The Big Reveal

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Adrien is now on his way home from the party. "And then, BOOM!!! He just opens up to this amazing speech about how much he cares about us. It's honest really sweet of the day." Adrien said. "Well I'm glad you maxed to make yourself a great friend, before he leaves." Nathalie replied. "Yeah. Too bad now we need to focus on the finals, as well as graduation prep, and where I want to go." Adrien said. "Where do you want to go for high school?" Nathalie asked. "Nicolas HS. It's the one Marinette is going to. Don't worry. I'm not only going there because Marinette is going. I looked, and the classes all fit what I wish to do in my life perfectly." Adrien replied. "I see. Anyone else from your class going?" Nathalie asked. "Yes. Luka, Chloe, and Sabrina.  It's nice for the three, since they will be together."  Adrien replied.  "Won't you miss the others?"  Nathalie asked.  "I will, but we all planned to meet over time.  After all, I did tell them they are like a second family to me.  A family that would shatter my soul if I lost."  Adrien replied.  "Speaking of family, your Father has decided to take you and I out to dinner tomorrow.  It can be anywhere you want.  Fancy or not.  He's completely happy with it."  Nathalie said.  "Man, I love my Dad."  Adrien replied.  That's when he gets home.  Gorilla helps Nathalie and Adrien out of the car.  "Well, I'm going to bed.  See you in the morning, Nathalie."  Adrien said.  "Good night, Adrien."  Nathalie replied with a smile on her face.  They both walk inside, and as the front door closes with a few seconds passing by, both of them scream in absolute horror.  Screaming as loud as they possible can.

Later that night, we finally arrive back at the old abandoned oil rig that was, Essence's lair.  The clawers are there working as they normally do.  Weather it's sparing, dumping trash into the furnace, working in the lab, or just messing around when one clawer pushes another into the water, and laughs.  "[gets out].  Jokes on you, bolt brain.  We are waterproof."  Clawer said.  "Yeah, well at least I have brains."  Clawer replied.  Before a clawer fight can emerge, they are interrupted.  "STOP!!!  Look!  He's back."  Clawer said.  They look, and they see Essence's helicopter begin to arrive.  It attracts all the clawers attention, we get very excited.  They run over to the helipad, where they get ready.  Making sure they look good for this.  "Are my claws sharp enough?"  Clawer asked.  "You look great."  Clawer replied.  "Thanks.  So do you."  Clawer said.  "Stop it!  He's coming out."  Clawer replied.  That's when the helicopter door opens, and thus, he walks out.  The one, the only, the villainous, Jack Edgers, who holds the Aquatic Box, and both Butterfly and Peacock brooch on his chest.  The kwamis are also there, and they follow their master, as he walks out.  "My fellow minions... I have finally returned."  Jack said.  The clawers bow before their master.  "So, my kwamis, welcome to your new home.  What once was an abandoned oil rig, has soon transformed into my base of operations.  Pretty cool right?"  Jack asked.  "Well, I mean it's by water, so that's a W in my book."  Russtic replied.  "[punches him].  DON'T AGREE WITH HIM!!!"  Orca yelled.  "What's wrong, Orca.  The base ain't living up to your expectations?"  Jack asked.  "My expectations was a nice house in Chicago.  Not an oil rig run by whoever you are."  Orca replied anger.  "It's Essence.  Someone who wants to rule this pathetic planet.  A world worthy of me, as it's ruler.  We can chat more of ruling sometime later.  Right now, let me show you around.  Over here is my radio tower.  I use it to check up on the news.  There are also about twenty five TVs in there.  No joke.  My factory where my fellow robots are made."  Jack said.  "Tell them boss."  Clawer replied, as they both fist bump.  "My furnace where all my scraps go.  My lab where I work on new weapons, as well as monitoring.  More on that later.  And just recently added, an elevator leading to an underwater portion of my lair.  What's it for?  That too will also be explained later. And now for the main event. The main building itself. Check this out."  Jack said.  Jack then inputs a code.  "Access granted."  Door said, as it opens up.  "Ahhh, I just love the power of technology.  Anyway, follow me.  That to my right is my living quarters.  Your not going in because, reasons.  [takes the elevator to the second floor].  For floor number two, we have my dining room.  Equipped with a fancy environment to make me feel like a king.  A crazy king.  And over here, my training room.  There is also the empty platform behind my helipad, but this one is used as well.  You know.  To feel like a double threat.  [takes elevator to top floor].  And finally, my favorite room.  The grand finale of it all.  [sits down in throne].  The room where I can sit down, relax, and look out to the world, as if I have it, while sitting in my throne.  And, I also have this button that can open and close the metal doors.  Kind of like Hawkmoth's lair."  Jack said.  Soon, the kwamis float there not saying a word.  Especially Duusu.  "Hey, Duusu.  You look ill.  You need something to eat?"  Jack asked.  "This has to be a dream!  This has to be a dream!  This has to be a dream!"  Duusu panicked.  She keeps on saying that over, and over.  "So she thinks she's asleep.  Ok.  Very interesting.  [gets up, and stands in front of Duusu, who keeps saying that sentence].  If this, were a dream, then how would I be able to do this!!!"  Jack yelled, as he slaps Duusu to the ground.  The slap goes in slow mo, which allows the kwamis to look horrified.  Especially Nooroo.  In normal speed, she the ground hard.  "DUUSU!!!"  Nooroo yelled.  He assist to her, as Jack laughs like a maniac.  Nooroo gets anger.  "You... you demon!!!"  Nooroo yelled.  "Well thank you.  I prefer worse terms, but demon works fine."  Jack replied, as he sits back down.  Duusu then gets up.  "Ok, so this isn't a dream.  Meaning Gabriel Agreste really is dead, and my hatchling is..."  Duusu asked.  "The man you hated for so long? Hate to crack the shell to you, but yes.  It is me.  I am Essence."  Jack replied.  "But... that makes zero sense.  We saw the news.  I was there even.  The day we killed Derek Malcolm.  Heck!  We even saw his corpse.  You, I mean, he was dead.  How on Earth can you be Essence, if Derek was Essence?!"  Nooroo asked confused.  "I was expecting these kinds of question.  Thankfully, you'll get the answers very soon."  Jack replied.  "No.  I don't believe this.  I don't buy in that your Essence.  There is no way.  I mean, your rich right?  [laughs nervously].  This much be a sick joke your playing on us!  That's right!  It's a joke!  Well, hahaha, you got me!  [laughs nervously].  Where is the part where you stop?"  Duusu asked.  "There is no part my feathered friend.  This is real life.  No joke at all.  Your not looking at your little hatchling.  Your looking at who I really am behind the mask."  Jack replied.  "But... you said you had a terrible life.  A tragic past.  You have anger issues based on your trauma."  Duusu said, who panics even more.  "Ohhh, that.  Yeah.  I LIED YOU NAIVE TURKEY!!!"  Jack yelled.  "Wait?"  Duusu asked broken.  "Yep!  I lied.  That too will have an explanation to it.  As well as your questions Nooroo.  Don't worry, I'll give them to you.  Depending on how long it takes."  Jack replied.  "How long what takes?"  Nooroo asked.  "You'll see.  You'll all see."  Jack replied, as he sits in his throne with a nasty smirk on his face.  The kwamis all float there horrified, broken, and or anger at what is going on.

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