Chapter Twenty Seven

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Aera arrives at where Brienne and Podrick are, a place near Winterfell where they had been attending the place to look for Sansa.

Outside the place where Brienne and Podrick are, training. "Brienne" Aera called making the woman turn to her.

"Lady Aera," The woman spoke out, she was delighted to meet the Lady but Aera didn't smile or anything. She looks rather worried about something.

"Sansa needs us, he cannot marry Ramsay Bolton he will harm her," Aera said looking at the woman.

"What do we have to do?" Brienne questioned. Aera took a deep breath. Aera looked to the side to where Podrick stood.

"Do you trust me?" Aera asked and the woman nodded.

"I don't know who you are yet you help and save me along the way," Brienne said and Aera smiles.

Aera shut her eyes and then looked at the woman. "My name is Aerasanne Targaryen, I'm the twin-sister of Daenerys Targaryen... The True Queen of Westeros. " Aera introduce herself. Aera is wearing her black cloak and only for her face to be seen.

Aera pulls the hood that covers her hair, revealing her silky silver hair surprising the two. " I came here to spy for my sister, to gather some allies. Along the way I made friends. "Aera told, she wanted the woman to trust her.

Brienne was still surprised, she could not deny that Aera becomes more beautiful after revealing her true appearance. Podrick didn't say anything and cannot believe a Targaryen is standing in front of him.

"I need you to trust me, Brienne." Aera's voice cracks, she doesn't want to lose the trust of the woman.

Brienne gaped at her, the girl who saved her. The girl did everything she could just to save everyone, even Jaime the man who killed her father, she saves him and she's willing to save Sansa.

"I trust you, Princess." Brienne bowed to her making Aera hugs her.

"Thank you!" Brienne didn't know whether to hug back or not but in the end, she did. Aera let go and looked at the woman. "So here's what we're gonna do, go to the east part of Winterfell and you will find us there. Prepare some horses and your things, I will take you... All of you somewhere safe." Aera said looking at the woman.

Brienne nodded, and she turned to Podrick. "Let's go, Podrick. We have a lot of things to do." Brienne declared.

Aera arrives at Winterfell she saw that Sansa is already married to Ramsay Bolton, and she loathed herself for not coming sooner to terminate the wedding.

Aera sneaks inside Sansa's chamber, waiting for them to come in.

Then they did. "You’ve known Sansa since she was a girl. Now watch her become a woman" Ramsay said to Theon, bending Sansa on the bed.

Aera sneaks up behind him and strikes him with something hard making the man fall, he's still conscious. He turned to the person who hit him.

"Who the hell are you!?" Ramsay questioned, while there was blood leaking out of his head. He gave Aera a glare who just rolled her eyes.

"I'm Aera, it's a pleasure to meet you," Aera conveyed and strike him once again, knocking him out.  Aera then turned to Sansa who burst into tears, she assists her to stand up.

Sansa recognizes her right away and hugs her making the woman sob more. "Aera!" She sobbed. "Where have you been!? I've been waiting for you!?" Sansa cried while hugging the girl.

Aera hug's her tightly. "Forgive me, Sansa. I'm here now, no one can hurt you now." Aera said hugging the girl then she turned to Theon.

"We have to go now, I'm taking you away from here! Away from everyone." Aera said placing her cloak on the girl, this time Aera's hair is dark brown.

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