Rescue Me

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Me: "Last time on Ash x Gary (Palletshipping), our brave heroine, Teagan, was brought to her knees by Team Fashion Monster! What do these villains want?! And who will save Teagan and the shadow pokémon?!"

Pikachu: "Pika-pi..." *Ties headband around head and smears ketchup under eyes*

Umbreon: *Glares quietly*

Lillipup: "Woof! Woof!" *Wags tail seriously*

Meowth: "Wha'da they think they're doin' on our turf?" *Sharpens claws*


"Teagan!" Ash and I finally catch up to my little girl with Brock and Scott hot on our trails. I see a bunch of ugly goons standing over her with that evil Plusle.

"Daddy!" Teagan cries. She looks all beat up. I gnash my teeth in rage.

"Stay away from my daughter!" I warn them, "Umbreon, help us out!"

Umbreon leaps in front of Teagan, growling with its fur standing up on end. These assholes are gonna wish they were never born.

"Pikachu, thundershock them!" Ash yells.

Pikachu jumps off Ash's shoulder and its cheeks start sparking, but then the ugly goon with the maid outfit throws a poké ball at Pikachu. What does she think she's doing?! You can't steal other people's pokémon!

But somehow, the ball actually makes contact, and it even stops moving around after a minute. They caught Pikachu?! How?! I can feel my jaw drop.

"Pikachu!" Ash seems equally baffled.

"Good, now that that's finally working, how about we give it one more try? Hmm, Umbreon?" maid goon practically purrs. I think I'm gonna throw up.

"Leave my Umbreon alone!" I snarl at her. She produces another poké ball in this machine thing on her left arm, and I'm getting ready to tell Umbreon to attack.

"Lillipup, seize her poké balls!" Scott commands, beating me to the punch. His normal type leaps into action and yanks the ball out of her hands along with a lacy belt around her hips that has a few more balls on it. I'm actually impressed. Maid goon and her Gothita didn't even have time to react.

"Lillipup, that was awesome! You were just like Officer Jenny's Herdier!" Scott exclaims, praising Lillipup as it drops the poké balls at his feet and wags its tail excitedly. "Gothita!" he picks up one of the balls and holds it out in front of him. I think he's gonna call back her pokémon!

Brock picks up some other balls on the belt, leaving the empty one that was for Umbreon on the ground. He tries one, and a Togepi with one of those chains in yellow comes out.

"Ahahahahaha!" maid goon absurdly throws her head back and starts laughing, "Yes, I see you found your red-headed friend's Togepi that we stole back in Mauville, but that doesn't matter. Gothita! Get your poké ball back with confusion!"

"What?!" Ash yells. This is Misty's Togepi? But how? It has this terrible blank look in its eyes. How is this the same Togepi?

Scott holds fast to Gothita's poké ball even as it starts to glow with psychic power. He has to dig his heels into the ground as Gothita's confusion attack starts to drag him forward. Eventually, he can't hold on anymore and the ball goes flying into maid goon's hand.

"Now, Pikachu's poké ball, Gothita."

"Gothita! Goth!" The psychic type lifts the ball out of Brock's hand, and it starts going over to those monsters.

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