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That day, Adrien sits on this couch completely broken inside.  He takes terrified deep breathes, after what he did, and what more lied behind it.  Plagg looks at him with concern, but also disappointment.  "See I told you that wasn't good at all."  Plagg said.  "Please stop bringing it up, Plagg.  [deep breathes].  I killed someone.  I killed someone with a fatal illness.  I.......I'm a murderer.  Like Essence."  Adrien replied in a shattered tone.  "Yes.  But hey, it was only one time.  Not something we should be ok with, but it only happened once.  Moreover, you didn't joke about it."  Plagg said.  "Don't try to make me feel better, Plagg."  Adrien ordered.  "Why?  I'm just trying to help.  Even if I'm upset with you."  Plagg said.  "How could you help comfort a killer?  Someone who did something so unforgivable, and awful.  I deserve to be shamed, or better, sentenced to death for this.  I......I don't even feel worthy of wearing this ring, after what I did."  Adrien replied breaking down.  "Ok, don't try it, Adrien.  You know how emotional I got when I was close to losing you.  I refuse to let it happen again."  Plagg said.  "Yes, but I really don't deserve this.  And also,.....that day I got my IDENTITY REVEALED!  AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!  I'm such a waste of a hero."  Adrien replied.  "Don't say that, Adrien.  You are an amazing hero.  Just one who did something.......out of character."  Plagg said.  "I did in order to save Nathalie, which worked, but I killed someone who also has a deadly illness.  Now I want turn myself in to face the consequences of my actions.  Yeah I should do that.  I should call the police now."  Adrien replied more broken and scared.  "No you aren't.  Look.  Try to get some rest now.  Maybe you can try to put this off to the side.  For now.  Focus on it at another important time."  Plagg recommend.  "[deep breathes, and thinks].  No!  What I truly need to do is make things right.  Plagg, I'm taking your advice."  Adrien replied.  "You're going to rest?"  Plagg asked.  "Nope.  I'm going to never fall into that position again.  For now on, any task Essence gives me, I'm not doing it.  No more murder, or crimes, or anything.  I refuse to have him turn me into more of the monster I am."  Adrien replied.  "That's not a good move, Adrien."  Essence said somehow in his room.  "AHHHHH!!!!!  Essence.  How did you get in here?"  Adrien asked shocked.  "Invisibility and your window.  This cloaking device really steps it up a notch."  Essence replied.  "Good for you.  Now what do you want?  Here to give me another task?  If so, I'm not doing it."  Adrien declared.  "Taking control?  What a twist.  It's fine with me if you don't want to do my commands.  Just know by not doing this, your putting your loved ones in danger.  You know how brutal I can get kitty cat."  Essence replied.  "Well I'll take that over doing what ever you want.  Let me guess this task.  Another murder?"  Adrien asked.  "Yes.  Except I want you to do it with a flamethrower, a pigeon, some lotion, and a wrench.  Figured you can get creative with this one.  But if you rather let me go after the ones you care most about, that's no problem.  Just keep the task in mind if you ever feel too weak to see me ruin your life even more."  Essence replied, as he laughs and leaves. 
We are back at the psychiatric ward once again.  The morning is same as always.  Alya in the lounge area eating breakfast with her hands.  Both PTSD from Dennis and Essence keeps haunting Alya, as evidence from her face looking worse than when Adrien was sleep deprived in Condestructor.  It's not good for her.  What is good is Nick coming back.  "Morning, Alya."  Nick said, as he sits at her table.  "Ohh, Nick.  Are you ok?"  Alya asked in relief.  "Oh yeah.  Just a minor scratch.  Nothing too serious.  More importantly, are you ok know?"  Nick asked back.  "Dennis?  Yeah.  Alright, but still scared of him."  Alya replied.  "I'm sorry to hear that.  Dude better get put in a straight jacket for that.  [looks at her face].  Didn't get any good sleep?"  Nick asked.  "None actually.  It's been hard ever since I arrived here.  [in flashback].  Every time I try or attempt to sleep, he keeps showing up in my head.  [images of Essence chasing her, and then stabbing her to body pieces.  Laughing as he does.  Alya screams awake].  Now I lie on the floor in complete horror.  [end flashback].  This place was meant to help me, but again, it isn't."  Alya replied.  "That's horrible.  I'm sorry if I make you feel scared, but do you think you can describe what He did to you?  If you can of course."  Nick asked.  "Please don't.  I really wish not to."  Alya replied.  "Understood.  Sorry again for asking."  Nick said.  "[doors open].  Alya Cesaire.  You have a visitor."  Tim replied..  He takes Alya out of the lounge at to the hallway.  There, she gets very uncomfortable at who she sees.  Nino, her Ex boyfriend.  He's happy to see Alya safe and sound, even if Alya isn't ok with seeing him.  "Hey, Alya."  Nino said.  "Uhhhh, hi, Nino.  What.....what brings you here?"  Alya asked.  "Well, I figured I come check on you, and see how you are doing.  You getting better?"  Nino asked back.  "Uhhh, yes.  Better in a sense."  Alya replied.  "Oh that's great.  I'm so relieved.  Though you don't look alright.  Your face doesn't look like it's sleep in hours."  Nino said.  "Oh, my face.  That is because I got some bad sleep last night.  It's nothing too serious."  Alya replied in a slightly scared tone.  "As long as you get better sleep, I'm happy.  You have no idea how worried I've been since you got here.  Now Alya, I know the two of us have been through....stuff.  But despite what I did, I only wish now to see you happy, and safe.  Even if it comes from your Ex."  Nino said.  Although Nino is hoping Alya for the best, she still feels awkward with Nino.  "Any who, I made you something."  Nino said, as he pulls out his gift.  He hands it over to Alya.  "It's a mixtape I made myself.  Planning on showing the others, after I got your opinion on it.  If you can, give it a listen.  Maybe you can feel even better.  And one more thing.  I pray you get out of this alright."  Nino said, as he leaves.  Alya looks at the mixtape, as we transition back into the lounge.  "At least you'll have something good to listen too."  Nick said.  "Yeah, except these places don't give us what we need to play it."  Alya replied.  "True.  So who gave it to you?  Your visitor?"  Nick asked.  "Yes, but......[deep breath].  Ok, look.  The gift is sweet, but the person who gave it to me makes me not want to hear it."  Alya replied.  "Why?"  Nick asked.  " Ex boyfriend gave it to me."  Alya replied.  "Ohhhh.  Awkward."  Nick said in a joke like way.  "Hey, don't joke about it."  Alya demanded.  "Sorry.  Don't know what got over me."  Nick said.  "But yeah.  He was the first, and only boyfriend I had.  We both were pretty much made for each other.  We had loads in common.  We both like the same restaurant, same music, same video game, all of it.  But after we broke up from a misunderstanding he took too seriously, I've......been feeling weird around him.  Now to see him give me a gift just feels, more weird."  Alya replied.  "I get it.  I've never had an Ex before, but I can understand how strange seeing each other again can be.  But, if the guy truly wants you to get better in here, maybe you can give it a shot."  Nick said.  "What?  Him?"  Alya asked.  "No.  The mixtape."  Nick replied.  "Right."  Alya said.  The two of them continue breakfast, despite the awkwardness.
Now we see what Chloe and Kagami are up too.  "Kagami!!!!  What have I done?!  What have I done?!  What have I done????!!!!!!!"  Chloe panicked.  "You freaked out over Luka."  Kagami replied.  "AHHHHH!!!!  How stupid of me!!!!!  How can I be so ridiculous???!!!!!  Utterly ridiculous?????!!!!"  Chloe panicked.  "The problem you have is still the same, Chloe.  You're anxious.  Now, it's taking you over like a roach infestation.  You need to squash the roaches, before it's too late."  Kagami replied trying to calm Chloe down.  "I get your whole saying, but how can I?!  I don't even know if this is love anymore.  Oh God!  What if it's lust, Kagami?!  What if I'm obsessed with some guy I barely know?!  That's it.  I'm crazy over someone who I don't know anything about."  Chloe panicked.  "If you were obsessed, you would be going to extreme measures to get him to love you.  Like, have a whole chart dedicated to his personal schedule."  Kagami replied.  "Well I don't, but now I feel like I should.  Or maybe get some of his stuff for better practice.  Yes, that's a great idea."  Chloe panicked.  "Ok, I'm going to stop you right there."  Kagami replied.  "Don't try it, Kagami!!!!!!  That's what I will do!!!!!  Grab his stuff!!!!!!  Maybe sniff it!!!!!!  [laughs].  That's what I call getting closer to someone!!!!!!  VERY CLOSE!!!!!!!"  Chloe said, as she laughs like a manic.  Thankfully, Kagami slaps the Marinette out of her.  Literally, as she slaps Chloe three times.  "Let's try taking it down ok?"  Kagami asked.  "[rubs cheek].  Ok."  Chloe replied.  "Good.  Now I can see your anxiety getting worse.  It's evolved into you going down the wrong paths.  Somewhat expected.  So, as your friend, I helped.  Your hanging out with Luka again in five minutes.  I arranged it all for you two.  On the houseboat.  Together.  Alone."  Kagami said.  "You, you WHAT????!!!!!"  Chloe screamed.  "Scream again, and I will slap you."  Kagami threatened.  "Sorry."  Chloe replied.  "Good, now [grabs Chloe's hand] let's go."  Kagami said, as she takes Chloe.  "Wait, now?  Shouldn't I, prepare some lines or something?"  Chloe asked.  "Do you want your cheeks to be red from me knocking some sense into you?" Kagami asked back.  We transition from the hotel to the houseboat.  Where Kagami drops Chloe off.  "Have fun.  And don't try running away this time."  Kagami said, as she leaves.  Chloe watches her leave, and then she looks at Luka.  It makes her blush, and freak out.  However, she must stop the roach infestation.  So with a deep breath, she walks in a funny manner.  "[notices her].  Ahhh, hey Chloe.  Glad you can make it aboard again."  Luka said.  "BWAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Chloe screamed.  Luka looks at her with confusion.  "I MEAN, howie, no what's up, no too stupid.  [deep breath].  Sup, Luka."  Chloe said internally cringing inside.  "Hey.  Care if I take you inside?  If that's where you want to go."  Luka asked.  "Oh yes.  Totally.  No, heck yeah.  UGH!!!!!  Stop acting so cringe.  I mean,.....just take me there."  Chloe replied with disappointment.  Luka takes her down below the deck.  "So, Kagami actually told me about you."  Luka said.  "Sh.....she did?"  Kagami asked now scared.  "Yes.  She explained to me everything you had with me.  Everything."  Luka said.  "[gasp loudly].  She didn't."  Chloe replied with shock.  "She did."  Luka said.  "Ohhhh, and she told me she wouldn't snitch!!!!!  Now this whole thing is ruined."  Chloe replied.  "What?  No it's not, Chloe."  Luka said.  "Yes it is.  If you know already, then you know that me being here is such an embarrassment."  Chloe replied.  "Of course it isn't.  How is having social issues an embarrassment?"  Luka asked.  "Come again?"  Chloe asked back.  "Yeah.  She told me you get anxious when hanging out with people you don't know that much.  That can explain your little panic from yesterday."  Luka replied.  "[silent for five seconds].  Oh.  That's what you meant."  Chloe said.  "Yes.  So, I'd like to help you.  You may only see me as a guitarist who plays for Kitty Section.  But I'm actually a bit more advanced than that."  Luka replied.  She goes into storage, and goes get something.  When he returns, he shows Chloe a flute.  "I can also play the flute.  Check this out."  Luka said.  He shows by playing a beautiful song on it.  One that would make the bird be captured in it's melody.  It's enough to impress Chloe, who is speechless at Luka's performance.  "When I was a kid, I was super anxious like, all the time.  It was at the point where I couldn't stop overthinking, or panicking.  It was terrible.  I spent a majority of sixth grade alone.  [in flashback we see Luka sit alone at lunch.  When some kids offer to sit with him, he tears up, and runs away].  So one day while I was crying in my room, my Mom came to help me.  She didn't want to see me so alone and unsocial.  So, she used a technique her Mom taught her.  [shows Luka her flute, and plays a song.  Like Chloe, it captures Luka].  She explained that playing a flute can feel calm, and cool.  A way for someone to be creative, while also relaxed.  [teaches Luka].  So over the course of two months, she's been practicing with me.  Making sure I can sing ever note possible on it.  Yes, I did mess up.  [accidentally drops it in mop bucket].  And I sang some awful notes.  [screeches while playing.  Makes everyone's ears bleed].  But soon, I got the hang of it.  And my God, it worked.  [when kids ask to sit with Luka at lunch, he thinks about the flute.  And with full confidence, he says yes.  It's topped off with Luka having a decent chat with his peers.  End flashback].  Then I went for guitar like my idol, who ended up being my Dad, but I always keep this instrument in mind.  And now, I think it will help you as well."  Luka said.  "You really think so?"  Chloe asked.  "I'm confident you can do it."  Luka replied.  Chloe then smiles.  "That smile tells me you're down.  Just let me clean my saliva off."  Luka said, as he goes clean.
    Now we see what Ladybug and Blue Bird are up to. A plane straight up is crash landing towards the ground. The passengers inside are freaking out, and losing it over dying. The pilots try to take control, but it's no use. They are mere seconds away from impacting the ground. They all scream, and shout at they are about to land. Then, they stop. They all have their eyes closed, but then slowly open them to see were was no explosion. The plane was saved from being control by some physic power. That was thanks to Blue Bird, and his sentimonster. Some chimp with brown fur, and a third eye in the middle of his head. A vest, and pants. And a fez hat. "Well done. Chimp Control. Take the plane back to the plane station, and set it down nicely. Once done, your mission will conclude." Blue Bird ordered. Chimp Control leaves with his plane, as the people cheer for Blue Bird. It's makes the bird happy, but not Ladybug. "Smart move. So tell me what will happen if the chimp loses control?" Ladybug asked. "He won't, as long as I have my fan in hand. Then it would end in disaster. [Ladybug is about to speak]. I think I know where this is going. You're going to say, that wasn't good enough, or up to my standards. As if you can stop a plane from crashing." Blue Bird taunted. "Uhh, I've been doing this longer than you have." Ladybug said. "True." Blue Bird replied. "And I'm more adapted into this than you." Ladybug said. "So am I." Blue Bird replied. "And I could have stopped that plane with my own two hands in three seconds than your stupid chimp." Ladybug said. "One second please. [puts fan in from of face]. What's that Chimp Control? The plane is safe and sound already? Oh, and the people want to wish me praise for being a life saver? Awesome. Thank you very much for that update. Well done again with your mission. I'll see you again, if needed." Blue Bird replied, as he snaps his fingers. "A life saver? If that was me, they would call me a savior." Ladybug said. "Life saver and savior mean the same thing stupid." Blue Bird replied, as he leaves. Ladybug grinds her teeth, as she watches Blue Bird flee.
    Now we go back with Chloe and Luka at the houseboat. They are both on the couch about to begin. "Ok, so you know how a flute works. You blow into it, and cover the holes of the flute when needed. All to make a song. We can begin with something basic. Watch carefully." Luka said. He puts the flute to his mouth, and plays. The song last only about ten seconds, but it's still peaceful as it should be. "[wipes flute]. Now, it's your turn. And remember, the goal isn't just to teach you, but to make you feel relaxed, and not anxious." Luka said. "Understood. I'll do my best." Chloe replied. She puts the flute to her mouth, and starts to play. Too bad it sounds like Shrieker's scream, except it makes your ears want to bleed. Luka covers his to protect them. "Ok, stop it." Luka said. "[stops]. UGH!!!! That was awful." Chloe replied. "Doesn't mean we should give up. Let's try again." Luka said. Chloe agrees, so she puts it to her mouth again. She plays, but it's again a horrible sound. So bad, it nearly breaks a glass on the table. Luka immediately stops her. "So far, not the greatest start. But it's all good. You're getting use to this." Luka encouraged. "I don't know, Luka. Maybe I should stop." Chloe admitted. "Don't say that. You can do this. I believe in you." Luka said. Luka's words to make Chloe star stuck. 'Yeah, yeah. I can do it." Chloe said in an affectioned way. She puts the flute to her mouth, and takes a deep breath. Luka is ready to see what Chloe is made of. And then, she plays. Which is even worse than before. It's loud, and painful to hear. It makes the birds outside die from it's sympathy, and breaks not just one, but two glasses. Chloe stops. "Not good?" Chloe asked. "My God. You really need some more work with this." Luka replied. "I probably shouldn't. It's best if I stop this, Luka. Maybe playing the flute won't work. It's just not for me I guess." Chloe said. "Don't give up, Chloe. Remember, practice makes perfect. It just takes time and effort to perform. Sit back down, and let's try again." Luka replied. "But, your glasses." Chloe said. "I'll get new ones. Have hope, and do it." Luka encouraged. Chloe trust Luka's encouragement, and sits back down to practice. Not giving up makes Luka smile.
    Now back to the psychiatric ward. It's lunch time, and Alya and Nick are sitting together as always. Scarfing down their meals. That's when we finally get to see Dana come in. "Sup peeps. Care if I pop of squat?" Dana asked. Alya thinks, and doesn't feel ok with it considering how everyone else was here. "It's cool, Alya. She's chill. [clears throat]. Yes, Dana. You can sit." Nick replied. "Awesome dawg. [sits down]. So what you homeboys been up to?" Dana asked. "I'm a woman." Alya replied. "Shut your trash, homie." Dana yelled. "Homie? I barely know you." Alya replied. "I'm Dana. Best Decimator when it comes to fresh beats." Dana said. "Apparently she thinks she is some young gangster, even though she is forty." Nick replied. "I'll bust a cap in your booty if you talk to me like that home slice." Dana said. "I preferred if you didn't do that, Dana." Nick replied. "The Decimator. I know. You want to know more about me, then let me bust some rhythms." Dana replied. She takes a big deep breath, but then, the lounges doors open. "Dana. It's time for to go." Tim said. "Hold on vanilla donut. I'm about to sing my homies a song." Dana replied. "Saw it, after your treatment. Now move." Tim yelled. "I'll gut yo sides like a piggy. WORD!!!!" Dana yelled, as she is taken away. "No wonder you call her Delusional Dana." Alya said. "I told you from the start. We got nicknames based on what's wrong with us. It's for us to feel reminded to why we are here, but also feel some sympathy for our conditions." Nick replied. "Yeah. Like your story. That was pretty messed up for you to go through. So, why did they settle on the nickname, Nervous Nick?" Alya asked. "[sighs]. Because I'm nervous I'll do it again, Alya." Nick replied. Alya then gets scared, but gets relieved in a way when Tim comes back. "Alya Cesaire. Your previous visitor is back." Tim said.  " back?"  Alya asked.  Yes he is, as Tim takes her out to see him.  "Nino.....your back for some reason."  Alya said.  "Yes.  Just figured I would check on you to see how your doing now.  Too bad I can't make phone calls or something like that."  Nino replied.  "Right.  Well, I'm good.  Don't see why you had to come in again."  Alya said.  "Truth is, I really want to make up for my bad actions as your boyfriend.  So, I decided to check in on you to see if you are ok at all times.  So, I thought I would do this often."  Nino replied.  "Like, every day?"  Alya asked worried.  "More like, three times a day."  Nino replied.  Alya is now shocked.  "I get how weird that is, but I'm just only see how you are that's all.  Nothing wrong there."  Nino said.  "Yeah.  Nothing wrong at all."  Alya replied in a nervous way.  "Well anyway, I'll see you later tonight at 6:00."  Nino said, as he is taken away.  Alya is now more uncomfortable than before.
Moving forward, we go see Cat Noir on the rooftops of Paris.  He looks at his phone, he got from not wearing while transforming, which he keeps a contact on the people he cares about.  "Essence may be after you guys, but let's see him try when I have an eye on all of you.  He's not getting anyone of you.  I promise."  Cat Noir declared.  He jumps, and runs along.  Passing Chloe's hotel where inside, Jack talks with Duusu.  "Once again with the attitude.  It's always the same with her these days.  Cat Noir, you did a great job.  Queen Bee, you did a great job.  Viperion, you were turned to gold, but still did a good job.  Blue Bid, you did as awful as always, even though you were so awesome in battle."  Jack yelled.  "Credit to where you said awesome, but this arguing between you two is too toxic.  Will it kill for you to put some effort to be friends with Ladybug?"  Duusu asked.  "How can I when she will never trust me?  If anything, she needs to try for me.  I did nothing wrong here Duusu.  Nothing at all."  Jack replied.  "But that still doesn't mean you can't do nothing about it."  Duusu said.  "So what?  I am the one to blame for this?  I'm the villain here?"  Jack asked.  "That's not what I meant, Jack.  What I mean is, try to make Ladybug see your not bad."  Duusu replied.  "One, I did several times, and she still thinks it's nothing.  And two, even Farfalla straightly saying she wants my miraculous didn't persuade her."  Jack said.  "I see that.  It's just hard for me to see you two fight all the time.  I just want closer between you two that's all.  Is that hard to ask for?"  Duusu asked.  Jack thinks for a moment at his kwami's demand.  "[sighs].  I know you us to be good, Duusu.  But, it's hard to actually achieve it with her."  Jack admitted.  Duuus frowns from this sadness.
Cat Noir continues checking on his loved ones.  He sees Kim is safe at the pool, so he is clean.  He sees Mylene and Ivan planting trees, so they are clean.  He sees Rose and Juleka shopping, and Nathaniel and Marc working on another comic.  They are all clear.  He continues to look around.  He refuses to let Essence get personal with him, even if it was his choice.  He then runs past Marinette's house, where inside, she talks with Tikki.  "Blue Bird did do a good job today, Marinette.  Don't get why you shamed him again."  Tikki said.  "Because I don't trust him.  It's hard for me to believe he is good."  Marinette replied anger.  "Is it because he has Duusu?"  Tikki asked.  "Exactly why.  Now before you say, but Farfalla said he is after him, I call fraud.  There is no way that is true at all.  It's hard for me to believe that."  Marinette replied.  "Marinette.  I know you've been through a lot recently.  Someone else knowing your identity, Farfalla's arrival, Essence knowing all the identities of the heroes, Alya in a psychiatric ward, Alix's Dad getting an axe in his back, and Cat Noir leaving temporarily.  But, from looking at it, Blue Bird seems genuine.  And funny."  Tikki said.  "Don't you dare call him funny.  Let's squawk about it?  I was about to die of cringe right there."  Marinette replied.  "I shouldn't be surprised how hypocritical you are when Cat makes a joke based on his an animal and you love it, while you hate Blue Bird's attempt at it."  Tikki said.  "Well it's true."  Marinette yelled.  "You know what else is true?  Cat trusting Scarabella.  You do know he attacked her when they first meet.  But after she proved to him she is good, he trusted her.  Cat Noir then helped her when needed.  Like any good trustworthy partner.  That's what I want between you and Blue Bird.  Sure he was suspicious earlier, but he proved himself.  He is good.  He has gotten better.  He is someone I can see you being friends with, and someone you can make into a better Peacock miraculous holder." Tikki said.  "I'd rather let Essence kill."  Marinette replied.  Tikki let's out a mood ugh, as she flies away from her owner.
Back at the houseboat, Chloe has been practicing for hours on end.  Her latest attempt is as bad as always.  The sound of a horrific sound that makes your ears bleed.  "Ok stop.  Stop.  Another bad attempt."  Luka said.  "What's that?  Number four hundred?"  Chloe asked.  "Don't say that.  You are doing so good.  Just try again Chloe.  I'm sure you can do it."  Luka replied.  "You said that fifty times already.  It's been almost the entire day, and I suck at playing a ten second song."  Chloe said.  "Again, stop looking down.  Come on.  This is the one.  I can feel it, Chloe."  Luka encouraged.  Although she has failed so many times, Chloe wants to do this.  She wants to get her anxiety away, so she can act better with Luka.  So, she goes for it.  She plays.  Sadly, like all her attempts, it's garbage quality.  As she plays, she can see Luka hates it.  "GOD WHY???!!!"  Chloe screamed.  "Another bad note.  It's fine.  It's not easy to master this in a day.  Let's just try one more time, Chloe.  One more..."  Luka encouraged.  "HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE IT, LUKA???!!!!!  I CAN'T PLAY A FLUTE PROPERLY!!!!!  I CAN'T SIMPLY BLOW INTO SOME STICK, AND MAKE MAGICAL MUSIC!!!!!!!  I CAN'T EVEN DO A TEN SECOND SONG, THAT GOES LIKE THIS!!!!!!"  Chloe yelled.  Then, she plays.  But miraculously, Chloe's song isn't ear bleeding.  If anything, it's ear cheering.  She plays the song Luka played earlier.  He watches in shock, but also impressment.  He nods to the music Chloe plays with all her heart and soul.  "[stops].  JUST LIKE THAT!!!!!"  Chloe yelled.  She soon opens her eyes widely, as she realizes she just did it.  She finally played the song.  "Well done, Chloe.  You did it."  Luka said.  "I did it?"  Chloe asked.  "You did it."  Luka replied.  "I DID IT?!"  Chloe asked shocked.  Luka smiles, and touches Chloe's shoulder.  "You, Chloe Bourgeois, did it."  Luka said.  We then transition back to the hotel.  "So he taught you how to play the flute?"  Kagami asked.  "Only a ten second song, but he did."  Chloe replied.  "And was there any anxiety, or worry going through your mind?"  Kagami asked.  "Before we played the flute there was.  Now, I actually feel relaxed after playing it.  So calm, and free."  Chloe replied.  "See, Chloe.  The roaches are almost dead."  Kagami said.  Chloe is now happy, and not upset.  So is Kagami, who is happy for her friend's improvement.
Now it's nighttime.  Cat Noir is still looking to see if his friends are still ok, and not in any danger caused by Essence.  As he keeps a lookout, we go to the psychiatric ward.  Alya, Nick, and the other patients are taken back to their cells once again.  Alya isn't that ok with it, since she expects Nino to come back in at any moment.  What she does not expect is Ralph, the total insane patient, jump scaring all of them.  "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!  I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!!!!!!  KILL YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!  I'LL SLAUGHTER YOU ALL WHEN YOUR SLEEPING!!!!!!!!  I'LL STAB YOU, AND PAINT MYSELF WITH YOUR BLOOD!!!!!!!"  Ralph screamed.  The workers holding him pull him away to keep the patients safe.  Alya is scared the most out of them all.  "You good, Alya?"  Nick asked.  "Yes.  Just a bit spooked."  Alya replied, but not really.  "Good.  [Alya gets dropped off at cell].  See you in the morning."  Nick said, as he is taken away.  Alya waves Nick goodbye, and gets back into her cell.  She sits down on the comfy floor, and lies there.  Not doing anything, but resting.  Times flies by.  A couple hours to be exact.  And Nino hasn't arrived yet.  During that time period, Alya is still awake because of Essence.  She keeps looking at the walls, and blinks her eyes to stay up.  Then she screams at a knocking at the door, as she gets up.  "Alya Cesaire.  Your friend, Nino from earlier is here.  He wants to see you again."  Nurse said.  "Ugh!!!!  Ok.  Let him in."  Alya replied with anger.  The nurse opens the door, as Nino walks in.  "Hey, Alya.  So, this is what the cells her look like.  Kind of comfy by the looks of it."  Nino said.  "Very comfy.  You happy to see me again?"  Alya asked.  "Well, I'm just checking in on you that's all.  [sees mail].  Got our mail?  Did you read mine?"  Nino asked back.  "Oh, of course.  It was sweet of you.  Like everyone else's."  Alya replied.  "Hope you loved the important thing I wrote at the end."  Nino said.  "What important thing?  I mean, I did.  That was.......thoughtful of you.....Nino."  Alya replied.  "Just looking after you, Alya.  Like any good friend."  Nino said.  "Friend?"  Alya asked.  "Yeah.  You sure your ok?"  Nino asked back.  "Of course.  I'm cool as a cucumber.  Don't see why you are so wrong about it."  Alya replied.  "I'm not wrong.  You just give me those vibes ok?  I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable."  Nino said.  Soon, Nino looks at Alya's pillow, and finds something popping out underneath it.  "Uhhh, what's that?"  Nino asked.  "What?"  Alya asked back.  "Under your pillow.  Here, I'll get it."  Nino replied.  "Wait?  WAIT?!  DON'T LOOK!!!!"  Alya screamed.  Nino lifts up the pillow, and finds his letter.  Un-opened or anything.  He looks with shock that he has been lied to.  Alya stands silent, and worried.  Then he looks at Alya.  " never read my letter."  Nino said.  "[struggles].  Listen, Nino.  You don't understand."  Alya replied.  "Yeah.  I don't understand why your lying to me all of the sudden."  Nino said.  "Listen, Nino.  We can talk about it in the morning."  Alya replied.  "No, I'm not leaving until you tell me why you lied to me."  Nino said.  "Please, Nino.  You're making me uncomfortable.  Just please stop now."  Alya begged.  "Not after you tell me why you are doing this."  Nino declared.  "BECAUSE I FEEL AWKARD AROUND YOU!!!!!"  Alya screamed.  "[in shock].  Awkward around me?  You feel......weird around me?"  Nino asked.  "Of course I do."  Alya replied.  "Wait, is....that because we...."  Nino asked.  "Broke up?  Yes it is."  Alya replied.  "Alya!  That was so long ago."  Nino said.  "True, but I can't.  [deep breath].  I can't feel fine being with you at all.  It's weird for me to talk to someone who I am now no longer seeing.  It's so strange for me to go through.  And now you visiting me three times a day makes me feel even more worse here than ever."  Alya replied.  "But, Alya.  I just want us on good terms."  Nino said.  "Well, how about doing this for me.  Nino.  I want you, to LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!"  Alya screamed.  Nino is silent after that command.  Alya looks at him with anger, and uncomforted.  "[deep breath].  Ok."  Nino said, as he leaves.  He walks out of her cell, as the nurse closes it.  Alya then sits on the ground upset, but now lonely once again.
Nino is alone in the elevator going down.  He stays quiet over his Ex's order to leave her alone.  It also makes Nino sad, as he just wants to make things right from the mistake he made.  Then, he makes it to the lobby.  He walks to the exit still upset.  But as Nino walks, he looks up, and immediately backs up trying to not scream.  He finds the receptionist from before.  Her head split in half from Essence's sword.  It still gushes blood, as Nino tries to hide and stay quiet.  Then, Essence pushes her out of the way, and logs onto her computer.  Curious and confused, Nino looks closer at what Essence is up to.  As he spies, he sees Essence log into the patients here at the hospital.  Before he types, Alya Cesaire, in the search bar.  "There we go.  Alya.  Tenth floor."  Essence said, as he gets up.  Nino immediately leaves, and conveniently, hides in a janitor's closet.  He covers his mouth to not make a sound.  As Essence's shadow walks past the door.  With a sigh of relief, Nino carefully opens the door.  He looks, and sees Essence going inside the elevator going up.  "Alya.  [gasp].  ALYA!!!!"  Nino screamed.  He runs out, and tries to stop Essence.  He knows going up with the elevator won't work, so he needs another option. He runs, and tries to find another way up. Panicking as he does. He also nearly gets sick at the sight of the dead receptionist, but he needs to focus. Eventually, he finds a door to a stair case. He bust through the door, and runs as fast as he can to the tenth floor. Alya is still upset in her cell because of Nino. It only ends when a loud bang at the door scares her. "God, again. If it's Nino I swear to God?" Alya asked annoyed. The loud banging keeps coming, and the knocker doesn't say a word. "Hey!!!! What gives?!" Alya yelled. The banging keeps coming, as Alya gets more annoyed. "Hello!!!!  If this is some kind of prank, I'll..." Alya yelled, before the door breaks off it's hinges. As the door falls, Alya looks to see Essence himself. "Well, well, well. Alya Cesaire, we meet again." Essence said. " Essence?!" Alya asked now shocked. "You know it. How long it's been since I last saw you. Hope your happy to see your favorite villain again." Essence replied. Alya went from anger to now horrified in a heartbeat. "No. This has to be an illusion or something. It can't be you." Alya tried to convince herself. "Nice callback to your power. But if this was what you think it is, would I do this?" Essence asked. He grabs Alya aggressively, slams her onto the door he punched off, and then chucks her across the ground. "If that was an illusion, I would disappear upon touching you." Essence said, as he walks to her. Alya now sees this isn't a dream. It's actually him. She tries to run, but Essence grabs her foot, and pulls her to him. She screams for help from anyone. Begging for assistance. That's when Essence grabs her face, and bashes a side of it against one of the doors.  Alya keeps crying for help, as the pain kicks in.  "Try to call for anyone. These animals are locked in their cells. There is no way they will say you in time." Essence said in a scary manner. Alya panics, as she keeps screaming. Trying to get out. "By the way, this place is packed with fascinating weaponry. Found a miniature buzzsaw in the labs." Essence said, as he pulls it out. Essence looks at Alya right in the eyes. "No. Please don't do [powers buzzsaw, and stabs her in the side with it]. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Alya screamed in panic. Essence pulls out the saw, as blood seeps out of her. "Unlike last time where I was forced not to physically harm you, this time there are no restrictions."  Essence said.  He then uses the buzzsaw to slash Alya in the face.  She screams and cries, as blood keeps coming out.  Essence laughs at her pain like he always does.  "GET OFF OF HER!!!!!"  Nino screamed, as he pushes Essence off his Ex.  Alya is shocked to see Nino back.  As Essence gets up, Nino punches Essence in the face like a man.  "Hahahaha!!!!!  Heheheheh!!!!  What news is this people!!!!!  The brave strong Nino thinks he is not a little wimp anymore."  Essence taunts.  Nino looks at Essence with anger.  "Awww!  What's wrong?  You scared?"  Essence taunts.  "[looks at Essence straight in the eye].  Get......out!"  Nino declared.  "Pfff.  Or what?"  Essence asked not intimated.  Nino then pulls back, and punches Essence in the face again.  The villain laughs it off, as Nino punches him again.  He keeps punching Essence hard, but despite the villain going against a wall, he keeps laughing.  Nino keeps hurting Essence, as he just takes it.  "[keeps getting punched].  Here.  Let me show you a real punch."  Essence said.  He pushes Nino off of him, and punches Nino in the face hard.  So hard in fact, that blood already comes out his mouth.  As Nino recovers, Essence uppercuts the kid.  Then he grabs Nino's head, and bashes it against his knee.  Nino wobbles around, as Essence grabs him, and throws him against one of the doors.  He lies on the ground in pain.  "What?  Come on, champ.  I thought you were trying to fight me.  Don't tell my your calling it quits, shrimp."  Essence taunted, as he is hyped up.  Nino slowly gets up with blood on his face.  He puts his dukes up to fight.  "There we go.  That's what I'm talking about.  [grabs his head, and bashes it against his own].  WHOOOO!!!!!!!!"  Essence screamed, as Nino falls to the ground.  Essence looks over at Nino.  "Still moving?  Oh well."  Essence said, as he starts punching Nino relentless in the face.  Nino's face gets covered in so much blood from Essence's swings.  The kid spits out blood from that attack.  Alya watches in horror, as she starts to lose it.  "Now where were we?"  Essence asked Alya.  Still in fear, she tries to run away from Essence.  He laughs, as he pulls out his blade.  As a javelin stick, he throws is at her.  It almost gets her in the head, and Alya screams while falling against a door.  As the sword makes impact with the elevator, Essence charges, grabs Alya, and bashes her against another door.  He holds her by the throat.  Strangling the teen.  "Now, this wouldn't have happened, if the Cat cleaned his litter box."  Essence said.  He keeps killing the poor girl, and giggles at her pain.  That's when Nino uses the buzzsaw to slice Essence's arm.  He screams in pain, as he let's go.  Nino even uses it to slice his stomach too.  Making the villain scream in more pain.  "Come with me.  You'll be safe."  Nino said, as he grabs Alya's arm, and runs.  They flee Essence, who recovers.  He looks at the blood now on his gloves.  "Kids has guts.  I like that.  Nino and his girlfriend can run, but there is no escaping my trap."  Essence said, as he presses a button.
Despite his messed up face, Nino tries to take Alya somewhere safe.  He races her down the stairs to safety.  "[coughs blood].  I know what you said to me, but just stay with me, and I'll get us out of here."  Nino declared.  He gets back to the lobby with Alya.  They see the exit, and race to it.  Alya then stops, and screams at the dead receptionist.  "Don't look at her."  Nino said trying to comfort her.  That's when a metal door closes the exit.  "Uhhh, what just happened?"  Nino asked now scared.  He runs, and tries to bang the door open.  " is wrong?"  Alya asked.  "I don't know."  Nino replied, as he bangs the door more.  Nothing happens.  The door won't budge.  "Ummm.  Ok, don't panic, but I think we are trapped in here."  Nino said.  Alya then freaks out because they are locked in here with Essence.  "Hey, don't panic.  Relax.  [grabs shoulders].  Calm down, Alya.  We're going to get out of this alive."  Nino said.  "We are locked in here.  WITH ESSENCE!!!!!"  Alya screamed.  "Please be quiet.  We don't want him to hear us.  [thinks].  Ok, there has to be another exit or something.  This can't be the only way out."  Nino said.  He rushes over to the computer, and once again almost gets sick from the dead body there.  Alya also freaks out, as she starts to cry.  Losing her mind.  "Don't cry, Alya.  I'm going to save us both."  Nino said.  He types fast at the computer trying to find something useful.  Trying to find another way out.  Soon, he finds a tab that shows the map of the ward.  He immediately clicks on it.  He looks to see what else can get them out of here.  Thankfully, he is in luck.  "Ok, Alya listen.  There is an exit to the rooftop at the tenth floor."  Nino said.  "No.  No, we can't go back there.  Essence was last seen there.  I can't do it."  Alya cried.  "Yes you can.  Alya, look at me.  I know I haven't even the best human being to you, but that doesn't mean I can't be one that wants to protect you.  [Alya gasp].  Now listen.  Stay close to me at all times.  If Essence, or anyone comes to get you, just run, and leave it to me.  Ok?"  Nino asked.  "[struggles].  But Nino."  Alya relied.  "Don't worry about me. I'm only doing what I do as Carapace, but with a more terrifying vibe to it.  [looks around].  Let's go elevator.  And fast!"  Nino said.  Nino and Alya run to the elevator.  They press the button multiple times to get it to arrive.  Once there, they get in as fast as they can, before they go up to the tenth floor.  "Here's the plan.  After we get off, we sprint to the exit.  According to the map, it's on my left by your cell.  We get on the roof, wave for help, and get out of here."  Nino explained.  "What if Essence finds us out there?"  Alya asked, who gets scared of his name.  "We find a way to lock it, so he can't escape."  Nino replied.  "You do realize he punches a door off it's hinges?"  Alya asked.  "He did?"  Nino asked back.  "Yes, he did."  Alya replied.  "Uhhhh, I'll think of something along the way.  [elevator stops].  We're here.  Get ready to run."  Nino said.  Alya nods her head.  The door opens.  The two of them run.  Then, Alya slips, and falls on the ground.  As she looks up, she screams at the sight of Dana on the ground.  She crawls back to Nino, who holds her in his arms.  He too is traumatized.  Dana has been stabbed repeatedly.  Leaving a bloody chest, and a slit throat as well.  "[helps Alya up].  Alya, what the heck is going on?"  Nino asked afraid.  Lying in front of them is a hallway full of the dead.  Bloody bodies of patients and staff all over the place.  Like Mike, who got stabbed in the face, his jaw came off, Anna, who is now an actual ghost from getting her back slashed open, and Tim from being sliced in half.  The violence at eye is enough to make Alya lose her confidence again.  Cowardly holding Nino, and crying.  "Don't scream.  [gulps].  Change of plans.  Let's walks carefully to the exit.  Avoid making any sounds.  Just let me navigate you, so you don't have to look at them"  Nino said.  "Ok."  Alya replied in a broken tone.  With her in his hands, he guides Alya past the dead.  Both of them get covered their feet covered in blood on the floor.  The feeling makes Alya accidentally slip, and fall into more bodies.  She screams while covered in blood, but Nino covers her mouth.  He helps her up, and Alya closes her eyes again.  They press forward.  With Nino getting scared at the sight of the corpses at display.  Soon, they make it to her cell.  "We're here.  [looks left].  Down this way.  We are almost out, Alya."  Nino said.  Before he takes her, Alya hears the sound of screaming.  Not just any scream.  Nick's scream.  "Nino, wait.  I can hear Nick."  Nino said.  "Nick?  Whose Nick?"  Nino asked.  "My friend.  [hears his scream again].  Quickly, we have to help him."  Alya replied.  "We can't.  We need to get out now."  Nino said.  "[hears him scream again, and then stabbing sounds].  Nino, please.  He's the main reason I didn't fully lose it here than I was suppose to.  I can't leave him to die here.  I promise it will be quick."  Alya begged.  Nino thinks this over.  He looks at the exit, but also looks at Alya begging for his approval.  "God we're dead.  Let's go."  Nino said.  The two of them hear the sound coming from the lounge.  They move slowly because of the dead bodies in front of them.  Alya gets more traumatized, but Nino makes sure she is safe.  Then they stop when they are mere feet from the lounge.  Because they hear more stabbing sounds.  It frightens Alya, but at the same time, she needs to save the one who helped her through this.  Alya and Nino walk slowly to the lounge.  Trying to be quiet as possible.  But as they get inside, the body of Ralph gets thrown across the room.  Alya screams, but Nino covers her mouth.  They look at Ralph, who moans after getting stabbed twenty times.  And who was it?  Well, Alya and Nino peep inside, and find Nick holding a bloody knife in his hands, as he cowards in the corner.  Alya and Nino approach him.  "Ni......Nick?  [Nick gasp].  Are you alr..."  Alya asked.  "AHHHHH!!!!!!  [turns around, and swings knife].  WHOSE THERE????!!!!!"  Nick screamed.  Shocked at there eyes, Alya and Nino see Nick's eyes removes from his skull.  And the knife he has is superglued to his hand.  He cries and begs, as Alya and Nino watch.  "Nick.  Nick it's me."  Alya said.  'WHO?!  WHO IS IT?!  WHO IS IT????!!!!!!"  Nick freaked out.  "It's me.  Alya."  Alya replied.  "[calms down].  Alya?"  Nick asked.  "Yes, Alya.  As well as Nino."  Alya replied.  "AHHHHHH!!!!!  WHO??!!!!"  Nick screamed.  "Relax.  He's an.....alley of mine.  My God!  What even happened here?"  Alya asked.  "[deep breathes].  I don't know myself.  I was in my cell, then out of nowhere, some..."  Nick replied, before gun shots go off.  The sound of guns make Nick lose it.  He screams and charges at them with his knife.  Alya screams, as Nino pushes her out of the way.  He gets stabbed in the shoulder by Nick.  Nino tries to push him off, but Nick over powers him.  He gets Nino on the ground, and goes to stab him again.  Nino screams, as Alya tries to stop Nick.  "Nick, stop it.  He's not a bad guy."  Alya begged.  Nick keeps hearing gun shots go off, so he grabs her by the hair, and pulls his knife back to stab her.  She screams in pain, as Nick focuses on her.  Holding her down to kill his friend.  Nino thinks fast, despite a bad shoulder.  He grabs a chair, and throws it at Nick.  He misses because of his shoulder, and now Nino gets Nick's attention.  He charges at him, but Nino moves out of the way.  Nick falls to the ground.  Nino then grabs a tray, and bashed Nick in the back of the head with it. Alya looks at him in horror seeing Nick squeal around in pain.  "[runs to her].  We have to go.  Now."  Nino said.  "No.  We can't leave him like this."  Alya replied.  "Do we even have a choice?  He's trying to kill us."  Nino said.  "It's not his fault.  He's traumatized over a friendly fire accident he caused at war.  Now whenever he is blind, and hears gunshots, he loses it."  Alya explained.  "Thanks for the info, but we can't take him if he keeps losing it.  Ahhhh.  My shoulder stings because of him."  Nino said.  "But....he's my only friend here."  Alya begged.  "There's no time.  We need to leave, before Essence kills all of us."  Nino declared.  So he grabs Alya, and forces her to go.  As they leave the lounge, more gunshots go off.  Nick loses it, as the gunshots lead towards the couple.  He screams, and chases them.  Even though he is blind, he still avoids the dead bodies of his other inmates.  Alya and Nino keep running.  They make it to the exit door.  "[Nick screams].  LOOK OUT!!!!!"  Alya screamed.  She moves out the way, as Nick dashes into Nino.  The two of them go through the door, after the force took it off it's hinges.  Now Nick is back on top of Nino.  And the crazy inmate starts trying to stab Nino.  He only gets him twice, in the hand, and the other shoulder.  Nino screams in pain.  Alya tries to stop Nick, but still confused, he punches Alya off of him.  Nino then gets the chance to push Nick off of him.  Once free, he and Alya back away from Nick.  He gets up, and tries to navigate his way through the silence.  Trying to find his enemies, as he cries in pain.  It's enough for Alya to cry, as this whole carnage reminds her for what Essence did to her.  Nick starts moving.  Getting close to Nino, as he stays quiet.  Nino moves out of the way, when Nick gets close to him.  Soon, Nick goes for Alya.  Slowly approaching her.  She quietly moves away from her crying friend.  After Alya moves, she reunites with Nino.  Far away from Nick.  Then, the silence breaks when gun shots return towards Nino and Alya.  Nick screams, and runs to them like a psycho killer.  The two of them move out of the way, as Nick dashes past them.  Then, the solider trips on the edge, and falls.  "NO!!!!!!!"  Alya screamed.  She runs, and looks over the edge.  Watching Nick fall, as he screams to the ground.  And then his body gets destroyed into a bloody mess on impact.  Next thing you know, Cat Noir lands near the hospital, and sees Nick's body.  He goes to investigate, while backing away from the corpse.  "Wait?  This is the ward Alya is staying at?  [gasp].  Oh no!  Oh no!!!!  ALYA!!!!!!"  Cat Noir screamed.
Cat sees the door is slammed shut.  There is only one other way in.  "Cataclysm."  Cat Noir said, as he uses his power.  He takes out the metal door, and runs inside.  Shocked at the dead body he sees in front.  "[panics].  ALYA!!!!!  [runs into staircase].  ALYA!!!!!!!  ALYA!!!!!!!! ALYA!!!!!!!"  Cat Noir screamed.  He goes to the first floor, and bashes the door.  Once inside, he is frozen at what he sees.  Just like the tenth floor, the floor is covered with mutated bodies.  Gashed open, broken, ripped apart.  It's enough to make Cat Noir puke, which he does.  He cleans his mouth, and walks around.  Also getting his feet covered in blood.  Throughout his walk, he does walk past Dennis and his goons.  All three of them decapitated, and their heads spears on different bodies. As well as them all being gutted like a pig.  It scares Cat, as does another body of a nurse whose whole front side got skinned. He hurries along to find Alya.  Speaking of which, she is looking down in terror at Nick's body.  Nino tries to pull her away, but she refuses.  She cries to see Nick's carcass on the floor. Then Nino turns around, and notices something forming.  It's Essence, who turned off his invisibility.  "Shame.  [Alya now turns around].  I really wanted that one to really get you.  Oh well.  As always, it's me to finish the job."  Essence said.  As Alya and Nino look at Essence, they see a gun in his hands.  Remembering Nicks' freak out over gun shots, they quickly find out why Nick was losing it.  " did this?"  Alya asked in anger.  Essence then smirks, and breaks out in laughter.  "Well done detective.  You caught the culprit red handed."  Essence said.  Alya is both anger and scared at Essence.  Nino won't allow him to hurt her.  "I don't know why you are doing this Essence, but if you think your going to hurt my Ex, you'll have to get through me first."  Nino yelled.  "She's your Ex?  Wow!  Now your a shrimp, and a simp.  [laughs].  Simp Shrimp."  Essence replied, as he laughs.  "[grinds his teeth].  Don't expect me to let you do this.  Everyone may be afraid of you, even me, but that doesn't mean we will forever be afraid of you."  Nino yelled.  "Ohhh you should be scared of me,......Carapace."  Essence replied.  Nino then goes into shock.  "What did you say?"  Nino asked.  "Carapace.  That's right.  I know your's, and Alya's little miraculous secret.  How you two are pawns of the Miraculous Ladybug.  Holders of the Fox and Turtle miraculous.  Loyal members of Team Miraculous."  Essence replied.  "No."  Nino said scared.  "Seems like you don't like this reveal.  Well I have more.  [pulls sleeve, and presses button on device attaches to wrist.  A video projects.  One of Rena Rouge spying on the heroes the day dinosaurs came back.  Aka, Rocketear.  Ends video].  Your little sly fox was here all along."  Essence replied.  "What?"  Nino asked, as Alya is shocked as well.  "And didn't she directly say, she can't be Rena Rouge anymore?  Oh wait, she did.  Meaning your own girlfriend LIED to you like she didn't care."  Essence taunted.  Nino looks at Alya.  "Is that true?  We're you always Rena Rouge?"  Nino asked.  "Uhhhhh, uhhhhhhh, [sighs].  Yes."  Alya admitted.  Nino is now speechless at this revelation.  He can't believe what he heard.  "Quite breaking, Nino.  But, I know exactly what will cheer you up."  Essence said.  He pulls out his blade, and slashes Nino against the stomach with it.  "NINO!!!!!!!"  Alya screamed, as she covers her mouth.  Nino gags, as he falls to the ground bleeding.  "Now back to what I came here for."  Essence said.  He grabs Alya by the throat, and holds her over the edge.  She wails around in the air, as Essence lightens his grip.  At the same time, police officials have arrived, and a helicopter shines over Essence.  "A live audience as well?  This night is only getting better by the second.  [Alya takes deep breathes].  Farewell, Alya Cesaire."  Essence said, as he let's go.  In slow mo, Alya falls off the roof like Nick.  Screaming as she descends to be impacted by the same fate Nick did. Essence then kisses his hand, and waves Alya goodbye.  "NO!!!!!!!!!!!"  Cat Noir screamed, as he arrives on the roof.  In normal speed, he runs, and jumps off the roof to save Alya.  He dives fast to save her life.  Thankfully, he grabs her.  The two of them keep falling to the ground.  So Cat quickly takes his staff to save them both.  He pierces the wall to stop them from falling.  Cat Noir holds Alya, as they both hang. "[opens her eyes, and looks up]. Cat Noir?" Alya asked. "Yes it's me. Just focus on keeping a tight grip, Alya." Cat Noir replied. The two of them look, and see emergency workers going to help Alya. She is safe from death. Cat thanks God she is safe, and making sure he doesn't let go of his staff, and Alya. But as he prays, his sixth sense kicks in. Something isn't right. That's when a bullet dashes to the ground, and goes past Alya's hand. She screams, and then tragically, let's go. In slow mo, Alya falls again. Cat Noir screams, as she falls to the ground. Emergency workers are shocked to see this. Then unfortunately, Alya hits the ground. "[in normal speed]. ALYA!!!!!!!!" Cat Noir screamed. He jumps down, staff in hand, and goes to Alya. "Alya! [turns her over]. ALYA!!!!!" Cat Noir screamed. Emergency workers surround her, and try to help Alya. As Essence watches from above with the gun in hand. He looks over at Nino on the roof. "All of this would have been prevented, Nino. If only the Cat cleaned his litter box." Essence said, as he leaves. Down below, Cat Noir prays Alya didn't die from the fall. The emergency workers push Cat away, and take Alya inside an ambulance. Before they pack up, and leave with her. Cat Noir is broken at the fact he failed to save Alya. He stays silent as officials ask him what happened. He just doesn't say a word at all. He only stands completely still

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ