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Xavier drags me along with him towards a secluded area

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Xavier drags me along with him towards a secluded area. I don't say anything and just walk along.

I look upto his face and see his brows knit and jaw clenched hard. He is angry, really angry. This is the first time I have seen him so out of his character.

He is always calm like an ocean. There could be so much going on but he would never lose his composure.
Now seeing him like this is worrisome.

I call him but he pays no mind and keeps walking.

I call him again and he still pays me no mind.

This time I jerk his hand and he finally listens me too.
He stops and turns around looking down at me.

"I I am sorry Xavier."
I sttutre and put my head down
I don't know why but I just feel the need to say this to him even though I have done nothing wrong but I feel responsible for his spoiled mood.

"милый, Why are you apologising you have done nothing wrong."

He says and takes my face in between his palms making me look up at him.

"You are not the reason I am miffed, trust me. It's just that Mr accardo always gets on my nerves. You have done nothing wrong."
He tells me as if understanding my inner turmoil.
His thumb feathers my cheek.

I gulp hearing him.

This means that Xavier and Lorenzo know each other.

Not only do they know each other but they also don't get along.

I haven't told Xavier about my past and never have asked about his.
We both never discussed our pasts and neither of us asked.
But the way he is talking about Lorenzo I am afraid he won't like when he'll know that I shared past with Lorenzo.

"Now ease yourself and stop worrying. We can't let that man to get to both of us and spoil everything."

I nod weakly.

He takes his hands off my face and looks at his watch.

"It's quite late милый. I think you should go upstairs to have some rest."

"What about the ball?"
I ask him concerned.

"Don't worry I'll handle it. And when I am done here I'll take you back home to nikaloi till then you go up and rest. You seem tired."
He says and my eyes lit up just upon hearing nikaloi's name.

I just humm while smiling lazily.
To be honest I was quite tired. I haven't really attended a party or ball for as long as I remember.
And now to wear heels, this big gown, makeup and to meet so many people feels a lot.

"Just wait a second."
I say and lift my right leg up to untie the heel.
But before I could do that Xavier bends down.

"Wait let me take these off."
He says and lifts my gown up to take them off.

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