Chapter Thirty Nine

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Aerasanne travels back to Meereen this moment she knows her sister needs her. She help a lot of people in Westeros now she will help her sister against the Masters.

Daenerys, Tyrion, Grey Worm, Missandei, and an assembly of Unsullied stand across from the three Masters, Yezzan zo qaggaz, Razdal mo eraz, and Belicho paenymion, and a group of their soldiers.

"We are here to discuss terms of surrender, not to trade insults," Tyrion let out.

"The terms are simple. You and your foreign friends will abandon the Great Pyramid and the city of Meereen. The Unsullied you stole from Kraznys mo Nakloz will remain to be sold again to the highest bidder. The translator you stole from Kraznys mo Nakloz will remain to be sold again to the highest bidder. The dragons beneath the Great Pyramid will be slaughtered." Yezzan said while looking at Daenerys who scoff.

"We obviously didn’t communicate clearly. We’re here to discuss your surrender, not mine." Daenerys said

"I imagine it’s difficult to adjust to the new reality. Your reign is over."

"My reign has just begun." Daenerys declared.

" She's right. Dragons don't bend the knee on the stinking cock of a Master" Aerasanne spoke out appearing from behind, everyone veered around to her and Daenerys smiles after noticing her sister.

Aerasanne walks towards her sister." Where's Sansa? " Aera questioned.

" She's safe with The Hound and Brienne" Tyrion answered.

Aera stands with Daenerys. They both turned to the Masters." Now shall we begin? " Aera asked. Aerasanne's Dragon can be heard above the clouds making everyone look up, a silver-white dragon ascends from the clouds and drops down behind Aerasanne.

Another dragon screeches in the distance. Yezzan turns to look in the direction of the screech. Drogon flies up over the plateau and lands on an overlooking structure. He roars and drops down beside Daenerys. Daenerys climbs on his back and she waited as Aerasanne climbs on the back of Luna.

Another pair of dragons can be heard in the distance it's Viserion and Rhaegal. Daenerys smiles seeing them and from above Galazia and Erythra show themselves ready to take action once their mother commands.

The two dragon rider fly over Meereen towards the fleet. The ensemble flies over the beach entrance to Meereen.

Daenerys and Aerasanne nod at each other before saying the word that would burn down the fleet.


The dragons shoot a stream of fire down at the ship. The ship becomes engulfed in flame and the soldiers scream as they die. The ship incinerates and capsizes.

6 dragons begin to scorch every ship that they see, giving everyone a brutal demise for trying to invade Meereen.


After the warfare Aerasanne reunited with her sister. She heard a lot of things that happened. Now they are at Daenerys chamber, trying to catch up after everything that going on.

"So... The whole Khalasar are already on your side?" Aera asked and Daenerys proudly nodded.

"I have them on my side and it's time to go home, Sister" Daenerys said and Aera smiles.

Before Aera could say something someone knocks on the door making the two turn. It's none other than Sansa, Aera stands up and sees the girl, she hurriedly hugs her." I'm glad you are safe"

Sansa hugged back." You too. Brienne and the others had been keeping me safe after everything that occurs. " Sansa informed.

Sansa turned to Daenerys who smiles at her. They got reunited a few hours before the attack but they didn't get manage to catch up because of the Master. Daenerys approach the girl before hugging her.

REBORN (AS A DRAGON)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara