Chapter Twenty Five

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Before Aera leaves Essos she found herself in Pentos where Varys and Tyrion are, on the balcony talking about what will happen next.

"The Seven Kingdoms need someone stronger than Tommen, but gentler than Stannis. A monarch who can intimidate the high lord and inspire the people. A ruler loved by millions with a powerful army and the right family name." Varys said while looking at Tyrion who keeps drinking wine.

"Good luck finding him." Tyrion retorts.

" Who said anything about him? You have a choice, my friend. You can stay here at Ilyrio’s palace and drink yourself to death, or you can ride with me to Mereen, meet Daenerys Targaryen, and decide if the world is worth fighting for." Varys said while Tyrion looked at him.

"Can I drink myself to death on the road to Meereen?" Tyrion asked.

"You're going to Meereen?" Aera suddenly appears out of nowhere caught off guard. Aera who's still wearing a dress with a hooded cloak.

Tyrion who recognize the girl got his eyes to widen. "You're the girl... Sansa's friend... Who are you again?" The man asked. Aera removes her cloak revealing her Silver hair confusing the two.

"Aerasanne Targaryen, My Lords," Aera smirked. Aera grabs a goblet to ask for a wine that Tyrion really loves, he slowly pours some into her goblet.

"It's an honor, to meet you... Princess Aerasanne." Varys said and Aera rolled her eyes remembering how the man betrayed her sister on the show.

"But you were there... At Joffrey's wedding, you have brown hair... And all." Tyrion said confused.

" I am. Dyeing my hair isn't the hardest part, saving your ass is." Aera said drinking the wine, she hated the taste.

"Saving me?" The man asked confused. Even Varys who knows a lot of things is confused. He never met Aera in his entire life but only to find out that the girl is in Joffrey's wedding.

"Who do you think convinced Prince Oberyn into becoming your champion?" Aera really hated the wine that she throw the glass over the balcony surprising the two.

" Wait... You convince him?" Tyrion asked and Aera nodded.

" I had been observing everyone for the longest time now, I've been into Westeros watching everyone from afar and becoming friends with a lot of people. Do you have any idea about that... Lord Varys?" Aera asked.

The Lord shakes his head because he really doesn't know. " Good, my cover is still intact. In Westeros, everyone knows me as Aera... The mysterious girl. Even your brother Jaime knows who I am. " Aera said while leaning over the balcony.

Tyrion looks puzzled for a moment then he remembers something. "Aera, the girl who saves him. He told me that a girl save him and Brienne from a bear." Tyrion said and chuckles at the memory.

It was a hilarious memory for her but she loves it.

"What are you doing in Westeros?" Varys asked and Aera turned to him.

"To know my enemies, you wanted to meet my sister, right? Once you met her, give her proper guidance. She will accept it, don't fuck with her... Or I'll be the one to haunt you down. " Aera threatened with her beautiful smile. Aera then began to walk away.

" Do you know that my brother is in love with you? " Tyrion suddenly asked stopping Aera from her track." He used to write your name on the paper, telling me a story about the girl Aera... Aera... Aera... But he spell it wrong, he wrote Aira instead. My sister saw it, she burned the paper. My brother has a thing for falling in love with the most beautiful girls in Westeros. " Tyrion retorts while Varys listen. " I'm surprised to know it was you, Princess. My brother admires your mother"

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