A Contest to Soothe the Heart

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Me: "Previously on Ash x Gary (Palletshipping), Teagan made a compromise with our heroes: watch a contest, and then you can do whatever you want—sounds pretty simple, huh?"

Meowth: "Meowth, that's wrong!"

Me: "The gift of speech is wasted on you. Pikachu would make much better use of it. Anyway, folks, I recommend playing the music above before you read to set the mood. Enjoy!"


I take a seat in the crowded Contest Hall somewhere near the front. Everyone is chatting loudly because there's still a few minutes before the first round gets underway.

I look up as someone takes the empty seat next to me. I scowl, feeling a burning in my chest. Pikachu lowers its pompoms, disheartened by the suddenly tense atmosphere.

"Can't you sit somewhere else, Gary?" I snap at my old rival. He flinches a bit, and my chest tightens.

"I wish I could, but this place is packed, okay?" He spits back at me, crossing his arms over his chest protectively like sticks and stones may break his bones but my words will always hurt him more.

I turn away to stare at the stage, trying to hold my emotions in. I can't give in. Not after all these years.

"Hello, everybody! And welcome to the brand new Petalburg City Contest Hall!" The MC steps into a spotlight on stage while the lights in the auditorium are dimmed, signaling the start of the contest, "Here, we have a first round where contestants must use two pokémon in combination to display their beauty, teamwork, and strength! Our contestants will each have an undesignated time period to complete their appeals tonight due to a special request this evening so we apologize if this runs a little long! Now let's get this show on the road, folks, with Teagan and her steel type pokémon!"

The audience cheers as the MC steps out of the spotlight and disappears into the surrounding darkness. Suddenly, Aron is released on stage into the large spotlight. Its silver armor gleams under the intense rays. I wonder where Teagan is?

Next, Steelix is released in a flurry of noisy, raging flames thanks to a seal on its poké ball, and I can hear Teagan's clear, soprano voice ring out, ordering: "Steelix, bind Aron!"

The audience gasps in horror as the flames disperse, revealing a tightly wrapped Steelix. What's Teagan doing?! She could seriously hurt Aron!

Oddly enough, Teagan begins to sing softly, climbing in volume from somewhere in the darkness on the stage: "You could be my unintended

Choice to live my life extended.

You could be the one I'll always love..."

I watch in relief as the smaller steel type pops its head out of the ground a little ways away from Steelix, revealing that it used dig to escape bind.

"You could be the one who listens

To my deepest inquisitions-"

Steelix uncoils and lunges for Aron, crashing into the stage and alarming everyone.

"You could be the one, I'll always love..."

The battle between the steel types intensifies, making me gasp while I reflect on the lyrics. What's Gary's daughter trying to say here?

"I'll be there as soon as I can,

But I'm busy mending broken

Pieces of the life I had before..."

Aron, acting seemingly without orders, uses metal claw to scratch Steelix's face, causing the larger pokémon to cry out in agony. My heart clenches, imagining two lovers trying and failing to reconcile.

"First there was the one who challenged-"

Steelix retaliates with a sandstorm, blocking the audience's view of the stage. Some of the dust makes its way into the stands with a fierce wind, and I put my hands up to protect my face.

"All my dreams and all my balance.

She could never be as good as you..."

When the dust settles, Aron can be seen, its little metal legs collapsed beneath it, leaning against a tarnished Steelix spread out on the floor under the glaring rays of the spotlight. There is such...pain and exhaustion on their faces.

"You could be my unintended

Choice to live my life extended

You should be the one I'll always love..."

Aron struggles to its feet and digs a paw through the stage floor, throwing mud in Steelix's face. Why? Why do they have to fight? My eyes burn.

"I'll be there as soon as I can

But I'm busy mending broken-"

Steelix returns with a reckless iron tail, once again obscuring the audience's view with dust.

"Pieces of the life I had before..."

As the stage reappears, Teagan's pokémon are totally exhausted, head leaning against head, their eyes clenched shut in pain. Is this safe? Is this healthy for them?

"I'll be there as soon as I can

But I'm busy mending broken-"

Aron gives Steelix a little kiss, and a sob hitches in my throat. "Pikaa..." Pikachu is also moved to tears at my side.

"Pieces of the life I had before..."

A great, shimmering tear wells up in the larger pokémon's eye and slowly spills over, dropping to the floor like wet glitter.

"Before you..."

Teagan's voice slowly fades, ending her song as the lights go down, leaving the Contest Hall in total darkness. The audience explodes in applause. I sit there, dumbfounded. And I have to admit to myself, that if I never give Gary a chance...

I'll regret it.

I turn to the man sitting next to me and hug him, squishing Pikachu in the process. He holds me back, running his warm hands through my hair and making my hat topple to the floor. I nuzzle my face into his neck and cry, desperate to be held by him.


Me: "Did anyone else get really choked up because I did..."

Brock: *Sniffling* "That was beautiful..." *Bursts out sobbing*

Me: "You wanna know what's funny? I found Pokémon related videos while I was searching for a female singer of the song. Anywho, next time on Ash x Gary (Palletshipping), see if our heroes have been truly united by Teagan's touching rendition of Muse's Unintended...And who will win the Contest?"

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