Snare Scout

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The school bell rings, indicating yet another school day is completed. "Ok class. Hope you all have a great rest of your afternoon. And remember, we only have two weeks left of school, so make sure your ready for your finals. And of course, try to find someone for the school prom." Miss Bustier said. The class all dismisses, as we see Marinette and Alya walking together. "Girl, did you hear that? School prom. [squeals]. This has been the event we've all been waiting for. Beautiful setting, wonderful music, romance spiraling from ever corner. And, the perfect chance to maybe tell Adrien how you feel." Alya said. "Ok, stop with the Adrien teasing. Yes, you have a point, but maybe it won't be worth it." Marinette replied. "What? Don't say that. How could prom not be the best chance to finally tell him? I mean, we've all been waiting. Lots of us have been waiting." Alya said. "It's just, I still need more time getting comfortable with him. I get it's hard, but at the same time, you know me. Nervous wreck, who acts like a clown whenever I see him. But I'll be thought into it." Marinette replied. "There you go." Alya said. "Speaking of, how will you ask, since you and Nino broke up?" Marinette asked. "I'm thinking about it. Nino, sure has been better with me, and I'm now over the whole break up, but going with him may not be the best choice." Alya replied. "Oh. Well, I hope you find someone." Marinette said. "Thanks. Well, I'll see you later." Alya replied, as she leaves Marinette. After Alya is far enough, Marinette sighs. That sigh transitions into her bedroom, where inside, Jack is with her. "Do I really have to keep my Adrien progress a secret from my friends? I get you don't want them to know, but it's not that bad if I tell them I'm comfortable with him right?" Marinette asked. "No can do. It may sound dumb, but I seriously don't want people to think I'm this love therapist or something." Jack replied. "I guess." Marinette said. "However, we got some great news. The prom. That my friend is the conclusion we all need. The one we all have been waiting for. This Marinette is the day you finally tell Adrien, your undying affection for him." Jack replied. "And I agree to that. God, it hurts I had to lie to Alya about how this dance won't help, only to be honest with you." Marinette said. "It hurts, but it will pay off. Besides, once you and Adrien become a couple, your friends will finally be happy to see you two together. As long as you don't mention me with it." Jack replied. "Well then that contradicts what you said. Don't tell them about my progress, but when I have him, then I can tell them." Marinette said. "Only because I want to be safe when it comes to help ok? Listen, just keep taking my advice, and you'll be smooth sailing with Adrien." Jack replied. "I can't argue with you. I mean, you made me stop being a creep, and now I'm going on dates with Adrien." Marinette said. "All in the name of helping out a friend." Jack replied.  "[phone rings].  Oh, I need to go.  I got... homework to take care of.  Very important homework."  Marinette said.  "Ok.  I'll see you later then.  And remember, if you still need some advice, you know who to call."  Jack replied.  Jack leaves, which makes Tikki come out.  "Ok, that was a close one."  Marinette said.  "Not really."  Tikki replied.  "Either way, time to go to the meeting.  Tikki, spots on."  Marinette said, as she transforms into Ladybug.

At the warehouse where out heroes train, we see them all get ready to fight.  Well, except for a select few.  Carapace, Viperion, Purple Tigress, Ryuko, Rena Rouge, and Blue Bird.  "You all, have achieved something, these six haven't yet.  And because of that, I think it's time we see how well adapted you are to your new abilities."  Ladybug said.  "Each of you will fight one on one.  Whoever pins their opponent to the ground first, it the winner.  Simple as making a lemon water."  Cat Noir replied.  With that, we have our fights.  It's Polymouse against Pigella.  Minotaurox against Bunnix.  Queen Bee against Pegasus.  King Monkey against Caprikid.  And Rooster Bold against Miss Hound.  "Ready team.  And... BEGIN!!!"  Ladybug yelled.  The fight goes on.  Firstly, Polymouse and Pigella.  "Multitude."  Polymouse said, as she uses her powers.  She turns into microscopic versions of her, and uses them to form a massive hammer.  Pigella laughs it off.  Polymouse slams her hammer at the pig.  Pigella doges her attacks. Even gives a little chuckle, as she does. Polymouse reforms into a buzzsaw now. With her own legs moving to act like a legit blade. Pigella on the other hand, isn't afraid. "Gift." Pigella said, as she uses her powers. She uses gift on the floor mat, where we see it's biggest dream is, being stepped on. This does activate the joy energy field, which affects Polymouse. It makes the mini Polymouses smile, and soon fall apart. Polymouse reforms back to her OG self, and Pigella walks up to her, puts her foot on her stomach, and wins the fight. Now for Minotaurox and Bunnix. "Resistance." Minotaurox said, as he uses his powers. "You may have strength, but I got time on my side. Burrow." Bunnix replied, as she uses her powers. She goes into her burrow, so Minotaurox keeps his guard up. He's not sure when she will strike. Silence breaks for him, as the others keep on fighting. He doesn't even need his hammer. All he needs are his barehands. As he keeps alert for a few more seconds, Bunnix's burrow opens, and she jumps at him. However, in slow mo, Minotaurox turns around, grabs her by the head, and in normal speed, holds her up. Bunnix, very foolishly, starts hitting his hand to get herself free. Unintentionally powering Minotaurox up with more strength. "Sorry bunny. This isn't personal." Minotaurox said, as he body slams Bunnix on the ground. So hard, that it even leaves a grab in the crack. Bunnix is down, and Minotaurox wins. Now for Pegasus and Queen Bee. Queen Bee throws her top at Pegasus, who sues his boomerang to deflect it. "You know, it will be very noble of you if you fall down for your queen." Queen Bee said. "Oh yeah. I was thinking maybe you can be the Queen you are, and prove your royal status. By taking me out. Voyage." Pegasus replied, as he uses her powers. He goes into his portal, and achieves his flying shoes. He skyrockets to Queen Bee, picks her up, and then throws her over his head. She hits the ground hard, but gets back up. She throws her top at him, but Pegasus grabs it. He then takes her back into the air, where he flies around spinning her around. Almost making her sick from all the dizziness. Soon, he pulls her in, grabs her by the neck, and chucks her again on the mat. "[laughs]. By these calculations, my lose rate is at a 99.99 percent." Pegasus said. But then, his shoes run out, and he falls to the ground. "Well, well, well. You really shouldn't celebrate when it's not 100 percent. Venom." Queen Bee said, as she uses her powers. She stings Pegasus, and wins her fight. Now for King Monkey and Caprikid. "I already got this in the bag. Sorry, but how can you mental healing powers stop me?" King Monkey asked. "[sighs]. They can't. Do it." Caprikid replied. "Uproar." King Monkey said, as he uses his powers. He throws his item at Caprikid, making him malfunction, and act like a chimp. King Monkey laughs for a second, as Caprikid goes bananas. After a good laugh, he grabs him, throws him over his back, and pins him to the ground. Making King Monkey the real King Kong of this fight. Finally, we got Rooster Bold and Miss Hound. "Sublimation." Rooster Bold said, as he uses his powers. He gives him super speed. "Ok then. Let's see how my accuracy works." Miss Hound said. She throws her ball at a pallet of wood she can use. Rooster Bold then dashes, and kicks the ball away. It then kicks Miss Hound right in the face, which is when Rooster Bold dashes to her, grabs her, and flips her over his back. Then in a less than a second, he pins her to the ground. Making him the victor.

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