Don't Go into the Tall Grass

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Me: *Reads Advice by ChiiRyeeBiee and cries tears of joy* "Such wondrous Ash x Gary stories out there, my Skitties and Poochyena! Never stop reading!" *Sniffles*

Gary: *Grumbling to self* "...'nother author making me look cute..."

Me: "Really? I don't think I make you look that cute."

Ash: "You don't have to! He's always cute!"

Gary: *Blushes*

Me: "Oh my God, I just wanna hug everyone and everything now! Especially since I managed to update basically everything all at once and right before I'm forced into total inactivity by the arrival of relatives, too!"

Teagan: "You people are very lucky that you're just reading this off a screen and are not actually in the same room as her right now."

Me: *Cries* "What? No hugs? Oh, and I have no idea what is being said in this video, but it's soooo CUTE!"


Teagan, Gary, and I are on our way to Fortree City now. In case you were wondering, Team Fashion Monsters got away with all their pokémon, and Scott and Brock went back to Lavaridge to tell Officer Jenny about what happened. We also decided it was best that they take Togepi with them to the authorities since it seemed really distraught hanging around with us. It probably belongs to someone.


Gary and I look over to her, where she's standing at the river's edge with her fishing rod, like 'WTF?!' 'Cause honestly: WTF?!

"I CAUGHT A FEABASS, B*TCHES! BOW BEFORE ME!" She proceeds to do some sort of victory dance while Lairon just stares at her blankly. Pikachu also seems unimpressed.

"Hey," Gary suddenly speaks up, "'re, er, girl...right? You can take care of yourself for a bit."

"Uh, yeah," is Teagan's response, and then Gary's just pulling me off into the tall grass.

"Gary, stop! It's dangerous in here!" I protest at his tight grip on my arm.

"Only 'cause no one's taken a lawnmower around here in...never," he returns, continuing forward.

He eventually stops after a while, at nowhere in particular in the grass that I can see. Then he pulls me in for a kiss.

"Gary!" I scold, startled, but now he's got his hands under my shirt! "Gary!" I repeat. What's he doing?!

"Oh, shut up, Ash. Just let me make you feel good," he murmurs into my neck. WHAT?!

"Nyagh!" Huh? I look over and see that a wild pokémon's decided to save my life.

"Cool! It's a Tropius!" I try to muster up my normal level of enthusiasm, but I'm feeling slightly raped over here so...

I disentangle myself from Gary and proceed to catch me a new pokémon with Dusclops—when did that happen you ask? When you weren't watching. Lots of stuff happens when you aren't watching. Like that time I saw Brock and Misty kissing.

*POV change to Gary*



Me: "I know you're probably like: 'Nyagh! Nyagh! It's too short! Nyagh!' But I'm just...I don't know...I want to move on to the more interesting chapters, but I still have to do stuff like make Ash catch pokémon and explain what's going on with Team Fashion Monsters, so yeah."


Me: "No."

Gary: "Make Ash take his clothes off!"

Me: "WTF? NO...Not yet." XD "Anyways, I figure I'll give you a bonus joke since this is so short. Picture a Kecleon with its eyes all squinty and weird and crap—it's like a chameleon; you know this. And picture its tongue hanging out, too—it's kind of derpy, yeah? And then picture Ash. Now just hold those two pictures next to each other in my—MY? I mean, your—mind—finding any similarities, here? Yeah, thought so. That 'my' typo actually happened, by the way, before I caught it. Thought I'd leave it in there for you. Well, that's all for now, folks! Next episode is a contest episode for Teagan because I've been seriously neglecting her! Where is this contest hall, you ask? It's all part of the story, people! Buh-bye!"


Me: "Dude, seriously, no. You're not gonna rape him in the wilderness. He may be a loser, but he's a classy loser, okay? I already have this all planned out. THERE WILL BE NO SEX OUTDOORS!"

Gary: *Pouts*

Ash x Gary (Palletshipping)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang