Chapter Thirty Five

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Aera brought Lady Margaery to Red Keep secretly by covering her face with a golden scarf, and Margaery goes along with it, she wanted to be away from that place as much as possible.

The guards almost stop them from entering the castle but Margaery shows her face and they let her in together with Aera. She was greeted by the worried face of her grandmother while Aera just stared at them while they embrace.

"Where's Loras? You promise that you will return both of them" Olenna said looking for the boy and Aera secretly rolled her eyes.

"I cannot get him out that fast, it will arouse suspicion... You know that better than I do" Aera answered and the woman just sighed.

"What's going on? How did you meet each other?" Margaery asked confused. "Lady Aera? Grandmother?"

The two looked at Margaery, seeing her confused face but none of them say anything once they notice that someone approach them. It's Cersei with Jaime and the zombie version of Gregor Clegane.

"Margaery, My dear... I'm glad you're fine" Cersei said as she hugs the girl. Margaery already knows what happened to Cersei because even in that cell, walls could talk.

Jaime's eyes darted to Aera who wanted to get away from everyone soon as possible. Cersei recognizes the girl from Joffrey's Wedding.

Aera glances at Olenna, they're both we're surprised to see Cersei in front of them. The Woman had spies everywhere, she might hear that Margaery got out from that Place.

From a few days of Freedom, Cersei manages to obtain alliances inside that place.

"Yes, Mother-in-law, a friend help me out of there." Margaery sweetly said and holding Aera's hand, she just put a death sentence on Aera's head for saying that she's the one who save her.

" You...I recognize you, I saw you at the wedding." Cersei said and Aera nodded.

" Yes, Your Grace. I'm Aera, I came from Volantis and I've been here for months now." Aera lied making Margaery glance at her, she remembers that Sansa introduce her as a northern girl.

" I just forgot to introduce Lady Aera to you, Your Grace. Her father is a friend of mine and I invited her to Margaery's wedding" Lady Olenna stated.

Jaime doesn't understand anything that's going on. He doesn't know a lot of things about Aera but for some reason, she's familiar to him, like she looks like someone he knows.

" I heard you're the reason why the High Sparrow let go of Margaery," Cersei said and a part of her is pissed off.

" I'm a friend of the High Sparrow, he only wanted what was best for our people and the Glory of our Gods," Aera said, she secretly glance to the side when she notice one of the servants of the High Sparrow.

That man has eyes everywhere, she needs to be careful. Aera smiles at Cersei who's wanted to kill her on the spot after hearing about the High Sparrow.

" Ah yes, the glory of our Gods" Cersei repeats with malice and Aera cannot let go of her smile. This is the right time for her to play with Cersei Lannister.

"You must be tired, we should take you to rest," Lady Olenna said, as much as she loves to see Aera against Cersei she needs to take care of Margaery. The three of them leave Cersei with her Kingsguard to Margaery's chamber.

"What's going on? Grandmother, since when do you have a friend from Volantis?" Margaery asked the moment she change clothes. Margaery turned to Aera who was just drinking a glass of wine. "Who really are you?"

"My dear, meet Princess Aerasanne Targaryen" Olenna introduces, Margaery's jaw drops hearing about this.

She didn't expect this.

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