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A day has passed since the truth came out

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A day has passed since the truth came out. Kuhu has been avoiding me like a plague and I am also trying not to interact with her.
I don't know why but this uneasiness has settled in my heart. While there is comfort that she didn't leave me due to my past but also disappointment that such a meare reason was able to shake up her belief in me.

I know somewhere there is anger in me too that's why I am also not meeting her because I don't want to take it out on her.

Still my heart is burning in agony knowing that now she has a family which maybe she values over me and the fact that it's related to that bastrad Xavier further increases my heart ache.

I have called angleo to make sure that the plane problem is taken care of quickly. I want to be back in Italy as soon as possible. I have some unfinished business left with my father.
I fist my hand in anger knowing he is the cause of my predicament.

The ringing of telephone brings me out of my thoughts. I pick it up and put it on speaker.

"How dare you?"
The similar voice resonates from the phone.

I smirk hearing him. It's feels good to know that I got to this fucker.
"That's not how you greet your dear friend, Xavier. Learn some etiquettes."
I taunt him.

"I'll greet you fine when I get my hands on you, son of a bitch."
He says and I could physically feel the anger his voice holds.

"Aww, don't be a spoil sport now."

"Stop with this bullshit and give my wife back to me."
I grit my teeth in anger hearing the word wife.

"Kuhu is my woman and she is finally where she belongs."

"Well last time I checked she was married to me and is the mother of my child."
He says with smugness.

I bang my hand on the table in fury and spit back

"Well last time I checked she was in my bedroom laying besides me. You motherfucker."
He goes silent for a moment. I know I got him. I lean back in my chair enjoying my victory in his silence.

"Lorenzo stop playing games. I am giving you 2 days to bring kuhu back otherwise we will be at war."
I laugh hearing his ultimatum.

"Oh! I am so afraid. War, oh my god!"
I cackle mimicking a fake scared voice of a girl.

"Get one thing straight I'll move mountains to have my girl, a small war won't budge me."
I say in all seriousness.

"Small war, you know if we both fight the entire stability of the subcontinent will be affected and the mafia world will be in chaos."
He says actually indicating the gravity of the situation
But I couldn't care less. I have kuhu beside me that is all that matters.

"Beside I know your location. I have my troops encircling your little island. You know all the neighbouring countries around your little island are my ally, right?"

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