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"The shipments will reach America by night

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"The shipments will reach America by night. The artillery coming to us is still 144 nautical miles away. The last signal was recieved at 5:04 pm so the connection is still intact. No sea storm is predicted , weather will be clear so the connection hopefully won't be lost."
Angleo briefs me while turning the laptop so that it is facing me.

I cast my eyes down on the laptop screen showing the live location of the ship containing all the ammunitions and explosives.
I nod my head in acknowledgement while tapping my pen on the desk indicating my approval of the situation.

"Also capo the invites are in we would have to leave in 2 days."

I put the pen on the desk, look up at angleo and ask him.

"Are you sure organising all this there before the dueline isn't hideous. Also many sea routes have been exposed to these agencies."

"Capo, many mafisio have underwent huge losses the previous year. The CIA and European agencies are securing sea ports and many have suffered it's loss. Just last month 2 more ships were gunned down. The mafisio are getting short of guns, drugs and without it they can't function."

"I agree, even our trade has been marginalized in the gulf region and without the support of the Chinese we would have suffered great loss too."

"But all this happening just after a year of Mafia ball which was hosted by me and is a bit odd. It is tranishing my strategies which were set out previously to deal with these situations. The ball has never been shifted a year earlier. This is the first time. Won't people see this as a my failure and incompetence."

"No capo, you did what anyone would have done. The sudden power surge of the agenices is a bit suspicious but I don't think any mafisio would do such stupidity of exposing any sea routes to these agenices as they can't be trusted. I think it is someone else. Also the abrupt elections in almost all the European countries was unforeseen. Italy was spared beacuse of you but France, Germany and UK are out of our hands with new cabinet of ministers."

"Hmm, I agree the power shift was abrupt.
Also, that fucker organising the ball is stupid but not this much. The grudge he holds against the Americans is very deep. He would rather die by my hands than help them. I know him that much. Further more he is organising the ball. If he did all this, he won't be so stupid to sabotage his position by inviting all the mafisio in his land."

Angleo nods acknowledging my thought process.
It's not him. It's someone else.

"Then I should get going. I have to get preparation and men ready before leaving. Still that place and their people can't be trusted. I have to ensure your full safety."

I nod and he gathers all his stuff. He reaches the door and as he was about to move out. I call him

"Angleo, any....
I take a deep breath knowing the answer fully well but that little hope in me still haven't extinguished so I ask

"Any report on her?"
I see his eyes sadden a little, I know that look. He about to say no.

I know.
Damn it I know but still that tiny bit of my heart yearns for her.

It's like a deep thirst I have that is itching my throat, making me go insane by each passing day and only she can quench it.

"No capo. Still nothing."
I cast my eyes down and nod my head. Without any other word he leaves and shuts the door behind him.

I sigh and turn my head back placing it on the seat. Looking up at the ceiling my eyes rewind the whole year without her.

A whole fucking year has been over.
The first few days were difficult, I was so accustomed to her that it physically hurted without her being there.

Initially I was sacred too sacred to even look for her after knowing that she left. It was not like I was planning to hide my past from her. I wanted to tell her all, all of it.

I thought she would stay and will understand me. She would touch my scars and kiss them making all the ache and pain that I have been holding onto go.

But alas, she was one of them. Too sacred of darkness, to sacred to immerse in it. If she would have even tried to touch it, I would have brought the whole fucking world for her.

After a few weeks the despair was overtaken by the bitter animosity. I want her to stay no matter what she wants. I want her by my side and that is what matters.

The darkness I wanted to protect her from was urging me to cage her in it.
To paint her beautiful self in my hues-
Dark, dull and dead.

To give her the pain, I am feeling. To punish her, torment her and then provide her with comfort only I can give.
This way she will ache for me.

A deep chuckle escapes me as I think of how I would make her rely on me for both pain and pleasure. She would only know me.

I will destroy her just to rebuild her.

I just need to find her. My dad has been good. I haven't been able to trace her till now.
But I know someone who will get me her information. For that I have to leave within 2 days.

Don't worry my sweetheart, I'll soon get you and then you will be at my mercy.


"Luca, don't trouble me."
I hear a familiar feminine voice followed by giggles.

I enter the kitchen and see my brother with that girl he has been hanging out with for over an year.
What was her name again?

Aileen, elen, Elena
Something like that.

Seeing me, luca immediately steps away from her and marches towards me.

"Fratello, you in the kitchen?"
He asks

"Since, you are here and I have some work for you. So, I am here."
I tell him while putting my hands in my pocket.

"You should have called me."
He says the but obvious.

"No, I am getting late. I have to broad the flight soon."

"Yes, you are leaving for the ball, Angleo told me."

I give a dry reply.

"Tell me Fratello what you need?"
He asks and I look back at the girl still in the kitchen. Seeing me looking at her he also turns to look at her.

Getting the signal, she immediately leaves the kitchen.

"Now that we both are alone, listen carefully. I and angleo, we both would be gone for 3 days. In that time make sure everything here is taken care of.
Make sure to visit the basements and ports. Keep a check in the shipping and incoming artillery."

Hearing me reiterate him about the business, he straightens and pays keen attention to me. He might be silly but he is my brother, he is quite capable.

"Don't worry, I'll keep everything under check, capo."
He addresses me formally knowing this shit is serious and I mean business.

"I know you will."
I say while tapping his cheek. He is my litlle brother after all.

I turn to make my way out but before moving completely out. I turn back and tell him

He looks up at me in anticipation.

"Beware of padre and don't trust anyone."
He knows I am talking about his girlfriend. That girl, there is something about her. I don't trust her one bit.

I know luca is dead serious when it comes to me and our business. But still I have seen genuine affection in his eyes for that girl. He is soft for her and that is a dangerous emotion.

I turn back and make my way out. Looking at my watch, I see it is the time to leave.

The ball awaits me.

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