Rain, Rain- Oooo, a Rainbow, I Guess You Can Stay

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Me: *Sees how long it's been since she's actually done a half-decent update here* "I'm sorry! There were the other stories to update (even though I haven't updated them yet) and the kitten videos on the internet and the lewis structures in organic chemistry—yes, I actually like doing my homework." *Cowers in fear* "Please don't hurt me, Skitties! I made this chapter longer than usual! And I even posted an...interesting video? And a cute picture!" *Begs you for her life*

Miror B.: "Hey, _tangomango_! Let's dance!"

Me: "Well, I guess we're just mentioning people whenever we want now."

Gary: "More like: whenever you come up with a clever way to use their name. Tango? Let's dance? You make me sad."

Me: "I'm starting to think that you're, like, the evil side of me or something."

Gary: *Coughs* "Good side." *Coughs*

Me: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I ALMOST FORGOT TO LAUGH." *Glares at Gary* "You can get back to the story now, Skitties." *Gives you imaginary pets on the head* "Pay it no mind if you hear Gary begging for his life in the background."

Gary: *Whispering* "Please help me. She treats us all so terribly when you're away. Save us."

Me: *Appears behind Gary without him realizing it* XD


"Rainshine Village, where a sunny day isn't pretty enough without some rain," I announce to myself, since Dad and Ash are busy bickering to themselves somewhere behind me.

"Sounds like the perfect place for a pretty girl," someone says over my shoulder. I jolt upright and turn around to see that Scott's followed us here to this town somewhere nearby Fortree City. It even looks a lot like Fortree City, but it's much smaller, and I can see a rainbow over the Contest Hall from here.

Scott winks at me and then strolls off. Umm, he has...an interesting face, doesn't he?

"LOOK HERE! THIS SIGN SAYS WE'RE IN RAINSHINE VILLAGE, GARY! ISN'T THAT GREAT, UNDERAGE FEMALE CHILD OF GARY?!" Ash screeches way too loudly, making a quick escape from Daddy by hiding behind me. I roll my eyes, like that's going to save you, Ash.

"I have a name, you know," I grumble while Daddy approaches and Ash uses me as a human shield. Normally, it would be enough of a discouragement from perverted behavior to have your daughter present—but this is exactly Ash's mistake: Daddy isn't normal, and that is why I have very nearly witnessed un-seeable things in recent days.

Of course, it's another mistake to think that he can hide behind me, but, I mean, it's not like he's ever going to do something right so it doesn't particularly matter. Ash just has faulty reasoning. And that's that.

Just as Daddy starts to reach around me to grab Ash, and I prepare myself to duck out from between them (my brain would fail if I got caught in a make out session), Ash's new Tropius emerges from its poké ball. Yes, Ash is extremely lucky to have this pokémon as it seems to be about as effective as a bottle of mace in preventing rape.

"Nya-Nyagh!" Tropius exclaims before using razor leaf on Daddy, causing him to flee for the time being.

"I'm going to the Contest Hall, Ash," I say, moving on from the situation and making my way through the small town.

"I'm coming, too!" he yells—he's been a tad jumpy lately. What's up with their relationship? I haven't the slightest clue.

Ash holds onto Tropius tightly as we walk, and the pokémon responds to this action by licking him on the cheek. Poor, faulty reasoning boy seems to think this is cute, but all I see is another rapist staking its territory. Good luck with that one, Ashy boy.

Ash x Gary (Palletshipping)Where stories live. Discover now