Chapter - 5

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Just hang in there its almost done I say as I wrap the bandage around another patients head

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Just hang in there its almost done I say as I wrap the bandage around another patients head. When I came in opd I thought a few people will need my assistance but it was a full blown chaos in here everyone rushing in and out. The beds were filled up by people wounded badly.

Clearly there were two groups of people here because even after beating the shit out of each other, they were giving each other grossed out looks and seemed ready to fight any moment. Elena was right situation is really volatile.
I came here to only to help with the orthopedic cases but the staff is so tensed, I started helping other people too.

"There you go now keep resting you will be under observation for 24 hours, then you can leave"
I tell the patient.

"Elena tell the nurse to keep a watch on him and report urgently if there are any signs of convulsions or if he vomits."

"Noted" Elena replies.

"Do one more thing bring more bandages I will look a few more patients."

"Kuhu your job in opd was over couple of hours ago still you decided to stay here and help out. Now I think it's enough. You even missed your lunch."

"Ellu my darling I get paid only to work and I like my work that's why I am here besides there are still many patients left unattended. I can atleast bandage their wounds it is not a big deal."

"About food don't worry I fully plan to makeup. I have decide we both will on girls night out and will eat in any restaurant you like. Don't worry treat will be mine." I wink at her while moving towards other patients. She has been bringing me so many delicious dishes, it's only fair I give her a treat too

"What you will go out with me." Elena asks a look of shock on her face.

"Ofcourse why do you not want to go?" I ask her.

"NN No no no it's just that noone has ever really asked me to come with them."

"Then we definitely need to change that and even if you decline I will take you forcefully as denying free food is a sin
and I can't let my friend do that." I tell her while pinching her cheeks.

"Really I am so exicted." By now she is beaming with glow.

"But first we have to finish the work here so get back to work."
I remind her.

"Sei un angelo"
( you are an angel )
I heard her mumble but decided not to ask what she means as there were still patients left whom I need to tend to.


"Kuhu you have really reduced burden on my shoulders. Your extra help was really appreciated. Grazie (Thank you)."
I heard stefano say as he took a breath of relief.

He is male version of Elena who goes out of his way to make me feel comfortable.
On my first day he and his wife Laura even brought dinner for me at my apartment which is a floor above their apartment.

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