Chapter Two

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During those times in exile, Aerasanne could see that Viserys did love them. He made sure both she and Daenerys wouldn't starve to death and he kept them warm under the upcoming storm.

Ser Willem Darry raised the three for a couple of years making sure they were well fed and safe at all costs.

Ser Willem develops bonds with the twins who always smile when he takes care of them and so does Viserys. But the time arrived when the man died and three were thrown off to fend for themselves.

Over time, the three exiled Targaryen was hosted by different wealthy folks in Free Cities but they didn't dwell long as Robert Assassin are still coming after them. The three of them are constantly fleeing from time to time. At that moment, Aerasanne who's secretly meeting and training with Visenya.

During nightfall when everyone is fast asleep, Aerasanne leaves her siblings and trains with Visenya, the late Queen didn't go easy on her even though she was just a child. She would come back often with some bruises on her body and Daenerys could see all of them.

Worried would always be seen in Daenerys eyes every time she saw something on her sister's body. But Aerasanne always brushes it off, saying that she tripped or something.

Then there's the part where the people of Free Cities become distant, they don't let them stay at their houses anymore and leave them on the street with nowhere to be. It comes to the point that Viserys sold Rhaella's Crown just for them to have shelter and food.

Viserys was now called the Beggar King, which he didn't like. Aerasanne can see the changes in Viserys attitude. Aera yearned for Viserys to stay loving and caring but the man didn't.

He becomes abusive towards his sisters, slowly blaming them for the death of their mother, and Aera who saw the death of her biological mother takes Viserys words quite hard.

At a time, Aera at the age of 13 cried on Daenerys shoulder. "Sister forgive me, I didn't mean to kill our Mother." It traumatized the girl from what she saw.

Daenerys who was alarmed listening to this from her sister cupped the girl's face and turned to her.

"Don't ever say that, Aera. You did nothing wrong..." There's always love in Daenerys eyes whenever she looks at her younger sister. All they had was each other.

"But Viserys-"

"Don't listen to him, he's just paranoid about our safety. We are twins, we share the same womb as our mother. If you ever think that you killed her then I did the same." Daenerys spoke out and Aera shook her head.

" Brother said that mother was still alive when she gave birth to you, it becomes difficult for her to give birth to me and that causes her death" Aera clarified, the girl Amelia disappears in the meantime because of the emotions building inside of her.

" Don't listen to him, Sister. Just listen to me... I will be here for you, You are my light" Daenerys said and kissed the girl's forehead.

" You are my light," Aera said.

Viserys taught the twins about the Targaryen's ancestry, their language, and everything about their ancestors. He even taught them about dragons, about Aegon the conqueror and all.

Daenerys is always been an easy learner while Aera is just a typical one, she already has a lot of knowledge about Targaryen but the Language is difficult for her. Over time she becomes fluent.

The years have come when Illyrio Mopatis takes them to his home or manse keeping them under his protection but Aera and Daenerys don't trust the man at all. Viserys is under the illusion that the man sees him as a King when he doesn't have that kind of prospect at all.

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