I'm Just Playing a Game with Drill

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Gary, Teagan, and I are currently trekking through the Petalburg Woods on our way to Rustboro City for my next gym badge. Teagan seems to think they will also have built a brand new Contest Hall like Petalburg City, but I highly doubt it. She's impossible to discourage, though, and can't wait for another chance to show the contest judges "what a true Oak can do!"—Gary high-fived her when she said it, making me think this is some sort of family slogan now.

Gary. I sigh heavily, looking up at him ahead of me on the trail, catch him glancing back at me. He smiles warmly, making some muscle group in the pit of my stomach instinctually respond. But I am more than just a muscle group in my stomach. And I don't think I love him the way he loves me. Sure, he's always been important, but I've never fallen in love with anyone before, and I don't even feel safe thinking the words. All the same, it's nice to have someone who cares about you.

Suddenly a voice rings out from somewhere in the bushes, "Prepare for trouble!"

Gary and I simultaneously groan while Teagan looks around with a scowl on her face. "Who said that?" she asks. She's lucky enough to not have had to hear the Team Rocket motto before.

"Make it double!" that's James.

"To protect the world from devastation!" back to Jessie.

"To unite the peoples within our nation!" and James.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!" and Jessie—can you see how this gets old?

"To extend our reach to the stars above!" and James again.

"Jessie!" calling out Jessie's own name.

"James!" following suit.

"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!" Uh-huh, you sure will, guys. Gary is already pulling out a poké ball from his lab coat pocket. I wonder if they'll last two seconds, or three?

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!" More like prepare to be mildly entertained. Gary clicks the center button on his poké ball, enlarging it, and then discreetly opens his hand a bit, prompting whatever pokémon it is to come out in a flash of light. I don't see it, though.

"Meowth! That's right!" And the cat-like pokémon comes hopping out of the bushes.

"Meowth! We were supposed to stay hidden!" Jessie screeches, following after him and punching Meowth on the head.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it now. Cacnea! Use pin missile on the twerps!" James actually seems to be taking this seriously as he emerges from the bushes and immediately throws a poké ball.

But this is Cacnea he's chosen, and it tries to hug its trainer—even covered in thorns as it is—instead of battling. Where's Gary's pokémon?

Suddenly, a shadow appears behind Team Rocket while James is trying to pry Cacnea off of him. It takes them a minute to notice, but then they slowly turn around.

The shadow pops into view, and a shudder runs down my spine as I recall my many not so great encounters with the ghost type. Well, besides Duskull that is.

"Haunter-Haunt!" Haunter groans and then bursts into cackles. I didn't know Gary had a Haunter. Team Rocket starts screaming, and Cacnea panics, using pin missile on everybody. I put my hands up to protect my face while Pikachu leaps off of my shoulder.

"Ash!" I can hear Gary calling my name while he tackles me to the ground.

"Aaaaaah!" Teagan! Why didn't he go for Teagan?! I have Pikachu for god's sake!



"James, get that thing to STOP IT!"

Ash x Gary (Palletshipping)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon