The Best Laid Plans of Pikachu and Twerps Often Go Astray

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Me: *Snorts* "The original line is, 'The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men/ Gang aft agley,' from Robert Burns' poem that inspired the title for John Steinbeck's novella, Of Mice and Men—it's kind of perfect for a Pikachu pun, huh?"


Teagan wanted to go straight to Verdanturf Town after we were done in Rustboro, but Ash wanted to go on to Dewford. I was torn: the love of my life? Or my beloved first born and only child? Eventually, Teagan made a persuasive case, saying that Ash had just had a gym battle but her last contest was all the way back in Petalburg City and she had even gotten disqualified. Of course, I had to go with the facts, and so we headed out to the Rusturf Tunnel. It was also actually surprisingly easier to live with disappointing Ash than I had expected because he pouted the whole way there—super cute and funny, too.

But the Rusturf Tunnel was closed, just like it had been when it was new. What was wrong with these people? Apparently, they were overflowing with some sort of truck traffic and unable to accept pedestrians or any other travelers for that matter. They had no idea when the traffic would clear, and Teagan posed the valid question regarding why they had allowed trucks into a tunnel full of noise-sensitive pokémon at all? It was a rhetorical question, naturally—intended to point out their idiocy. We left before the tunnel maintenance crew could even answer. Ash thought we were being rude and wanted to hear them out, but I plied him with "please" and "you're so cute when you're mad," and he wound up forgetting his whole train of thought like a good, little Ashy.

So now we're on a ferry to Dewford Town and about to disembark. Teagan is leaning dangerously over the railing, trying to watch "fish pokémon eat each other"—she's so sweet, isn't she? I do keep telling her to stop leaning over like that, though—tough love, yeah?

I look over at Ash and see he's still running back and forth on the deck like a regular hyperactive moron. He's making me dizzy, and, whenever I ask him to stop, he just goes on and on about how he called ahead to make sure that Brawly would be available for a gym battle the second we arrived. I hope that the battle doesn't last too long because I was kind of hoping to try the date question out again. I already have an idea, too: starlit, nighttime, beach picnic.

"Attention, passengers!" the captain calls from over the PA system, "We will be arriving at Dewford Town shortly so prepare yourselves to hang ten! Hahaha!" I look up, mildly concerned about who's steering this ship, and see a couple of crew members wrestling with the captain for the microphone. I shake my head in disapproval—why is this region full of idiots?

"Hawhaw, yeah!" Ash cheers, seeming to agree with the captain's outburst. Why did I have to fall in love with one of those idiots?

In no time at all, we've docked, and I have to try and pry Teagan away from the railing because she still wants to see the "cannibal fishies" while Ash simply takes off running with his Pikachu. I don't bother yelling after him to wait, knowing it's no use when he's this excited and also exactly where I'll be finding him.

"Teagan," I harden my tone of voice to let her know I've had it with her behavior, "if you don't get off this boat right now, your Beedrill can take a swim with the Sharpedo."

She gasps and automatically hops away from the railing.

We make our way slowly along the beaches of the island towards the gym—me, hoping that Ash will be done if we walk slowly enough, and Teagan, craning her neck around every five seconds in search of some sort of "Aron cave." Honestly, she seems intrigued enough by Dewford—why couldn't she just agree to come here in the first place?

"Can I call Auntie Joy from the Pokémon Center while we're here?" she suddenly asks from out of nowhere.

"Of course, Teag." I don't even know why she has to ask for permission—she's usually so headstrong that it doesn't matter what I say.

"Travelling's great and all, but I kinda miss home," Teagan continues, looking just forlorn enough to make my chest ache.

I pull my daughter in for a hug, reflecting on how it's felt to be away from Pallet Town for all these years...and Ash. "I know what you mean, honey," I murmur in understanding.

After just a few more minutes of walking, the Pokémon Gym comes into view, and I'm surprised to see Ash still standing outside, his shoulders slumped in some sort of expression of defeat. I pick up the pace a little, concerned about him. The lettering on a sign posted to the doors of the gym comes into focus.

"Out surfing. Back in a day, brah," I read out loud, "Ah, so Brawly cancelled." I can't help but smile a bit—now I can just go ahead and ask Ash out on that date. Plus, it's not like he shouldn't have seen this coming—Brawly's a very laid back gym leader, more inclined to screw around with his pokémon than take on challengers. Although, of course all that screwing around is actually serious training.

"Ash," I grab his attention so I can ask my question, grinning at his pout when he turns to face me.

"What, Gary?" he grumbles. I laugh a little at his childish disappointment, but my heart is pounding.

"You remember that date I asked you on," Teagan instantly takes off down the beach, making herself scarce, "and you never said yes or no to?"

"Yeah," Ash acknowledges, blushing a bit.

I take a deep breath before I continue and remember all the time we spent together as kids. My heart settles into a more normal pace, my nervousness dissipating: this is my best friend here, the man who knows me; there was never any awkwardness between us before, and there shouldn't be any now.

I reach out and brush some bangs out of his eyes, startling him a bit. I only smile at his bright red response. I feel no urgency to spit out my words or rush this moment.

"Well, how about it?" I eventually ask, losing track of time in his eyes.

"The date?" Ash asks slowly, also seeming out of it.

"Mmm-hmm, you wanna go with me?" I reach out for his face again, feeling an irresistible urge to stroke his cheek.

But he flinches back from me.

I can't breathe.

"No," he snaps.

And leaves me there.


I know by now that something terrible must have happened to Ash in my absence, and I want to help.

But my heart's kind of breaking over here.

Ash x Gary (Palletshipping)Where stories live. Discover now