Chapter Eleven

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Catelyn notices the change expression of Aera. "Why... What is it?" Catelyn asked and Aera turned to her.

"Red, as they say, blood will spill from an invited guest. A brother from oath will double cross, a man with a head of wolf will lay beneath." Aera declares out of nowhere confusing Lady Catelyn. Aera stops herself from crying as she remembers what will happen in the Red Wedding.

" Aera? What... What is that supposed to mean? "Lady Catelyn asked worriedly but Aera shake her head and step back almost stumbling.

Aera looks down and glances up again at the woman, she looked at her worriedly. "Are you alright?" The woman asked but Aera shake her head.

"Listen carefully... My Lady. A Predecessor with a vengeful heart will remove the air from youngsters to quench their thirst. To repay what had been a loss but what will be the outcome... " Aera trails off, Robb Stark made a huge misstep by marrying Talisa.

Can Aera prevent their death?

Catelyn who's still confused can feel the shivers run down her spine, the girl in front of her spit some weird cryptic words but it seems a warning and prophecy.

Catelyn doesn't want to believe in prophecy but she's terrified.

"Forgive me, My Lady but I have to leave. If you want to write to Sansa give it to me now and I'll deliver it." Aera said and the woman who still had so many questions just nodded.


Daenerys together with Jorah and Selmy at Astapor. Daenerys tried to make the slave drink some water but the slave cannot move because of his suffering. Daenerys looked around in anger.

"The Walk of Punishment" Daenerys whispered angrily, she loathed these people, the people in charge of doing this. Ser Jorah and Ser Selmy debate for a bit but Daenerys steps in.

"When your brother Rhaegar led his army into battle at the Trident, men died for him because they believed in him, because they loved him, not because they'd been bought at a slaver's auction. I fought beside the last dragon on that day, Your Grace. I bled beside him." Ser Barristan spoke out.

"Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, and Rhaegar died." Ser Jorah's response.

" Did you know him well, Ser Barristan?" Daenerys questioned.

"I did, Your Grace. Finest man I ever met."

" I wish I had known him. But he was not the last dragon. I and Aera are. " Daenerys said darting at the man.

" Aera? Your sister, where is she?" Ser Barristan asked, the longest time his with Daenerys none of them mention where is Aera. " I heard she had three dragons with her too, it will be an honor to meet her," Ser Selmy said but the two stayed quiet.

" Apparently, she's not here. "Ser Jorah said baffling the other knight. Ser Barristan assumed that the Princess died and Daenerys saw his reactions.

" My sister is alive, Ser Barristan. She's doing something for me, to make sure I get the support that I need in Westeros." Daenerys inform.

"Princess Aerasanne is different, Ser Selmy. I saw the Princess destroy a place by just staring at it, Daenerys and her are remarkable people." Ser Jorah proudly told and Daenerys smiles, she missed her sister so much.

She didn't hear anything from the girl but she knows that her sister is alive, she will know if she was not.

"Furthermore, she doesn't like Rhaegar." Daenerys paused and Barristan looked at her. " She doesn't hate him but she doesn't like him, he causes a war, and the dynasty of our family collapse just for a girl. " Daenerys spoke out. Aerasanne doesn't like her older brother Rhaegar but she didn't hate him either.

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