Chapter Ten

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Aera's first move is to go to Harrenhal, knowing well that Robb Stark's army is there all she needs to was to observe. Maybe do something stupid but she just needs to make sure.

In the Courtyard of Harrenhal, Aera saw Catelyn Stark and Robb Stark talking about the death of Catelyn Stark's father.

"Something else?" Catelyn asked worriedly. Robb took a deep breath and stared at his mother.

"By the time Bolton's Bastard Ramsay got to Winterfell, the Ironborn were gone, They massacred everyone and put the castle to the torch. Bran and Rickon have not been found. They may have escaped. Or Theon may be taken them back to the Iron Island as hostages. " Robb said.

" Have you received any demands? " Catelyn Stark asked worried but her son shake his head. Aera cannot stand anymore and looked at the poor mother, dying to know what happened to her children. Aera takes out a piece of paper.

"Bran and Rickon are alive." Aera wrote and fold into an airplane shape. Aera used her magic to send the letter to the woman, but being Aera... it smacks into Robb's face.

"Fuck" Aera whispered, she was just meant to fly the letter on the woman's lap but she used too much of her energy that the paper plane hit the face of Robb.

Robb catches the paper before it falls on the ground. He opens it and his face turned into a frown.

"What is it?" Catelyn asked and Robb handed the paper to her mother. Catelyn slowly read the words and she stands up to look who sends it.

Aera was about to leave when she step on the wrong part of the roof she was standing on, it creates a sound-making everyone turned to her.

"I'm the luckiest person alive" Aera whispered sarcastically. She turned to Catelyn who looked at her warily then turned to Robb who frowns seeing a girl on the top of the roof. The lower face of Aera is covered by a mask.

She got eye contact with Robb, but before anyone could walk towards her she jump off the other side of the roof where no one can see and disappeared into mid-air.

Robb saw the girl jumps from the roof of a high tower so he hurriedly ran towards that place but he found no one, even his army didn't find the girl.

"She knows where Bran and Rickon are, Robb... She send this letter" Catelyn in form and hope was formed in her heart. Unknown to them Aera was just on another roof looking at them, this time she made sure she will not do anything stupid to expose her location.

Aera travels around Westeros, familiarizing herself with the people. She spotted Tyrion, Varys, Cersei, Joffrey, Tywin, and every man you could see in Kingslanding. She travels around even where was Theon was being tortured and she didn't stay any longer because she cannot help the man.

Aera saw the Tyrells and her favorite Lady Olenna and Lady Margaery. People who manage to play Game of Thrones very well. She also spotted Lady Sansa with Shae.

Aera needs to earn everyone's trust for them to trust Daenerys to become the Queen of The Seven Kingdoms.

Aera came up with a plan to take the trust of Catelyn Stark to earn the Trust of Sansa, she could work on others later on.

Aera travels back to where the Army of Robb Stark is headed, they're at Riverlands Wood and his forces move along the path. Aera notices Robb Stark with Rickard Karkstark on the side watching their Army.

Aera looked for Lady Catelyn but the girl didn't notice that Robb Stark spotted her. Aera runs further up the path to look for the woman whom she spots seating on the rock. The woman weaves a wooden circle bound with twine and she's talking to Talisa.

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