Chapter Sixteen

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Before Aera leaves The Twins she looked back at them. She snaps her fingers again waking the Frey and Roose Bolton. Aera removes their memory of meeting her and saving Robb and his mother.

She replaces it with them dying by their hands. This is all she could do, for now, too much energy already consume her body and all she could do is run toward Robb and Catelyn.

Aera almost falls but manages to maintain her balance with the help of Catelyn Stark. "Are you alright?" Catelyn asked and Aera nodded.

"It's my first time trying that spell, my body couldn't take it," Aera said. They are in the woods together with Grey Wind.

Aera and Catelyn turned to Robb who was carrying the dead body of his wife, the man is emotionless while looking at the body. Aera sighed and walks forward.

"We should go, There are horses through the woods," Aera informed and started walking she save up 10 horses for them but they can only use 3 horses.

"Why are there horses there?" Robb asked. Aera turned back to the man who was looking blankly at her. "Do you know what will happen? Do you know this will happen?" Robb asked again.

"What are you talking about?" Catelyn asked.

"You gave me a warning before! You said a wolf will die, is it them!? My wife and my child!?" Robb almost yelled. Aera steps forward to him.

"I am not your enemy, I gave you a warning. To answer your question... I do not know what will happen! I can only see a glimpse of it and I saw your death this morning so I did everything I could to save you and everyone else! But I can't!" Aera yelled back.

She's tired, she did everything she could do and this is what she gets. Robb was taken aback by her sudden outburst.

"There's a ton of rabbit in your bag, you meant to save all of us, aren't you?" Catelyn asked and Aera nodded.

"But I can't, my body will fail me anytime soon. I did try," Aera said looking at the body of Talisa Stark. Aera took a deep breath, she wanted to be with Daenerys right now.

She's in her weakest state and the only person who could ease her is her sister. She wanted to go home. Aera coughs again and there was blood on it.

"Let's go," Aera said and moves forward. They manage to reach the place where Aera place the horses, Robb was surprised to see about 10 of them. He looked at Aera who was coughing, she intend to save them all but she cannot.

Aera was about to mount her horse but her body cannot move anymore. Catelyn notice this and was about to help the girl when a bear came out of nowhere.

Catelyn stumbles back seeing the big brown bear behind Aera. "Aera, dear... Get away from there" Catelyn warily said making Aera look behind her. She smiles seeing Bart, the bear who's always with her no matter what.

"Don't fret, Lady Catelyn. He's a friend. Hello Bart... My body cannot move anymore, would you help me go home?" Aera asked and the bear turn his back willing to carry the Princess.

Catelyn was dumbfounded at how gentle the bear was to Aera. Even Robb who already mount his horse with the body of his dead wife was surprised. Catelyn hurriedly mounts their horses.

"Follow us" Aera weakly said falling into the back of Bart, her body cannot take it anymore. Bart roar and start running while Lady Catelyn and Lord Robb starts following them running away.

To Aera's last energy, she used her powers to release all the horses into the wilderness, giving them freedom away. Aera then lets her body fall on the back of Bart who's sprinting home.

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