Really, Ash?

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Me: "Previously on Ash x Gary (Palletshipping), the two rivals had just been reunited at a Pokémon Center where the new girl on the scene, Teagan, is seeking treatment for her injured Aron..." *Speaks in deep, dramatic announcer voice*

Gary: "Get on with it, already!"

Evee: *Shadow ball attack*

Me: *Twitches on floor* "O...kay" *Passes out*


Gary Oak?! What's he doing here?! He made my early years of training a living hell with all of his teasing, and then he just up and left for some research job on a distant island one day! The last thing he told me was that only Pokémon champs could go! And then he messed up my hair!

"Huh? Do you guys know each other?" Teagan looks back and forth between the two of us with a blank expression on her face.

"Y-" Gary starts to say something with his big, fat mouth but gets cut off by Nurse Joy who's just arrived on the scene.

"Oh my goodness! Teagan, what happened to Aron?" She rushes over to me and carefully lifts the small steel type out of my arms. Aron is breathing shallowly-I guess Pikachu can do more damage than I thought.

"Chansey! Chan!" Chansey comes rushing out from the urgent care ward with a stretcher, wearing the usual adorable nurse's hat.

"Chansey, get Aron to OR room one! Stat!" Nurse Joy orders, laying Aron on the stretcher.

"Chan! Chansey! Chan!" The dutiful Nurse Chansey rushes off with its latest patient.

"OR room, Auntie Joy? Will Aron be okay?" Teagan fidgets with the hem of her black t-shirt, staring worriedly at the doors to the urgent care ward.

"I don't know, honey. But I need to attend to him right now. You all can wait here." Nurse Joy turns to follow Chansey.

"Wait! Nurse Joy! Can't I help?!" Gary butts in with his big, fat mouth.

"No, I don't need any distractions." Gosh, this Nurse Joy is intense. I guess she did have to survive that Team Magma attack all those years ago when I was with May.

A tremendous grumbling growl sounds from outside the Pokémon Center just then-what's happening?! Pikachu leaps off my shoulder to assume a defensive position in front of me. "I'll protect you, Ashy boy!" Gary runs in front of me and splays his arms outwards with his back facing me. Who the hell does he think he is?! I don't need protecting, and I'm no Ashy boy!

"Oh! Steelix! I'm so sorry, I forgot about you!" Teagan cries, rushing out to collect the abandoned Steelix. Pikachu's ears drop, and I facepalm.

"Ha! Travelling with real newbies these days, aren't ya, Ashy boy?" Gary turns back to me with a smirk. That's it! I've had it! After all these years, I'm finally gonna give him what he deserves!

"Gary! I challenge you to a pokémon battle! Do you still have Umbreon?" I demand, spreading my feet and tilting my signature cap to the side. I'm ready for whatever he throws my way.

"Yeah, I've still got Umbreon, Ashy boy," why does he keep calling me that?! "But I just wanna know one thing before I agree to a battle with ya." I'm gonna wipe that smirk off his face!

"What?" I growl.

"How are you still such a kid?" WHAT?!

"I'm not a kid!" I look over at Pikachu for some backup...but of course it's just shaking its head at me.

Ash x Gary (Palletshipping)Where stories live. Discover now