Extended Stay Part 3

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Me: "OMG, when I open this story's Word document on my computer, I have to scroll down to, like, page 70 and then the computer has to think about it, and then I can scroll down to literally page 144 right now. That actually makes this fanfiction sort of the length of a novel." O.o "And we're still not done! Ah, I just hope I can keep you interested until the end...And I wish I could apply this kind of interest in writing to school essays, which, though way shorter than this, seem to take way longer." -_- "Well, I thought the attached video was really cute so check it out if you want. And yes, now that you've seen the picture you may go and cry."

Teagan: "...Is anybody gonna ask where I am?"

Me: "Umm, we know where you are. You're away from the lemon zone, which is toxic to ten year olds. Duh."

Teagan: *Tears at hair* "Eww! TMI!"

Me: *Points at Teagan* "Anybody seen Junjou Romantica and that time when Usagi-san just laughs at Misaki like: -u- Ha. <--'Cause that's tots me when I see someone more innocent than I am...They're all just missing out on how good my lemon meringue Ashy-boy pie tastes." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)>⌐■-■


*Ash's POV*

Ah...I throw my arms back up against the bed pillows as I yawn and stretch out my body in the morning...only to freeze in place midway through. "Garryyy..." I growl to myself, feeling a certain throbbing pain in my lower regions. Why does he have to say all the right things? The kind of things that just make you realize how utterly in love with him you are? How willing to do anything to be closer to him? Including have sex all day and part way into the night, too?—I probably shouldn't have teased and evaded him for as long as I did because it seems he has a lot of sex drive stored up now.

...Eh, whatever. Suave asshole or not, pain or no, I really do love him, and I surprisingly feel a lot more comfortable about being with him now that we've actually, definitely done it. I mean, it was just so clear...how we felt about each other...yesterday...And that feeling, that love, it's enough to make this pain in my butt (¬▂¬) ...something actually kind of...satisfying... (# >_ < #;)

Oh my God, enough of this embarrassing mushy crap! I have to restrain myself from rolling around the bed in exasperation because of- Ahem. Anyway, it probably won't work out too well, but since we're in Sootopolis and all, today I actually want to go swimming instead of screwing around in the room all day. I miss going outside!

I turn carefully over to snap at Gary about the whole 'being cooped up in the room' thing, but I find that he's still asleep. Honestly, it's an amazing opportunity to catch him at his most peaceful but somehow...I stifle a laugh- Somehow, even in sleep, he's wearing this arrogant, totally 'Gary' expression on his face. His mouth is open just so and his head is tilted at just the right angle with his eyes somewhat tightly shut that he looks like he's telling someone off in his dreams.

I may have stifled a laugh before, but it's not long 'til I can't hold out anymore, and I burst into loud guffaws that startle him awake. "Hawhawhawhaw!"

"Ungh," he grimaces, rubbing his eyes as he wakes, while I roll around on the bed, convulsing in laughter, "Ash...?" he questions with the most amazingly annoyed expression on his face.

I double up on my laughter, "Hawhawhawhawha-!" until I...think I broke my insides. I freeze in place, not sure of what expression I'm making, but Gary seems to understand immediately.

"I don't know why you were laughing, idiot, but I'm sorry if I broke your ass last night," he states, all cool and shit.

"Wh-when I can move again...I'm going to kill youuu," I threaten.

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