Chapter - 19

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I groan as the pounding in my head increases to a point where it becomes unbearable. I unwillingly open my eyes with much difficulty. It takes me few seconds to register my surrounding.

I am in a room, a huge room I might add. I don't remember my hotel room being this big. I get up and try to reminisce what the fuck just happened and where I am? This is not my hotel room.

Then it hits me. Everything comes rushing back Lorenzo, dance, beach.

I curse as my headache increases. I don't know what to do? I remember him bringing me back to his mansion and tucking me in bed. But what now?

Do I go out and pretend that nothing happened or Do I confront and ask him why he left me and ignored me and make myself seem miserable in his eyes.

"Shit, it's too early for all this."
I murmur putting an end to my thoughts. My head is already killing me and thinking about all this is making it worse.

I somehow get up and walk to the nearest door. I open and a bathroom comes in view. Deciding on taking a bath, I walk into the massive bathroom almost as big as the room.

I go near the shower, free myself of my clothing and get in. I turn on the hot shower and let the drops fall on me. It works like a magic. The water taking away my headache and worries as it slides down my body.
On the side I see some toiletries. I pick them up and complete my bathing routine.

I come out of the shower realising I didn't even brought a towel. I wander here and there in the giant bathroom till I see the table top washbasin with a towel kept neatly on it. I immediately go and grab the towel, wrapping it around my body.

As I enter back in the room I see lorenzo sitting on the bed. He looks up at me, his eyes meeting mine and suddenly the huge room seems quite smaller. I don't know what to do or say do? I stand there like a statue with a towel loosely hanging around my naked body.

He gets up and walks towrads me while I am still rooted to the spot. He takes a strand of my still wet hair in his hands and twists it between his fingers.

"Roles have reversed."
He utters

I don't say anything and just gape at me. I can't deny that having him this close to me while just being in a towel is making my head spin with lust but I am reminded of how he left me for a week.

"So you finally got the time."
I say hitting him lightly on his hand to free my hair.

The gentle expression of his face changes into remorseful one.

"Amore, I have got my full lifetime for you, if you want."
He says brushing the back of his fingers against my cheek in a feather light touch.

"That didn't seem like it when you left me stranded for a week."
I say the anger seeping in my voice.

"Believe me, sweetheart I spend every minute fighting the urge to go back, to hug you, to take you up in my arms and to have the opportunity to kiss you again, to....
He pauses and takes a deep breath.

"I know that what I did was wrong and no matter how much groveling I do it would not make up but please just forgive me this time."

I feel my eyes watering but I fight back the tears. I tell him

"You know I went through hell that week. Every moment I spend thinking I did something wrong or that the kiss was a mistake, that you hate me and are regretting kissing me."

I say my voice breaking at the end. I don't know why but him leaving me without telling me anything had me desperate like an insane. I had to constantly fight my thoughts that whole week. It was horrifying.

"Sweetheart I am sorry. I know that I hurt you but please believe me that if I could I would have never left you in first place and don't you dare think that the kiss was a mistake, it's the only thing that I have truly wanted in a long time."

He says cupping my cheeks and moving closer to me.

I look deeply into his eyes and see nothing but honesty and desperation of wining my heart over again.

His apology touched my heart but still the stubbornness in me want to torment him like he did to me. That's when a mischievous thought pops up in my mind.

"If you are really sorry then would you do as I say for a week?
I ask looking directly into his eyes.

"Anything for you to forgive me."
He says in a heartbeat.

"So it's a deal?"
I ask

"Yes it is."
He says.

I move closer to him brushing my lips lightly against his while I trace his jaw with the tip of my index finger.

"Are you sure Mr Accardo? I can ask for anything during this week."
I say with my lips touching his.

"Never beem more sure darling."
He says his voice dark.

I smile against his lips my one hand holding the towel tiglty around me while other courses aroud his hair and I pull him more closer by the back of his head. My lips touching his when I trace his lower lip with tip of my tongue.
He groans and leans in for a kiss.

That's when I move back and tell him

"Okay, then leave."

He asks

"As you can see I am barely clothed and I need to be dressed so leave."
I tell him with a smirk on my face.

He looks confused for a second and then smiles

"You are a wicked little thing. But no worries I'll do anything to earn you forgiveness."

He says and moves out of the door.

And I am left there thinking how much fun I am going to have in the coming week.

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