Chapter - 9

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"But the patient himself postponed the surgery earlier as they were not able to meet the medical expenses

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"But the patient himself postponed the surgery earlier as they were not able to meet the medical expenses."
Elena says sitting across the table

"They may have arranged the money and you know how patients are, they want the surgery to happen as soon as possible. They are sacred of deteriorating their health conditions."
I try to put a stop to her arguments.

"But Dr. Stefano was suppose to perform the surgery, not you and don't you find it weird that Mr. Ricci himself came to tell you about you doing the surgery."

"It's nothing Elena. Stop worrying yourself. You're just angry that I didn't get to do the briefing along with other doctors today at opd, which might have ended early and then we could have had our lunch together."
I state the real reason behind her grumpiness over me performing the surgery.

"Well that is true that we would had the lunch together if not for that stupid Mr Ricci pushing you under the bus and increasing your workload."
She mutters angrily

"Ellu darling you are soon going to be a doctor, these things are normal and should be a part of your daily schedule. You can't worry over such small things they will happen all the time."
I say in a soft tone making her understand that this is what life is going to be like.

If she takes such small matters to heart, she will not be able to work.

"sei così saggio."
Elena says

I ask confused

"Means you are so wise."
She explains

"Now you be wise too and let's eat. I am starving."


"It was delicious."
I say with my both hands on my stomach and a sigh of content leaving my mouth.

"I know but now I gotta go. My shift starts soon."
Elena says while picking up her phone

"Well then could you pass my books. I should also utilize my time."

Elena says and moves towards my cabinet.
She pull the book from the cabinet and hands it over to me.

"Thanks ellu"

"No worries sorella. Now I should also make a move or else someone will definitely complaint against me for always not being on time."
She says and quickly moves towards the door.

"Bye ellu"
I say waving her

"Bye sorella"
She says and hurriedly moves out.


I look at my watch to see considerable time has passed since elena left.
Honestly she is my source for passing the day and without her it's quite boring. I haven't really conversed that much with other people. In reality I don't even like to talk to many people unless very necessary. I am just not interactive and like to be far away from a group of people conversing. I only have a handful of people to talk to and they are my lifeline. Elena is now one of them for me.

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