Chapter Seventeen

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Aera smiles catching a glimpse of Oberyn entering a fucking brothel making Aera roll her eyes. That man will be the first ally she will have. And then she saw him leave the brothel together with Tyrion Lannister.

"Prince Oberyn Martell," Aera whispered examining the man. The man loathes The Mountain the exact way Aera did.

He will be a great ally. He will not die.

Aera sighed and wandered away.

It's time to meet her sister.

At Essos. Aera saw from behind, Grey Worm and Daario having their little contest making Aera giggle. It's been a while since the last time she saw her sister.

The crowd bows in reverence as Daenerys and Missandei stride past. While also behind them are Irri and Jhiqui. The four had been inseparable, helping Khalessi with everything she needs.

Aera looked around to Rakharo talking to some Unsullied trying to understand their Language with other Dōthrāki.

Daenerys comes upon Daario Naharis and Grey Worm, who sit cross-legged facing one another. Each of them holds their arms extended straight before them,  their weapons resting atop. Apparently, this is a game of endurance.

"What's the prize to winning this stupid contest?" Daenerys asked annoyed

" The honor of riding by your side on the road to Meereen," Daario answered.

"  That honor goes to Ser Jorah and Ser Barristan as neither of them kept me waiting this morning. You two will ride in the rear guard and protect the livestock." Daenerys hissed at the two who didn't budge from their position making Aera smiles.

Aera approaches them. "How about me, can I  ride by your side, Khaleesi?" Aera asked earning everyone's attention to her. Daenerys annoyed face transitioned into a delighted one.

"Princess!" Irri and Jhiqui exclaim catching sight of the girl while Missandei just smiles.

"Am I tripping or I'm seeing two Daenerys?" Daario questioned making Aera turn to the man.

"You must be Daario Naharis, I'm Aerasanne, Daenerys's Twin Sister," Aera said turning to the man but abruptly she was being hugged by Daenerys.

"Oh! How I miss you!" Daenerys exclaims making Aera laughs as she embraces her sister in a warm hug.

Then they hear roars above making everyone look up, it's Aera's dragon playing with Daenerys dragons.

"I miss you too, Sister. A lot of things happen." Aera said and sighed making Daenerys stare at her, she knows when something is troubling the girl. But Aera hides it with a smile.

Aera turned to Irri and Jhiqui, they are not wearing Dōthrāki's clothes anymore but the same ones as Missandei, good ones for traveling.

"Did you miss me?" Aera asked and the two girls nodded. " Well, I heard that everyone is calling you Myhsa... " Aera said looking at her sister who smiles.

" A lot of things happen, we will be traveling to Meeren. Would you come with us? " Daenerys asked and Aera nodded.

She turned to Daario and Grey Worm who was looking at her, Grey Worm already met her but Daario is still confused about who is this girl.

" Both of you stand up, you both lost. Better luck next time. " Aera said making them drop their swords and looked at Daenerys who gave them a stern look.

Daario groans looking at Daenerys while Grey Worm stands up and turned to Missandei and this was caught by Aera and Daario.

"Well it's nice to meet you," Aera said and grab her sister's hands away from them. She ran between the row and rows of unsullied laughing like children while Irri, Jhiqui, and Missandei smiles at them.

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