped seal the deal, and defeat Essence." Cat Noir explained. "That also made you look for furrious than ever." Ryuko joked. "[laughs]. Nice cat joke, Ryuko. Back on topic, here is how we will do it. Queen Bee, Ryuko, you two will fight each other. I think fighting your teammate is a great way to make a stronger hero. The main objective is to be stronger than the other. As well as: where your opponents attacks are going, what move will they do next, and how to avoid it, and fight back when your enemy is vulnerable." Cat Noir said. "Uhhh, do we have to fight each other, Adr, I mean, Cat Noir?" Queen Bee asked. "Don't worry. You two will make sure the other is safe during battle, but mostly get stronger. Nothing bad will come out of this girls. Trust me." Cat Noir replied. The two heroes think, but eventually hop on board. They get away, then face each other. "Ok, ready, and, FIGHT!" Cat Noir declared. Both heroes charge at each other to begin the training.
    Now we go to the hospital. Inside, Alya lies in her bed resting, and looking much better. Although she still fears Essence, her sleep is back on track. That's when the doctor comes back inside. "Good news, Miss Cesaire. Your friend, Nino, is all better now. Just a few stitches to the stomach is all that is needed to fix him up. He's still a very lucky boy to survive that." Doctor said. "I've been through worse, doc." Nino replied. "Well, this does inform you that Nino will be removed from your room to leave. Doesn't mean he can't come a visit." Doctor explained. "Understood, doc. I'm so glad your safe, Nino." Alya replied. "And I'm so glad to see you better, Alya." Nino said. And so, Nino is about to leave Alya once again. However, this happens. "Nino wait. [Nino turns around]. Thanks again for all you've said, and done for me. Both at the ward, and here. I know I see you weirdly now, but despite thinking this was going to be an uncomfortable experience, I felt so much safer here with you. Don't get me wrong, I still feel a bit odd with you, but now I see you as a........good friend. One I can possibly be happy to have with me." Alya said. "[gasp]. So, that's it? You want to be friends again?" Nino asked in joy. "It will take time, but I'm more than happy to start fresh with you." Alya replied. Nino smiles in happiness for helping his Ex. "Oh thank you, Alya. I promise I will never make you feel weird, or uncomfortable again as a friend." Nino vowed. "Thanks, babe. I mean, thanks Nino." Alya replied. And thus, Nino walks away. "I'll come see you everyday, Alya. And it won't be three times a day." Nino declared. Nino official leaves Alya all alone. She smiles, as she lies down to get some good sleep. Her mentality slowly being rebuilt piece by piece.
    With two story arcs completed, we see on the two that will end very soon. Up in his lair, Hawkmoth trains for Essence. Using his advanced security system that includes missiles, lasers, etc to help him out. He slashes missiles, and dodges lasers as if they are his greatest enemy. Focusing hard to believe Essence is here right now wanting to kill him. Hawkmoth refuses to give up. He keeps working harder, and harder by going faster with his attacks, and dodges. Before long, he stops to take a little break. "Dark wings fall." Hawkmoth said, as he de-transforms. For once, I think, Gabriel feeds Nooroo some bread to get ready to fight. "Thank you master. [eats]. But do you really think this is the appropriate solution?" Nooroo asked. "I believe so. Essence has been taunting me ever since he revealed the truth. As well as calling me out for my awful parenting." Gabriel replied. "But master, maybe he's trying to trick you." Nooroo suggested. "Look at the past then, Nooroo. I barely showed any love for Adrien when I gave you up, I barely cared that Nathalie nearly drowned, and much more. I've been nothing but terrible to this family. It was Nathalie's sickness, and Essence's words that fully woke me up. I want, and will be a better parent for this family. Starting by killing the demon that haunts it." Gabriel replied. "I love you becoming a better parent, but I just have a bad feeling about this. I want him gone too, it just sounds weird he wants you to kill him." Nooroo said. "It's his choice, and I love it. Finished eating, so we can get back to work." Gabriel replied. Nooroo finishes his bread. "Now, Nooroo, dark wings rise." Gabriel said, as he transforms into Hawkmoth. Back in costume, he turns back on his security system to train.
Speaking of training, Ryuko start up body slams Queen Bee on the ground.  She groans in pain.  "And, that's another win for Ryuko.  [helps Queen Bee up].  You ok, Queen Bee?"  Cat Noir asked.  "[cracks neck].  Yeah I'm fine.  I can handle pain like that."  Queen Bee replied.  "Well, you did beat Ryuko three times, compares to Ryuko's fifteen wins.  Not a total lose."  Cat Noir encouraged.  "So that means I'm better than the Queen?"  Ryuko asked.  "It's not about competition Ryuko.  It's all about making each other stronger as a team.  Or in this case, as a trio."  Cat Noir replied.  "Of course.  Sorry about that."  Ryuko said.  "It's cool.  Tell you what.  I can train with Queen Bee.  You can do sword fight, and practice over there.  About time I get into this."  Cat Noir replied.  "Sounds cool with me."  Ryuko said.  She leaves, as Cat takes Queen Bee with her.  "You make a good team leader, Cat Noir."  Queen Bee said.  "Just looking after you guys, as you do for me.  It's the right thing to do."  Cat Noir replied.  Queen Bee smiles.  Then, the two begin to train.  As they clash, it's montage time.  We see Ryuko sword train, and combat train by herself, as Queen Bee fights Cat Noir.  Cat helping Queen Bee get stronger to face Essence.  Before long, Queen Bee and Ryuko fight.  It's a strong, powerful, and miraculous fight that ends with Ryuko on the ground.  Cat pats Queen Bee's back for her work.  Then, we see Queen Bee take out Ryuko a dozen times.  Ryuko does get some wins, but they only back Queen Bee stronger.  As for Gabriel, he keeps training harder in his lair.  Now having tracking missiles go after him.  Hawkmoth runs along his lair to dodge and avoid them.  Even back flipping off one to prove his strength.  As the missiles come back, Hawkmoth releases his sword from his cane, and destroys the missiles.  Back with the trio, Queen Bee and Ryuko now fight Cat Noir.  Cat puts up a good fight against the girls, who do there best to get him.  However, Cat overpowers them both, and wins.  He does help them up, and tells them they are do this.  They smile at his support.  So, before another fight, Cat trains them with there combat, and weapons.  Showing them how to avoid attacks when seen, and beat the crap out of anyone who is vulnerable.  All in the name of making them better.  Back with Hawkmoth, he keeps training his his lair.  Now having harpoon missiles go after him.  He dodges, front flip, back flip, etc to not get hit.  Getting more aggressive as time goes on.  Now, Cat Noir helps the heroes with there superpowers.  Making them pretend they are using them on him, as if Cat is Essence.  It helps the girls out, and Cat is happy to see that.  Hawkmoth keeps killing it in his lair, as the trio does on their part.  Morning becomes afternoon, and afternoon soon becomes night.  The moon is out, as well as darkness.  We leave the rooftop to the outside of Hank's Coco Corp.  Where The Treacherous Trio stands now.  "Well, this is it.  Essence is inside as you said?"  Queen Bee asked.  "Yes.  He's been waiting for this, as we are for him."  Cat Noir replied.  "Still can't believe we are doing this.  We are really going to kill someone today."  Ryuko said.  "Ok, don't say kill.  It's [goes quiet] it's unsettling to me."  Cat Noir yelled.  "My bad.  I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable now."  Ryuko said.  Cat then looks at the factory, and starts to feel uncomfortable.  He does realize if he fails, he must help Essence get the miraculous, as promised.  It makes him feel less confident.  "You good, Cat Noir?"  Queen Bee asked.  "Yeah, I'm fine.  Just......a little off about this."  Cat Noir replied sad.  "Don't be.  We are ready for this thanks to you.  You should be proud to see us show this guy what happens when he messes with you.  [touches cheek].  Adrien, I know he knows who we all are, but that doesn't mean we quit.  We fight as true heroes.  Heroes who defend the city of Paris.  Heroes, I'm proud to fight along side with."  Ryuko said.  Cat looks at Ryuko, who along with Queen Bee, smile that they got this.  Cat Noir then smiles as well.  "Your right.  We can do this.  But, just in case we don't come back, you think we can..."  Cat Noir asked, as she opens his arms.  Ryuko and Queen Bee see what he means, and nod there heads.  The entire trio does a big group hug.  Embracing each other with all there hearts.  "[let's go].  Treacherous Trio.  Let's do this."  Cat Noir declared.
Thus, the final battle begins.  Cat Noir enters inside the factory, staff in hand.  "Hey, Essence!  I'm here on time.  You ready to fight, or what?"  Cat Noir yelled.  "I'm here as you asked.  [lands].  Happy to see your best friend again, Adrien?"  Essence asked.  "Plagg is my best friend.  And Nino too.  You are nothing but an enemy to me."  Cat Noir replied seriously.  "Love to see you full of confidence again.  Guess my treatment wasn't enough. No matter, I can break it down like I did before.  Not much of a challenge considering you are such a cry baby."  Essence mocked.  "Cat is not a cry baby, Essence."  Queen Bee yelled, as she and Ryuko show up.  "What the?  Queen Bee and Ryuko?  Why are they here?  I thought it was only us?"  Essence asked confused.  "Figured I bring some backup.  I said nothing about bringing backup did I?" Cat Noir asked back. Essence rethinks the deal Cat made with him. "Heh! Well thought out, kitty. Seeing you need assistance to stop me just comes to show how pathetic you truly are. You have to rely on these losers in order to be strong." Essence mocked. "Cat Noir isn't weak. He's a strong, supportive superhero with or without us." Ryuko yelled. "Who turns out to be Adrien Agreste." Essence said. "They know, Essence." Cat Noir replied. "Ohhh, and an identity reveal. Makes it even worse for you. [pulls out sword]. I'm ok with you bringing your friends. So if I accidentally kill you, I will at least have two kwamis who can take me to where Ladybug lives. Then I'll get her miraculous, Farfalla's, then Blue Bird's, and my mission will be complete here." Essence said. "That won't happen because you aren't leaving this place tonight." Queen Bee yelled. "Neither are you all." Essence replied, as he presses a button. So suddenly, loud noises blare. The hooks on the ceiling starts to route, the vaults down below begin to boil chocolate, and yellow, orange, red lights turn on. "To add some enjoyment, I spend my time fixing this place up. Wouldn't want to fall in that chocolate once at boiling temperature. It's hot enough to melt your flesh off." Essence said, as he laughs. Cat soon gets more serious. "Enough chatting. We came here to end this, and we will end this." Cat Noir declared. "Then let the fun, begin." Essence cheered. Thus, in slow mo, all three heroes and villain charge at each other.
Essence and Cat Noir clash weapons against each other.  Queen Bee jumps, and kicks Essence off his feet.  Ryuko sword slams, but Essence back rolls away from it.  He dashes into Cat Noir sending him flying, as Queen Bee kicks Essence in the face again.  Ryuko does the same, making the villain back up.  Queen Bee goes to punch from above, but Essence dodges it, and kicks her to the corner of the factory.  Ryuko swings her sword, but Essence blocks it.  The two then go sword fight, with Ryuko moving as fast as lightning.  Essence matches up to her speed by blocking her attacks, and even front flipping over her.  Cat comes back in to attacks Essence from behind.  He notices, kicks Ryuko in the gut, then turns around to uppercut Cat Noir.  Before he grabs his tail, and slams him to the second platform near the chocolate vaults.  They heated it up fast, they they start to shoot chocolate on the platform.  And it's pretty hot since Cat Noir starts sweating nearly them.  Ryuko goes to stab Essence, but dodges.  He goes to kick her, but training from earlier makes her duck under it.  Avoiding the kick, Ryuko turns around, and acts fast.  "Wind dragon."  Ryuko said, as she uses her powers.  Turning into wind, she gushes Essence to the wall.  Then, like he's possessed by a demon, Ryuko throws him around the walls of the factory.  Even scrapping his back on the walls as well.  After making the villain dizzy, as well as losing his sword on the ground, she chucks him into the ceiling.  He hits it hard, and falls, but he ain't going down that fast.  He lands on both feet.  Ryuko reforms, just in time for Essence to sprint, grab her neck, and body slam her on the ground.  He throws Ryuko around, and punches her in the face hard.  It's enough to make the hero start to bleed, but that's when Queen Bee returns to tackle on Essence's back.  She rides him, as Ryuko is set free.  Cat Noir returns as well, as he charges into Essence.  Putting him on the ground.  Queen Bee gets off him, and slams her foot onto Essence.  She misses, and Essence goes to punch, but she dodges it.  Queen Bee knees Essence in the face, and Cat Noir grabs him, and throws him against the wall.  As he gets up, Cat Noir whacks him with his staff.  Queen Bee then helps Ryuko up, who even wipes the blood off her face for her.  Ryuko smiles at Queen Bee's help.  Back with the fight, Essence uses his hands to block Cat Noir's staff attacks.  It hurts him, but he can handle it.  As he walks backwards avoiding, Queen Bee uses her top to Tarzan swing kick Essence.  He falls on his back on purpose, so Queen Bee can just face plant on the wall. Essence laughs, as he jumps away.  He does so to get his sword, which is covered in some chocolate, but is still useable.  Ryuko jumps down to fight.  She flashes, and clashes with Essence again.  They sword fight, before they cross blades.  "You seem stronger.  Why weren't you like this when we first fought?"  Essence asked.  "[groans].  Because I got stronger thanks to someone who is more heroic than you think."  Ryuko replied.  "You say that when you don't know what the truth about Adrien."  Essence said.  "What truth?"  Ryuko asked.  Essence doesn't answer, but instead, slams on Ryuko's foot.  Essence the uppercuts her, and throws her at the ceiling.  Like him, she hits it hard, and starts to fall to one of the vaults.  Cat sees it happen.  "RYUKO!!!!!"  Cat Noir screamed.  She uses his staff to get some extra air, and in slow mo, he grabs his Ex before she falls in.  In normal speed, Cat lands with Ryuko in his hands.  "Thanks, Cat."  Ryuko said.  Cat puts her down, and they go back to fighting.  Queen Bee charges at Essence.  She uses her combat to find him.  Essence puts his sword away, so he can block her attacks with his hands.  Laughing at her weakness, as they fight.  Queen Bee ain't taking that, so she focuses on when Essence is the most vulnerable.  It doesn't happen when they fight, but that's when Cat and Ryuko are in air about to get Essence.  He turns around, and Queen Bee gets her chance.  She kicks Essence in the back, and he tumbles to the ground.  The heroes land, and face Essence.  Essence gets up, as Cat charges at him.  "[staff gets blocks by Essence's hands].  Here's the thing I don't understand still.  [fight as they talk].  Why did you leave evidence behind to make me think I was you?"  Cat Noir asked.  "[both at top level now].  Why not?  I just wanted to have some fun as I always do."  Essence replied.  "[keeps fighting].  So another reason to why you do awful times is for fun.  I also don't get that too.  How can you be this awful to begin with.  As much as I hate you, there had to have been some good in you, before you followed down this path.  There has to be."  Cat Noir said.  Essence dodges Cat's staff, grabs the back of his head, and slams it on the railing.  "I made my choice ok.  Like opinions, you need to respect them."  Essence replied.  "[swings staff, and continue to fight].  But why didn't you give up like the rest of The Void?  Bet they would go on to do amazing things for the greater good."  Cat Noir asked.  "They were weaklings like you guys.  [turns around to kicks Queen Bee into a wall, and turns back around to block Cat Noir's attack].  I pressed onward to honor them.  Fulfill the destiny Cyrus Malcom would have wanted.  All of this, I'm doing for my ancestors, and myself."  Essence replied.  Cat screams, as he swings his staff against Essence's face.  He bounces back, socks him in the nose, grabs his neck, and holds him over a vault of chocolate.  Ryuko dashes by to help him, but Essence close lines her.  "[gags].  Your a demon, Essence.  An actual demon.  Are you really happy with that?"  Cat Noir asked with anger.  "[laughs].  There was never any good in me to begin with."  Essence replied.  Cat gasp, as Essence body slams him on the floor.  Before he continues, Queen Bee comes back.  "Venom."  Queen Bee said, as she uses her powers.  She goes to Venom Essence, but he grabs her wrist, twist it making Queen Bee scream, and throw her top into the chocolate.  He ends her by slamming her back on the railing, and letting her fall to the second level.  "Not even them are a match for my strength.  And I'm just getting warmed up here."  Essence said.  Cat uses his staff to hit Essence, but he blocks it with his sword.  He pushes Cat to the ground, and presses on his staff.  "See, even you are still puny with them along.  No matter how many people you dare to face me, I will always be on top."  Essence said.  Cat keeps groaning, as he tries to push Essence's sword off his staff.  "Come on now.  I thought you were strong, Cat Noir.  Don't see it now from this disgrace of a performance."  Essence yelled.  Cat groans in pain, as he tries to push off Essence.  Essence keeps pushing harder and harder than before.  Cat keeps trying to overpower him.  "Oh don't tell you are as weak as your Mom?"  Essence screamed.
    Just as he says that awful line, Essence screams from getting stabbed in the arm. Cat Noir is shocked to see who did it, as well as Queen Bee and Ryuko. "HAWKMOTH!!!!!" All three of them screamed. "[turns around in pain]. Ahhh, Hawkmoth. You decided to join the party as well." Essence taunts. "Just as you wanted. I'm here to do as you advised. Ending your reign of terror if it means I can redeem myself." Hawkmoth yelled. "Redeem yourself? End reign of terror? What?" Cat Noir asked confused, as he gets up. "You aren't the only one I've been working with Cat. I can brush these teens off for now. [cracks neck]. I've been most excited for you to show up." Essence replied. Even with a stab in his arm, Essence still sword fights with his left hand. He dashes, and fights with Hawkmoth. Both of them going all out like before. Hawkmoth makes sure he blocks all of Essence's sword strikes, but one jump over his cane make him vulnerable. Essence kicks Hawkmoth into the wall. He dashes at him, and impairs the wall with his sword because he missed Hawkmoth. Hawkmoth kicks Essence in the face, leaving his sword not in hand. Hawkmoth grabs it, and throws it into the chocolate. Essence screams, and gets anger. He pounces on Hawkmoth, and repeatedly punches him in the face. Making his mouth bleed more blood than before. Thankfully in a sense, Ryuko tackles him off oh Hawkmoth. She too punches him in the face, but Ryuko throws her off of him. She attacks her, as Queen Bee joins back in. As Hawkmoth gets up, Cat shows up with him. "Ok, spill the beans Hawkmoth. Why are you here?" Cat Noir asked. "Same thing I was going to ask you. Ahhhh. [gets up]. Look, I know we want each other's miraculous, but help me take out Essence first. If we have time, then we can fight." Hawkmoth begged. "Why should I help you, after all you did as Hawk/Shadowmoth? Moreover, giving someone else your powers to carry out your work." Cat Noir asked. "It was all because of him. Look, I swear I won't go for your miraculous during the fight ok?" Hawkmoth asked back. Still skeptical, but extra help is always a plus. "[deep breath]. Ok, but I will slash your face if you backstab us." Cat Noir threatened. "You have my word. Now let's go." Hawkmoth said. On the first level, Essence slaps Ryuko in the face, and kicks Queen Bee into another wall. He laughs, before Hawkmoth and Cat Noir come back to fight. Like Father and Son, both of them go hammer on Essence. Even using his hands isn't enough to stop them. They beat the crap out of Essence with there weapons. It's not until one kick from both villain and hero to the face that stops them. Essence backs up, and faces the two of them. As well as Ryuko and Queen Bee who joined them. Essence's mask starts to crack. It breaks into pieces. Until, it breaks off completely. Everyone inside gasp at Essence's face. As for Essence himself, he removes his hood to reveal long black hair. It's the new look for Derek Malcom himself. His mask finally off of him. The room is silent, as Derek breathes in front of them all. " Essence?" Cat Noir asked. "[spits out blood]. Derek Malcom to be exact. [looks at broken mask]. You all made a big mistake trying to end me for real. Even if you do, it won't matter. I will come back. I always come back." Derek yelled, as he laughs. "[groans]. NOT THIS TIME!!!!!" Hawkmoth screamed. He charges at Derek, who kicks Hawkmoth in the face. He lands on the ground, as Derek pounces on him. He starts to strangle Hawkmoth, and laugh like he did to Ladybug back in The Aftermath. Before he can kill the butterfly, Cat Noir pushes him off of his Dad. Now up, Cat Noir whacks Derek's face to pieces. "[hits]. That's for Alya. [hits again]. That's for Alix and her Dad. [kicks knees]. That's for making me your minion just to make me life more terrible. [hits]. That's for trying to make me believe I am the one to blame. [uppercuts]. That's for going after Alya and Nino, and killing all those patients. [hits so hard, Essence bleeds more from his nose and mouth]. That is for slicing off Kagami's Mom's arm, and almost killing her. [hits in gut]. That's for nearly bleeding Luka out, and drowning Chloe. [punches Derek's mouth]. And this, this is for everything else you did when you set foot here in Paris." Cat Noir yelled, as punches Derek in the face so hard, his teeth come out. Cat Noir takes a breather, as Essence lies on the ground in pain. He coughs up blood, and tries to get up. "[faces Cat Noir]. Heheheh!!! Even at a time like this, you still impress me, Cat Noir. It's something about you that makes me see you different from the rest of these guys. Not sure if it's your character, your miraculous, your power. Whatever it is........I'm just glad I found someone like you that I have a pleasure fighting with. Apart from all the killings, torture, etc, I love it when we fight, or when I make your life a bigger nightmare. It's all a villain could ever ask for. An arch......nemesis." Derek said, as he laughs. Cat still looks at him with anger, but Hawkmoth is done with all of this. So as Derek laughs, he takes his staff, and stabs Derek in the heart. Cat Noir gasp, and backs up with his trio. Hawkmoth stabs Derek as any times as possible. Glushing blood all over the place, and onto him. After he basically destroyed his heart, Hawkmoth stabs Derek in the throat, and then through the eye into the brain. He takes deep breathes, as the heroes watch in horror. After Derek gives off his last breathes, Hawkmoth stabs him one more time, before he pushes him off the platform. Derek falls in slow mo, as blood flys off of him. Hawkmoth and the heroes watch, as his body slowly falls to the boiling chocolate vaults. It's a slow, but satisfying end for this psychopath. Before Derek splashes into the chocolate. His body being cooked into a tasty treat. Back in normal speed, the heroes look at Hawkmoth with shock and disgust. He looks at Derek's drowning body with enjoyment. The celebration gets cut short, when the vaults start to over boil. Then, a steam tank explodes. The pressure from the chocolate begins to make the place burn. Without saying a word, everyone runs to safety, as the factory begins to fall apart. The Treacherous Trio leaves, as does Hawkmoth, who leaves in a different direction. The trio keeps running away from the factory, before it begins to collapse. Some parts even fall into the vault where Derek's body is now. And then, the factory explodes.
The explosion leaves a massive cloud of dust in the air.  It's so big, everyone in Paris hears, and sees it.  Alya, Nino, Alix, her Dad, Tomoe, Su Han, Luka, Nathalie, Lila, Marinette, and Jack.  "What on Earth?!  Tikki, spots on."  Marinette said, as she transforms into Ladybug.  She leaves her home to run to see what is up.  As she does, Blue Bird rides along with her.  "Hear it as well.  Guess we are on the same track."  Blue Bird said.  The two of them leave, as we see the Trio turn around.  Everyone of them is affected by the factory engulfed in flames.  They are speechless at the sight of the factory on fire.  They even say nothing when Ladybug and Blue Bird show up.  "What the?"  Ladybug asked, as she sees the factory.  Like the trio, they two are attracted by the fire.  "[looks at other heroes].  Cat Noir?  Queen Bee?  Ryuko?"  Blue Bird asked.  Ladybug sees them as well, and the two of them run to them.  "What happened here?  [sniffs].  And why does it smell like chocolate?"  Ladybug asked.  None of them say a single word.  They stay quiet at what they saw.
The next day, a news report showcases what happened.  Talking about how the abandoned chocolate factory was the aftermath of Essence's reign.  It explains how Cat Noir, Queen Bee, and Ryuko were involved in this battle.  As well as Hawkmoth himself, which shocks everyone.  The factory is remained untouched as it's surrounded by chemicals, and burnt chocolate.  Gabriel, who watches the news in the study, cannot believe he did it.  "So it's true?  Essence is gone for good?"  Lila asked.  "[stays silent].  Yes.  He's dead.  I saw it myself."  Gabriel replied.  "Oh my God, sir. worked."  Nathalie said shocked.  "It actually worked.  It actually WORKED!!!!!"  Nooroo cheered.  Everyone except Gabriel cheers that Gabriel did it.  He finally put an end to the horror that has been eating at him.  "[sees Gabe].  Are you ok, master?"  Nooroo asked.  "Huh?  Yes, I'm fine.  I still can't believe I did it.  Like, this is a miracle. But, I'm not sure how to feel about it."  Gabriel replied.  "Feel phenomenal, sir.  Now with him out of your hair, he won't stop you from getting the miraculous, and saving Emilie."  Lila said.  "Oh yeah.  That's wonderful."  Gabriel replied.  "So, will this mean, my duty as Farfalla is over?"  Lila asked.  Gabriel looks at his brooch in hand, and clinches it.  "No.'s only the beginning for my redemption.  I may still be hurting innocent people by allowing this, but I still want Adrien to have his Mom back.  However, I need to be better for the kid.  It's a lot of steps I need to climb up, but it's all about one at a time."  Gabriel replied.  "You sure, master?"  Nooroo asked.  "You are more happy with Lila, Nooroo, and I shouldn't ruin that for you.  Please, go back with her, and have fun."  Gabriel replied.  He gives Lila back the brooch.  "You sure your ok with still doing this?"  Lila asked.  "Yes.  She never deserved to go.  None of them did."  Gabriel replied.  "Understood sir.  [puts brooch in pocket].  I will do what I must to get you the miraculous."  Lila said.  And so, Lila and Nooroo leave Natalie and Gabriel.  With Gabriel still unsure how he feels now.
Now we see Ladybug and Cat Noir on a rooftop.  With Ladybug not so happy at Cat now.  "Why didn't you tell me your mission was to stop Essence?"  Ladybug asked.  "[sighs].  I'm really sorry My Lady.  He's been going too far lately, to the point where I couldn't stand him.  It was Alya and Alix's conditions that served as my breaking point.  Truth is, the guys on the team mean so much to me in general.  And I hate to seem them suffer in pain and agony.  I refused to see them get hurt again by him, so I had to do it solo."  Cat Noir explained.  "But, then you asked for the miraculous of the Bee and Dragon."  Ladybug said.  "He was a tough foe.  I tried, but I failed.  I needed backup to stop him, but I knew you wouldn't allow that because of him knowing.  I'm also sorry for lying to you, Ladybug.  But it did help me."  Cat Noir replied.  "Just wish if you explained it to me."  Ladybug said.  There is silence between them for moment.  "But [hugs Cat Noir hard] thank you so much for doing that.  The three of you finally put an end to Essence.  Now, the team can come back, and help us even more.  You really are the best partner I could have ever asked for, Cat Noir."  Ladybug said.  Cat Noir smiles briefly, and hugs her hard.  They embrace each other, before they let go.  "Next time Hawkmoth or Farfalla shows up, we will have some friends to assist us."  Ladybug declared.  "We will end this war, My Lady.  I know we will."  Cat Noir replied.  Ladybug smiles, before she leaves Cat.  Cat stops smiling, and leaves as well.  Not for home, but for Hank's Coco Corp.  He lands, and faces the ravaged factory.  "All the fears I had inside.  All the pain boiled by him.  All of it, is no longer a problem.............The Essence of Evil is gone forever."  Cat Noir said.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now