Adrien Agreste

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An alarm rings at about six am. A hand slumps over to turn it off, and that hand belongs to Adrien Agreste. As he yawns, he looks at his best bro, Plagg, who is still asleep. Adriens smiles, as he gently pets his kwami on the head. Adrien leaves Plagg to sleep, as he quietly gets up to get ready for the day. Going into the bathroom to begin his morning routine. Simple brushing his teeth, flossing, mouthwash, and a nice hot shower. After all are done, Adrien emerges from his bathroom, in his normal outfit, ready to begin his day. Plagg, who is now up, also begins his day. Noting on some camembert cheese, and burping. "Geez, Plagg! What did we say about the burps? They are nasty." Adrien said. "First of all, good morning, kitten. Second of all, can't help myself. I feel like a King when I burp. Showing all the fools of the land who their dominator truly is." Plagg replied. "A same flying cat, who has emotions for me?" Adrien asked. "And what did I say about joking about my emotions? Yes, I have them, I just barely show them to avoid being weak. Except around you of course." Plagg replied. "Don't worry. I'm not joking about your emotions. I understand how you want us to see you as a serious tiger, and not an emotional kitty cat. So, as your best friend, I will respect how you want to feel." Adrien said. "Thanks. Trust me, the amount of teasing I got back in the day still slightly haunts me. People laughing at me for being a "emotional pussy cat," and calling me weak. No, it wasn't the other kwamis, guardians, or my past holders. Just other people who I don't like." Plagg replied. "Those jerks don't even know how awesome you are Plagg. Especially when it comes to me." Adrien said. "You are perhaps the most tragic holder I've ever had. As in, over protective Dad, and a member of the literal Void torturing you." Plagg replied, as he shivers. So does Adrien because of his fear of Essence. "Let's put this away, and go get some breakfast." Adrien said. "You mean, you get some breakfast. I also got that assignment done teach." Plagg replied with another burp. "God I hate you for that, but can't help but love you as well." Adrien said. Adrien leaves, as Plagg continues to eat his cheese.

    In the kitchen, his Father, Gabriel, has already made breakfast. Breakfast for two actually. "Good morning Adrien. Care to sit down with me?" Gabriel asked. "Would I? Of course, Dad." Adrien replied excited. He sits next to his Dad, who cooked the pancakes with sausages. "Figured I continue the trend of me eating with you. You've seemed to enjoyed it a lot when we had dinner. Might as well do it again, but later. Like, very later in the day." Gabriel said. "Thanks, Dad. This means so much to me." Adrien replied with so much joy. As Gabriel smiles for being a good Dad, the two of them eat. Enjoying every bite of Gabriel's pancakes. "So, what's on the agenda for my young man today?" Gabriel asked. "Ohh, just going to see friends, and do some other Adrien stuff that's all." Adrien replied. "Does one include... seeing your Marinette?" Gabriel teased. "DAD! Come on!" Adrien yelled. "Sorry. Classic Dad behavior when their son is in love. I really need to stop doing that." Gabriel said. "But to answer, yes. I'm seeing them. Not all of them unfortunately. Marinette and her girlfriends are taking photos for Marinette's fashion website. So, I'll only be seeing Marinette today." Adrien replied. "I didn't know Marinette has a fashion website. Maybe one day, she will be as famous as your old man here." Gabriel said. "That would be awesome. She has some good talent, and I think everyone needs to see it. After all, she is a supportive girl, who I wish to be more than friends with." Adrien replied. "Well, I head your prom is coming up. I already made you a nice suit, but that can be the chance to ask her out." Gabriel said. "I plan to ask her. A little nervous, but I'm doing it." Adrien replied. "That's my boy! Sorry." Gabriel said. "It's ok. [gets up]. Thanks for the breakfast. I'll see you later today." Adrien replied. "Have a good day, son." Gabriel said. "Same with you, Dad." Adrien replied, as he leaves. Gabriel once again smiles at his son's happiness.

    Adrien is now outside walking, with his kwami, Plagg, flying inside his jacket. It's a nice sunny day for him, so it's going to be a good day. "Just make sure I won't get wet, as we walk. You know how much I hate getting my fur wet." Plagg said. "Your fur will be ok, Plagg. I get you hate getting wet because when you dry off, you look like a Cotten ball." Adrien replied. "Still not funny, Adrien." Plagg said. "I'm not judging. But if you hate getting your fur wet, why do you seem ok using your aqua abilities?" Adrien asked. "I see it somewhat as a scuba suit. Therefore, my fur is still safe. Besides, I'm not actually getting wet. In a sense if you know what I mean." Plagg replied. "That makes sense." Adrien said. "So where are we off to kitten?" Plagg asked. "First the houseboat, then Marinette, and then probably head home to do some stuff there. Nothing that serious." Adrien replied. "Fine by me." Plagg said. Adrien soon stops, when Wayhem approaches him. "Sup, Adrien!" Wayhem said, as he approaches his idol. "Hey, Wayhem. [both high five]. How's it going my man?" Adrien asked. "Going phenomenal now that I'm seeing you. What you up to on a day like this?" Wayhem asked back. "Just seeing some friends of him. Classmates to be exact, and nothing much." Adrien replied. "That's great. I was out getting some groceries for my stream, when all of the sudden, poof, I find you." Adrien said. "Stream?" Adrien asked. "I'm a live streamer. A gamer to be exact." Wayhem replied. "That's cool. Would you say your pro?" Adrien asked. "I can crank 90s, and shoot 360 no scopes as if my life depended on it." Wayhem replied. "Uhhh, I have no idea what you said, but ok." Adrien said. "It's just video game stuff. You'll get it if you play long enough." Wayhem replied. "Gotcha. Maybe one day you and I could play together. That would be an awesome hangout." Adrien said. "Adrien... we did that when we hung out." Wayhem replied. "That didn't count. I was confused by the game we are playing." Adrien said. "Ok noob. Well, better leave you to your day. As always, I hope you have a great rest of your day." Wayhem replied. "Thanks man. Catch you later." Adrien said, as Wayhem leaves. With that, Adrien keeps on walking, after a nice conversation with his most sane fan.

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